FOI request: Hospital-initiated cancellation of appointments
I am requesting information of hospital-initiated cancellation of appointments
1. How many hospital-initiated outpatient appointment cancellations were there in a) 2018, b) 2019, c) 2020, d) 2021 and e) the year to August 8, 2022? Hospital-initiated cancellations is defined as an appointment cancelled by the hospital rather than a patient.
2. How many outpatient appointments faced hospital-initiated cancellations of a) three or more times, b) five or more times and c) ten or more times. Please supply these for the years a) 2018, b) 2019, c) 2020, d) 2021 and e) the year to August 8, 2022.*
3. What is the most an appointment has faced hospital-initiated cancellations in the years a) 2018, b) 2019, c) 2020, d) 2021 and e) the year to August 8, 2022? Please identify the department which cancelled the appointment.*
*For points 2 and 3, I'd like this information to not be limited to repeat cancellations occurring within the same year. For example, if an appointment was cancelled in November 2019, December 2019 and January 2020, this should appear in the stats for 2017 as an appointment cancelled three or more times.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or advise on the request as per Section 16 of the Act.
Many thanks,
Ben Butcher
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your request for information which is now being handled
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Your request is receiving attention and we will provide a response within
20 working days, that is, by 7 September 2022.
Please contact me if you have any queries in the interim, quoting our
reference (FOI 7127) and I will be happy to help.
Kind regards,
Jeanette Randall
Freedom of information officer and communications support
Communications and marketing
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, RH1 5RH
[1][Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust request email]
Please note: I work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and Wednesday is my
non-working day
One Team l Compassion l Dignity and Respect l Safety and Quality
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I am following up on this FOI request on cancelled appointments (7127) with a clarification.
In the initial request there was a typo in the guidance comment (marked with the asterisk *) underneath question 3.
It should read:
“*For points 2 and 3, I'd like this information to not be limited to repeat cancellations occurring within the same year. For example, if an appointment was cancelled in November 2019, December 2019 and January 2020, this should appear in the stats for 2020 as an appointment cancelled three or more times.”
The rest of the FOI request still stands and look forward to your response.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Benjamin Butcher
Dear Benjamin,
Thank you for your email.
I have updated your request as clarified.
Kind regards,
Jeanette Randall
Freedom of information officer and communications support
Communications and marketing
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, RH1 5RH
[1][Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust request email]
Please note: I work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and Wednesday is my
non-working day
One Team l Compassion l Dignity and Respect l Safety and Quality
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Dear Ben,
Please see attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards,
Jeanette Randall
Freedom of information officer and communications support
Communications and marketing
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, RH1 5RH
[1][Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust request email]
Please note: I work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and Wednesday is my
non-working day
One Team l Compassion l Dignity and Respect l Safety and Quality
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