FOI requests 2017-2019
Dear Aberdeen City Council,
I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act for the following information:
1. A list of all FOI requests (with the reference number and subject of each request) you received between January 1, 2017 and today
2. The complete responses and information provided by you to each FOI request (and subsequent internal reviews) received from 1/1/2017 to present
Yours faithfully,
E. Ní Scolaidhe
Dear Mr Ni Scolaidhe,
Information enquiry reference FOI-19-0290.
Thank you for your recent request for information, which we received on 21
February 2019
The scheduled date for our response to your request for information is on
or before 21 March 2019.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries in the
Yours sincerely,
[1]ACC_Crest_for Salomeh Kheyri Rad | Access to Information Officer
mac email
Aberdeen City Council | Access to Information Team |
Customer Feedback |Customer
Marischal College | Business Hub 17 | 3^rd Floor | Broad
Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1AQ
Dial: 01224 522166
[2] | Twitter: @AberdeenCC |
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Dear E. Ní Scolaidhe,
Thank you for your information request of 21 February 2019. Aberdeen City
Council (ACC) has completed the necessary search for the information
requested. Our response is now detailed below.
1. A list of all FOI requests (with the reference number and subject of
each request) you received between January 1, 2017 and today
Please see attached:
FOI-19-0290 – Copy of Register 2017
FOI-19-0290 – Copy of Register 2018
FOI-19-0290 – Copy of Register 2019
2. The complete responses and information provided by you to each FOI
request (and subsequent internal reviews) received from 1/1/2017 to
We publish all information provided in response to requests and reviews on
our Disclosure Logs which can be found here:
Each request is categorised into an Area Type (i.e. Financial Information,
Education etc) and, once responded to, a copy of the response is published
on our disclosure log so that members of the public can access them.
Please note, some requests are not yet published on our Disclosure Log.
This is mainly because they have not been responded to yet. It may also be
because our response is currently being challenged by the applicant either
through internal review or appeal. These responses will be published as
soon as we are able to do so. We will certainly aim to publish them within
12 weeks of their conclusion.
We hope this helps with your request.
Yours sincerely,
Grant Webster
Access to Information Officer
As the complete responses and information provided to each FOI request
(and subsequent internal reviews) received from 1/1/2017 to present (where
published) is otherwise accessible on our disclosure log at the link
provided above, it is exempt from disclosure. In order to comply with its
obligations under the terms of Section 16 of the FOISA, ACC hereby gives
notice that we are refusing this part of your request under the terms of
Section 25(1) - Information Otherwise Accessible - of the FOISA.
ACC is unable to provide you with information on the complete responses
and information provided to each FOI request (and subsequent internal
reviews) received from 1/1/2017 to present (where they are yet to be
published) as it is exempt from disclosure. In order to comply with its
obligations under the terms of Section 16 of the FOISA, ACC hereby gives
notice that we are refusing this part of your request under the terms of
Section 27(1) – Information Intended for Future Publication – of the
ACC handled your request for information in accordance with the provisions
of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Please refer to the
attached PDF for more information about your rights under FOISA.
Grant Webster |Access to Information Officer
Aberdeen City Council | Access to Information Team | Customer Feedback
Marischal College |Business Hub 17, 3^rd Floor | Broad Street | Aberdeen
| AB10 1AQ
Dial: 01224 522166
[2] | Twitter: @AberdeenCC |
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail (including any attachment to it) is
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Whilst we take reasonable precautions to ensure that our emails are free
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this email and recommend that you subject any incoming email to your own
virus checking procedures. Unless related to Council business, the
opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender and they do not
necessarily constitute those of Aberdeen City Council. Unless we expressly
say otherwise in this email or its attachments, neither this email nor its
attachments create, form part of or vary any contractual or unilateral
obligation. Aberdeen City Council's incoming and outgoing email is subject
to regular monitoring.
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