FOI Request 25/07/2022 Housing

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Wychavon District Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Alessandra Berti

Dear Wychavon District Council,

I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Q. 1. i.) Please state the local authority’s expenditure (including use of Government grants) on clearing the arrears of tenants in the following financial years.

a.   2017/2018
b.   2018/2019
c.   2019/2020
d.   2020/2021
e.   2021/2022

ii.) For each of the above years, please provide a breakdown of expenditure on clearing the arrears of council housing tenants, housing association tenants and private rental sector tenants.

Q. 2.   i.) Please state the local authority’s expenditure (including use of Government grants) on discretionary housing payments to assist ongoing renting costs of tenants in the following years.

a.   2017/2018
b.   2018/2019
c.   2019/2020
d.   2020/2021
e.   2021/2022
ii.) For each of the above years, please provide a breakdown of expenditure on assisting the ongoing renting costs of council housing tenants, housing association tenants and private rental sector tenants.

Yours faithfully,
Alessandra Berti

Freedom Of Information - WDC, Wychavon District Council

Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) request.


We will endeavour to respond within the 20 working days statutory time
limit however; during the current unprecedented situation it may not
always be possible. 

Please bear with us at this time and avoid chasing a response unless the
matter is urgent or the 20 working days timescale has passed. 

Wychavon District Council
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