This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'FOI related emails'.

Subject: 113 IR
has approved this one although said “ .  It’s seems quite confusing but I think that’s more
the sheer volume you’re dealing with in one letter rather than anything else.  The requestor will
probably understand it more as he instigated it!”
If you think it is confusing let me know and we can reword it.
  In-house Lawyer
TVCA, Teesside Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, St George Way,
Darlington DL2 1NJ

23 February 2023 11:10
RE: Internal review Briggs
102 Brigss IR.docx
Minor grammar tweaks/changed the reference number to match the original request 
Consolidation meetings are not something that I’m familiar with unfortunately, 
but reading what you’ve 
written it made sense.
Sorry to not be of more help! 
Sent: 23 February 2023 10:58 
Subject: Internal review Briggs
Can you please have a look at this for me? There’s a couple of bits I need some 
input with if you don’t 
mind. Also is the process in relation to consolidation meeting correct? Any 
comments welcome
  In-house Lawyer
TVCA, Teesside Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, St George
Darlington DL2 1NJ

28 February 2023 13:55
RE: Internal review Briggs
102 Brigss IR  
Please see attached.  I have made some slight amends and some suggestions which 
I hope will be 
helpful.  It’s seems quite confusing but I think that’s more the sheer volume 
you’re dealing with in one 
letter rather than anything else.  The requestor will probably understand it 
more as he instigated it!
Sent: 23 February 2023 17:57 
Subject: Internal review Briggs
Please can you check the attached IR? I will check previous FOI’s if we have 
used surnames or not etc 
once approved and before it goes to the FOI group. 
  In-house Lawyer 
TVCA, Teesside Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, St George
Darlington DL2 1NJ

