FOI Request - Patient access to internet
Dear FOI Officer,
I am writing to make a Freedom of Information Request for details about the cost and provision of internet access (over wifi) to patients within the Trust's hospitals.
More specifically, please provide the following:
1. The name, or names, of the organisation/s currently used to provide wifi access to patients within the Trust's hospitals. Please state whether these organisations are private companies, charities, government bodies, etc. If private companies, please provide the company number. Please specify which organisations operate in which hospitals and or wards.
2. Please provide a copy of the current pricing plan for patients and visitors wishing
to access wireless internet within the Trust's hospitals? If there is more than one
pricing plan, please supply information on all, making a note of which hospitals and wards they
apply to.
3. Please provide the current pricing plan/s in place for each of the following specific wards:
a) Intensive / critical care - adult, paediatric and neonatal
b) Oncology, both adult and paediatric
c) Emergency department, adult and paediatric
d) Specialist trauma centre
4. For the current financial year 2018/19 so far, up to today's date, 30 September 2018:
a) Please provide a breakdown for each hospital showing the total revenue from the provision of wifi internet access for patients. Please also show how much of this revenue was paid to / retained by the organisation providing the internet access, and how much of this revenue was retained by the Trust. If any set payments are paid to, or received from, the organisation to the Trust, by way of a licensing agreement or similar, please also provide details of that contract.
b) The same for the financial year 2017/18
c) The same for the financial year 2016/17
If you require any further information, please do no hesitate to contact me.
If my request is denied, either in whole or in part, I ask that you make specific reference to exemptions under the Act.
Yours faithfully,
Guy Basnett
In the first instance please check the following to locate the information
you require:
Trust website: [1]
Our Annual Reports and Accounts:
Publication Scheme:
Disclosure Log:
If this information cannot be found, please re-submit your request to us
via the disclosure log. If some of the information is found, please revise
your request accordingly.
You can submit a request to us
via [5]
Visible links
In the first instance please check the following to locate the information
you require:
Trust website:
Our Annual Reports and Accounts:
Publication Scheme:
Disclosure Log:
If this information cannot be found, please re-submit your request to us
via the disclosure log. If some of the information is found, please revise
your request accordingly.
You can submit a request to us via
Kind regards,
Information Governance Team
Information Governance Department
Email: [email address]
Ext: 2017 Direct Line: 01226 432017
Email: [1][email address]
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear [email address],
Many thanks for your reply.
I am aware of the s21 exemption under the FOIA, where information is reasonably accessible by other means. If that is the case with this information, I would ask that you let me know. The guidance on this exemption asks that the authority provide direct information about where the information is available, which the links you provide does not. If you do wish to rely on the exemption, please demonstrate where the information is accessible.
Yours sincerely,
Guy Basnett
In the first instance please check the following to locate the information
you require:
Trust website: [1]
Our Annual Reports and Accounts:
Publication Scheme:
Disclosure Log:
If this information cannot be found, please re-submit your request to us
via the disclosure log. If some of the information is found, please revise
your request accordingly.
You can submit a request to us
via [5]
Visible links
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