FOI Request 25/07/2022 Housing

The request was partially successful.

Alessandra Berti

Dear Stratford on Avon District Council,

I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Q. 1. i.) Please state the local authority’s expenditure (including use of Government grants) on clearing the arrears of tenants in the following financial years.

a.   2017/2018
b.   2018/2019
c.   2019/2020
d.   2020/2021
e.   2021/2022

ii.) For each of the above years, please provide a breakdown of expenditure on clearing the arrears of council housing tenants, housing association tenants and private rental sector tenants.

Q. 2.   i.) Please state the local authority’s expenditure (including use of Government grants) on discretionary housing payments to assist ongoing renting costs of tenants in the following years.

a.   2017/2018
b.   2018/2019
c.   2019/2020
d.   2020/2021
e.   2021/2022
ii.) For each of the above years, please provide a breakdown of expenditure on assisting the ongoing renting costs of council housing tenants, housing association tenants and private rental sector tenants.

Yours faithfully,
Alessandra Berti

Stratford on Avon District Council

Processing Freedom of Information Request
Freedom of Information #22845
Dear Alessandra Berti,

We have started processing your Freedom of Information request. A response
may take up to 20 working days. If you have not received a response after
20/08/2022 , please contact the council ([email address]).

Your Freedom of Information reference number is #22845.


Freedom of Information Officer
Stratford-on-Avon District Council

Stratford on Avon District Council

Freedom of Information Response
Dear Alessandra Berti

Further to your request, please see our response below:

Q. 1. i.) Please state the local authority’s expenditure (including use of
Government grants) on clearing the arrears of tenants in the following
financial years.

a. 2017/2018 - £97,992

b. 2018/2019 - £172,954

c. 2019/2020 - £144,400

d. 2020/2021 - £109,474

e. 2021/2022 - £104,124

ii.) For each of the above years, please provide a breakdown of
expenditure on clearing the arrears of council housing tenants, housing
association tenants and private rental sector tenants.

Council - none

Housing association tenants

a. 2017/2018 - £72,318

b. 2018/2019 - £151,556

c. 2019/2020 - £118,153

d. 2020/2021 - £92,423

e. 2021/2022 - £101,879

private rental sector tenants

a. 2017/2018 - £25,674

b. 2018/2019 - £21,397

c. 2019/2020 - £26,246

d. 2020/2021 - £17,051

e. 2021/2022 - £2245

Year Ben Cap Social LHA Combination Other (non-welfare reform) Totals

2021-22 2,268 70,472 44,262 0 2,078 119,079
2020-21 2,025 88,685 69,213 0 2,036 161,960
2019-20 5,570 84,892 78,486 0 4,431 173,378

apologies but I can only go back to 2019/20

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. An internal review request should be
submitted in writing within 40 working days of receiving the original
reply and should be addressed to:

Phil Grafton, Monitoring Officer,
Stratford-on-Avon District Council,
Elizabeth House,
Church Street,
CV37 6HX.

You may make a request for an Internal Review in direct reply to this
message, addressing your eMail for the attention of Phil Grafton,
Monitoring Officer.

If you are dissatisfied with The Council's response to an internal review
you have requested, you have the right to make a complaint to the
Information Commissioner's Office. You can contact the ICO using the
information below;

Tel: 0303 123 1113
Live chat:


Freedom of Information Officer
Stratford-on-Avon District Council