F om
W   OI 113 2022  egal panel sco ng and TVCA-000218
23 Janua y 2023 14 16 00
I sent this  response today. Spreadsheet has been updated and copy sa ed in the rele ant folder.
-----Original Message-----
From  TVCA Go ernance <TVCAGo ernance@tees alley-ca.go .uk>
Sent  23 January 2023 1 13
Subject  RE  FOI 113/2022 Legal panel scoring and TVCA-000218
Dear Johan Briggs
Freedom of Informa ion Act 2000 - Ref  113/2022
Thank you for your correspondence recei ed on 21/12 2022. In response to your request  we can now pro ide the following information.  
You asked
On Section  0 of  he FOIA  the ICO guidance ad ises
“The more senior an employee is and the more responsibility they ha e for decision making and expenditure of public money  the greater their expectation should be that you disclose their names.”
Taking the words of the ICO guidance into account and that Tees Va ley Combined Authority had pre iously decided the contract m ght be worth £70m
1  Pro ide  he names of the  hree people in ol ed in the Tees Valley Legal Panel scor ng “consensus meet ngs” on 2 th  25th and 27th August 2021.
2. Pro ide each unredacted conflict of interest declaration for TVCA-000218.
Our response
The information requested has already been redacted from the response to FOI 32/2022 which was sent on 12/07/2022. As th s request  s outside of  he  0 work ng day limit for an internal re iew request  it sha l be dealt with as a separa e FOI.
The names of  he people in ol ed in the Tees Valley Legal Panel meetings are protected under Section  0(2) of the Freedom of Informat on Act 2000  this is an absolute exemption and as such does not require a public in erest  est. Howe er  we reassure you that no person w th a conflict of in erest  s permitted to participa e in any tender e aluation exercise and a conflict check
is undertaken by the Procurement Team before  hey are gi en access to any e aluat on material.
The conflict of interest declarat ons for TVCA-000218 ha e been pro ided  o you in response to 32/2022  with redactions made in accordance wi h Sect on  3 of the FOIA. Section  3 (2) pro ides an exemption which can only be used where TVCA is sa isfied  hat the public interest in w thholding the information outweighs the publ c interest in disclosing  t.
It is accepted that the s art ng point is in fa our of d sclosure. Those argumen s in fa our of disclosure are
•       Transparency  accountability and confidence in elected publ c officials. There is a clear publ c in erest that the act ons taken by those in public office can be scrut nised and their actions known to the public.
•       Transparency  n relation to commercial transactions in ol ing or supported by the public sector or public off cials  –  here is a clear publ c in erest in ensuring  hat commerc al transac ions are undertaken on a compe iti e commercial basis. Disclosure of the requested information would help assure  he public that the process has been comple ed properly.
•       Promot ng understanding of TVCA’s dec sions – disclosure may promote understanding of the process and decis on reached by TVCA.
•        Generating confidence in integrity – disclosure may promote public confidence  n  he integri y of the procedures followed.
Those arguments against disclosure are
•       Trust and confidence that commerc al bod es can in ol e the public sector without undermining commercial arrangements and contractual commi ments.
•       The likelihood and magnitude of harm to the commercial interes s of  he third party.
•       The consequen ial impact on  he commercial interests of TVCA in i s ongoing relationship with those third parties.
•       The public in erest in main aining trust and preser ing  he free flow of informat on wh ch is required for the performance of publ c func ions.
In balanc ng the arguments for and aga nst disclosure  I am satisfied that  he public interest lies in maintaining the exemption.
If you ha e any queries or concerns please contact TVCAGo ernance@ ees alley-ca.go .uk in the first ins ance. 
Howe er  if you are unhappy with the way your request for informa ion has been handled  you may request an inte nal re ew w thin  0 working days by wri ing to  
Group Chief Execu i e  Tees Valley Combined Author ty  Teesside Airport Business Sui e  Teesside In erna ional Airport  Darlington. DL2 1NJ.
If  af er your complaint has been de ermined  you rema n dissatisfied w th the handling of your request or complaint  you ha e a right to appeal to the Informa ion Commissioner at
The Informa ion Commissioner's Office (ICO)  Wycliffe House  Water Lane  Wilmslow  Cheshire  SK9 5AF.  Telephone  0303 123 1113   Website  ht ps // uk The ICO does not make a charge for an appeal. 
Yours sincerely
-----Original Message-----
From  TVCA Go ernance <TVCAGo ernance@tees alley-ca.go .uk>
Sent  21 December 2022 17 07
Subject  FOI 113/2022 Legal panel scoring and TVCA-000218
Dear Johan Briggs
Freedom of Informa ion Act 2000 - Ref  113/2022
Thank you for your correspondence recei ed on 21/12 2022.
Your request is being considered under  he Freedom of Informat on Act 2000. If this request is for information  hat the Combined Au hority holds  you will recei e  he information requested by 23/01/2023 which is within the s atutory timescale of 20 working days. 
Howe er  please note the Act defines a number of exemptions  hat may pre ent release of the requested informa ion. There will  herefore be an assessment of your request to determine  f any exemptions apply  o  he information requested. If the informa ion cannot be released  or only released  n part  you wi l be informed of the reasons why   oge her with any righ s of appeal. 
 If the  nformat on requested refers  o a  hird par y  they may be consulted before deciding whether  t can be released.
Yours sincerely
Go ernance Team
-----Original Message-----
From  Johan Brigg
Sent  21 December 2022 02 25
To  TVCA Admin <TVCAAdmin@tees alley-ca.go .uk>
Subject  Freedom of Information request - Tees Valley Combined Au hority legal panel scor ng questions
On Section  0 of  he FOIA  the ICO guidance ad ises
“The more senior an employee is and the more responsibility they ha e for decision making and expenditure of public money  the greater their expectation should be that you disclose their names.”
Taking the words of the ICO guidance into account and that Tees Va ley Combined Authority had pre iously decided the contract m ght be worth £70m
1  Pro ide  he names of the  hree people in ol ed in the Tees Valley Legal Panel scor ng “consensus meet ngs” on 2 th  25th and 27th August 2021.
2. Pro ide each unredacted conflict of interest declaration for TVCA-000218.
------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------
Please use  his ema l address for all replies to this request
@whatdotheyknow com
Is TVCAAdm n@tees alley-ca.go .uk the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Tees Valley Combined Authority? If so  please contact us using this form
https // ection tps%3A%2F%2Fwww.whatdo alley_combined_authority&data=05%7C01%7CTVCAGo ernance% 0tees alley-
ca.go uk%7C0cc 72b6106 2 16cdf08dae367eed9%7C 1561ac9cd6c 318b02eb1f 937e28e2%7C0%7C0%7C638072332767730181%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWI oiMC wL AwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBT I6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=cG1a2lPgpFSH0SUmwc1r uelVNQcxpbQYl 7oBql5oM%3D&reser ed=0
Disclaimer  This message and any reply  hat you make will be published on  he internet. Our pri acy and copyright policies
https // ection tps%3A%2F%2Fwww.whatdo cers&data=05%7C01%7CTVCAGo ernance% 0tees alley-
ca.go uk%7C0cc 72b6106 2 16cdf08dae367eed9%7C 1561ac9cd6c 318b02eb1f 937e28e2%7C0%7C0%7C638072332767730181%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWI oiMC wL AwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBT I6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=OWxIO3%2FcnJZ%2BSQbOzO3H88erz9OfUKs0CcLmFupuow8%3D&reser ed=0
For more detailed guidance on safely d sclosing information  read the latest ad ice from the ICO
https // ection tps%3A%2F%2Fwww.whatdo dance-for-authorities&data=05%7C01%7CTVCAGo ernance% 0tees alley-
ca.go uk%7C0cc 72b6106 2 16cdf08dae367eed9%7C 1561ac9cd6c 318b02eb1f 937e28e2%7C0%7C0%7C638072332767730181%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWI oiMC wL AwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBT I6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata= Dukd Bsi3k ngnyb9Y0Fe%2BaopnKFRl5dFQ1b5I %2Fb %3D&reser ed=0
https // ection tps%3A%2F%2Fwww.whatdo a=05%7C01%7CTVCAGo ernance% 0 ees alley-
ca.go uk%7C0cc 72b6106 2 16cdf08dae367eed9%7C 1561ac9cd6c 318b02eb1f 937e28e2%7C0%7C0%7C638072332767730181%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWI oiMC wL AwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBT I6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=mOL OZ ZhSZiYr f3h%2BZc%2FlTPCYfddMwSJdG876wMus%3D&reser ed=0
Please note that in some cases publication of reques s and responses w ll be delayed.
If you f nd this ser ice useful as an FOI off cer  please ask your web manager to l nk to us from your organ sation's FOI page.
------------- ------------------------------------------- ---------

