FOI request: Modern slavery training provision
Dear Chorley Borough Council,
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This request relates to the training offered to staff on modern slavery. Please share the details of training on modern slavery delivered to staff, including:
- The nature of training offered (e.g. e-learning or in-person, shared with housing staff or adult safeguarding etc) and whether themes of cultural intelligence, equality, diversity and inclusion are included as part of this training
- Where held, please share copies of training materials used to support council staff in identifying modern slavery (such as PDFs, guidance, or presentations)
Yours faithfully,
Maya Esslemont
Dear Requester
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please quote the above reference number in all future correspondence.
I can confirm that we have received your request for information, and that
it is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act
2000 or if appropriate the Environmental Information Regulations 2004,
which requires us to respond to your enquiry within 20 working days of its
receipt. You should expect a response by 22 December 2023.
│ │
│ │
│ │
│This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This │
│request relates to the training offered to staff on modern slavery. │
│Please share the details of training on modern slavery delivered to │
│staff, including: │
│ │
│- The nature of training offered (e.g. e-learning or in-person, shared │
│with housing staff or adult safeguarding etc) and whether themes of │
│cultural intelligence, equality, diversity and inclusion are included as│
│part of this training │
│- Where held, please share copies of training materials used to support │
│council staff in identifying modern slavery (such as PDFs, guidance, or │
│presentations) │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Please note that the information provided by Chorley Borough Council is
intended for your personal use. If it is your intention to re-use the
information for commercial gain, you will need to apply to the Council for
a licence to re-use it, under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information
Regulations 2005.
Information on the regulations can be obtained from the Office of Public
Sector Information and accessed directly on their website:
Yours sincerely
FOI Department
Chorley Council
( 01257 515151 | 8 [2]
You can make service requests online at [3], and it’s even
faster if you use '[4]My Account'
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legally privileged. They are intended solely for the intended addressee.
If they have come to you in error you must not use, copy or communicate
them to anyone. Please advise the sender and permanently delete the e-mail
and attachments. Please note that while Chorley Council has policies in
place requiring its staff to use e-mail in an appropriate manner, any
views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender may not
necessarily reflect the views of Chorley Council. Chorley Council may
monitor e-mails sent or received.
Visible links
4. My Account
Dear Requester,
I am writing in response to your request for information under the terms
of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please find below the details of your request and our response in red.
• The nature of training offered (e.g. e-learning or in-person, shared
with housing staff or adult safeguarding etc) and whether themes of
cultural intelligence, equality, diversity and inclusion are included
as part of this training
This training took place via Microsoft Teams and was open for both Chorley
and South Ribble Employees on the below dates:
• 8 November 2021
• 24 November 2021
• 1 December 2021
• 6 December 2021
The training did not include cultural intelligence, equality, diversity
and inclusion. The Main points of the learning were:
• Types of MSHT, how to spot the signs, what support is out there and
how to access it.
• Where held, please share copies of training materials used to support
council staff in identifying modern slavery (such as PDFs, guidance,
or presentations)
Please find training materials/leaflets attached.
Chorley Council hope the information provided here answers your enquiry.
If however, you are unhappy with the outcome, or the way in which Chorley
Council has handled your request, you may wish to make an appeal. This
can be done in writing to the Director of Governance, Chorley Council,
Town Hall, Market Street, Chorley, PR7 1DP or by e-mail to:
[1][Chorley Borough Council request email] clearly stating your reasons for dissatisfaction.
Please quote the above reference number in all correspondence.
If your appeal is not upheld or you remain dissatisfied with our decision,
you can complain to the Information Commissioner by completing their
complaints form which can be found at:
The completed form may be submitted by e-mail to [3][email address] or
by post to Customer Contact, Information Commissioner’s Officer, Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Please note that the information provided by Chorley Borough Council is
intended for your personal use. If it is your intention to re-use the
information for commercial gain, you will need to apply to the Council for
a licence to re-use it, under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information
Regulations 2015.
Yours sincerely
Chorley Council
( 01257 515151 | 8 [4]
You can make service requests online at [5], and it’s even
faster if you use '[6]My Account'
This e-mail and any attached files are confidential and may also be
legally privileged. They are intended solely for the intended addressee.
If they have come to you in error you must not use, copy or communicate
them to anyone. Please advise the sender and permanently delete the e-mail
and attachments. Please note that while Chorley Council has policies in
place requiring its staff to use e-mail in an appropriate manner, any
views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender may not
necessarily reflect the views of Chorley Council. Chorley Council may
monitor e-mails sent or received.
Visible links
1. mailto:[Chorley Borough Council request email]
3. mailto:[email address]
6. My Account
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