23 January 2023 13:36
TVCA Governance
FW: FOI 113/22- urgent due today 
113-2022 Draft Response Due 23-01-23.docx
Hi All 
If any one is available would you please send out this FOI – it is 113/22 on the
spreadsheet- Mr Briggs. 
It has been approved.
Sent: 23 January 2023 13:31 
Subject: RE: FOI 113/22- urgent due today 
We approved this response with 
 last week, no further comments from TVMO 
on the 
response, happy for it to go.
Many Thanks,
 Policy Advisor to the Tees Valley Mayor.
Office of the Tees Valley Mayor, Tees Valley Combined Authority, Teesside 
Airport, Darlington. DL2 1LU.
Sent: 23 January 2023 13:24 
Subject: FOI 113/22- urgent due today 
Hi All 
I am picking this one up in 
absence. I think this one is currently 
sitting with you all awaiting 
approval. There doesn’t look like there is anything contentious in it. It is 
however due today. I would be 
very grateful if you would please review asap and let me have any comments.

  In-house Lawyer 
TVCA, Teesside Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, St George
Darlington DL2 1NJ

RE: FOI 113/2022 Legal panel scoring and TVCA-000218
17 January 2023 13:57:39
Yes it was I think.
Group Procurement & Purchasing Manager
Sent: 17 January 2023 13:43
Subject: RE: FOI 113/2022 Legal panel scoring and TVCA-000218
Thank you for looking, od you know if the previous request was referenced FOI 032/2022 or
32/2022? If so then I have enough information from the response to that request to answer
Apologies for CCing 
 117/2022, I misunderstood your previous ask to not CC anyone
else in the first instance.
Sent: 17 January 2023 13:32

Subject: RE: FOI 113/2022 Legal panel scoring and TVCA-000218
Is there anyway you can look at previous requests regarding the legal panel and see if you can
see the COI documents requested below?  They are not in the procurement folder 
set up
 left.  We may be able to get a copy from 
 has also left. 
I have requested access to
 emails but may not get them in time.
I know she has provided these COI documents previously if that helps?  I can see evaluator
comments from:
Group Procurement & Purchasing Manager
Sent: 11 January 2023 13:21
Subject: FW: FOI 113/2022 Legal panel scoring and TVCA-000218
Good afternoon 
Please see below another FOI concerning the legal panel, 
advised that you will be best
placed to help with this one.

Please can you provide responses to the two questions highlighted below by 17/01/2023?
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Briggs>
Sent: 21 December 2022 02:25
To: TVCA Admin < >
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Tees Valley Combined Authority legal panel scoring
On Section 40 of the FOIA, the ICO guidance advises:
“The more senior an employee is and the more responsibility they have for decision making and
expenditure of public money, the greater their expectation should be that you disclose their
Taking the words of the ICO guidance into account and that Tees Valley Combined Authority had
previously decided the contract might be worth £70m:
1, Provide the names of the three people involved in the Tees Valley Legal Panel scoring
“consensus meetings” on 24th, 25th and 27th August 2021.
2. Provide each unredacted conflict of interest declaration for TVCA-000218.
Any opinions or statements expressed in this e-mail are those of the individual and not 
necessarily those of Tees Valley Combined Authority.
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the
intended recipient. If you receive this in error, please do not disclose any information to
anyone and notify the sender at the above address.
Tees Valley Combined Authority`s computer systems and communications may be 
monitored to ensure effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. 

RE: FOI 113/2022 Legal panel scoring and TVCA-000218
11 January 2023 14:34:50
Ok thanks, leave this with me.
Group Procurement & Purchasing Manager
Sent: 11 January 2023 14:29
Subject: RE: FOI 113/2022 Legal panel scoring and TVCA-000218
We are obligated to provide each request individually. Apologies that the requests are repetitive,
but I can’t find an appropriate answer to these questions in previous responses. If you’ve already
provided this information please can you forward it to me? The only other legal panel FOIs I can
find that may be relevant are 107/2022 which is not yet answered.
Thank you,
Sent: 11 January 2023 14:06

Subject: RE: FOI 113/2022 Legal panel scoring and TVCA-000218
We have already provided this information to ‘whatdotheyknow’, do we have to keep giving
them the same info?
We also previously advised that the contract is not worth £70million but that the overall value
would not be above £7 million.
Also I copied
 into the last FOI as she works on the social value information.  You can send any
further FOI requests to me directly.
Group Procurement & Purchasing Manager
Sent: 11 January 2023 13:21
Subject: FW: FOI 113/2022 Legal panel scoring and TVCA-000218
Good afternoon 
Please see below another FOI concerning the legal panel, 
advised that you will be best
placed to help with this one.
Please can you provide responses to the two questions highlighted below by 17/01/2023?
Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Briggs>
Sent: 21 December 2022 02:25
To: TVCA Admin < >
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Tees Valley Combined Authority legal panel scoring
On Section 40 of the FOIA, the ICO guidance advises:
“The more senior an employee is and the more responsibility they have for decision making and
expenditure of public money, the greater their expectation should be that you disclose their
Taking the words of the ICO guidance into account and that Tees Valley Combined Authority had
previously decided the contract might be worth £70m:
1, Provide the names of the three people involved in the Tees Valley Legal Panel scoring
“consensus meetings” on 24th, 25th and 27th August 2021.
2. Provide each unredacted conflict of interest declaration for TVCA-000218.
Any opinions or statements expressed in this e-mail are those of the individual and not 
necessarily those of Tees Valley Combined Authority.
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the
intended recipient. If you receive this in error, please do not disclose any information to
anyone and notify the sender at the above address.
Tees Valley Combined Authority`s computer systems and communications may be 
monitored to ensure effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. 
Although we have endeavoured to ensure that this e-mail and any attachments are
free from any virus we would advise you to take any necessary steps to ensure that
they are actually virus free.

TVCA Governance; 
RE: Freedom of Information request - Services provided by Tees Valley Combined Authority
06 June 2022 14:14:43
Charges are based on a full cost recovery basis.
 Group Chief Legal Officer (Monitoring Officer)
-----Original Message-----
From: TVCA Governance <>
Sent: 06 June 2022 14:08
Subject: FW: Freedom of Information request - Services provided by Tees Valley Combined Authority
Hello - please see below query received in response to our FOI response to him sent on 30-05-2022.
 Governance and Business Support Officer Tees Valley Combined Authority
-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Briggs>
Sent: 30 May 2022 08:20
To: TVCA Governance <>
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - Services provided by Tees Valley Combined Authority
Thank you.
So TVCA solicitor charge out rate is around £36 per hour? That seems very low compared to the normal rate.
Can you explain how the figure was arrived at and why it is below the open market level?
-----Original Message-----
Dear Mr Briggs,
 Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Ref:  22/2022

 Thank you for your correspondence received on 1^st April. In response to
 your request I can now provide the following information.   
 You asked:-
 1. What services does Tees Valley Combined Authority provide without
 charge to Teesside International Airport Limited?
 Our response:-
 None:  There is an arrangement in place for Group Support Services to be
 provided to the Airport on a full cost recovery basis
 You asked:-
 2. What is the total number of hours legal and finance staff have devoted
 to Teesside International Airport Limited in each of the last 3 years.
 Our response:-
 There have been 289 hours of group legal staff engaged on airport business
 in each of the last 3 years.  Any external fees and charges are recovered
 at cost.
 Teesside International Airport have their own finance team.  Ad hoc
 support is provided by TVCA Group finance if required. This totalled 192
 hours pa.
 You asked:-

 3. What is the total payment made by Teesside International Airport
 Limited for the services provided by Tees Valley Combined Authority?
 (a) in respect of the services identified at question 2.
 (b) in respect of all other services.
 Our response:-
  a. Legal recharge - £10,543pa.  Ad hoc finance support recharge £5,527pa.
  b. Total charges for all services- £140,000pa
 You asked:-
 4. Which other organisations does Tees Valley Combined Authority provide
 the services listed at 2 to?
 Our response:-
 South Tees Development Corporation
 South Tees Site Company Limited
 South Tees Developments Limited
 South Tees Site Company (STSC) Employee Trust Limited
 Goosepool 2019 Limited
  If you have any queries or concerns please contact me in the first
 However, if you are unhappy with the way your request for information has
 been handled, you may request an internal review by writing to:  

 Group Chief Executive, Tees Valley Combined Authority, Teesside Airport
 Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, Darlington. DL2 1NJ. 
 If, after your complaint has been determined, you remain dissatisfied with
 the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to
 the Information Commissioner at: 
 The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
 Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.  Telephone: 0303 123 1113:  Website:
 The ICO does not make a charge for an appeal.  
 Yours sincerely, 
 Sally Henry | Governance Officer
 Tees Valley Combined Authority

TVCA Governance
FW: Freedom of Information request - Tees Valley Legal Services Framework “consolidation of scores”
17 May 2022 15:06:26
-----Original Message-----
From: TVCA Admin <>
Sent: 17 May 2022 11:33
To: TVCA Governance <>
Subject: FW: Freedom of Information request - Tees Valley Legal Services Framework “consolidation of
-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Briggs>
Sent: 17 May 2022 10:34
To: TVCA Admin <>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Tees Valley Legal Services Framework “consolidation of scores”
Dear Tees Valley Combined Authority,
I’m grateful for your FOI response dated 13 May 2022, which includes emails giving insight into the mindset of
the staff involved in the procurement process.
The email addresses of the individuals involved in the scoring process have rightly been hidden, but there
names should not be. 
After all, what underpins these questions is how public money has been handled.  Obviously it is important that
declarations of interest can then be checked against the participants in this meeting. That can’t be done if their
identities are hidden.
1. Please provide a list of the names of the people who attended the consolidation meeting.
2. Please explain why the Airport (which the combined authority has claimed is outside the scope of the public
sector) formed part of the scoring group.
3. Please provide the date and time of the consolidation meeting.

4. Was the consolidation meeting recorded, if so please provide a link to the recording.
5. please provide the declaration of interest for each member of the scoring group and those at the consolidation
6. Please provide a list of the staff who excused themselves from the process on the basis of having a conflict of
7. Please provide messages sent between members of the scoring group, in the period running from 2 hours
before and 2 hours after the meeting. This should include any teams messages sent between the scoring group
during the consolidation meeting.
Yours faithfully,
Johan Briggs
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
Is the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Tees Valley 
Combined Authority? If so, please contact us using this form: request/new?body=tees valley combined authority
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and 
copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.

TVCA Governance
FW: Freedom of Information request - Tees Valley Legal Services Framework “consolidation of scores”
17 May 2022 13:44:36
Could you acknowledge and log this as a new FOI for me please 
-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Briggs>
Sent: 17 May 2022 10:34
To: TVCA Admin <>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Tees Valley Legal Services Framework “consolidation of scores”
Dear Tees Valley Combined Authority,
I’m grateful for your FOI response dated 13 May 2022, which includes emails giving insight into the mindset of
the staff involved in the procurement process.
The email addresses of the individuals involved in the scoring process have rightly been hidden, but there
names should not be. 
After all, what underpins these questions is how public money has been handled.  Obviously it is important that
declarations of interest can then be checked against the participants in this meeting. That can’t be done if their
identities are hidden.
1. Please provide a list of the names of the people who attended the consolidation meeting.
2. Please explain why the Airport (which the combined authority has claimed is outside the scope of the public
sector) formed part of the scoring group.
3. Please provide the date and time of the consolidation meeting.
4. Was the consolidation meeting recorded, if so please provide a link to the recording.
5. please provide the declaration of interest for each member of the scoring group and those at the consolidation

6. Please provide a list of the staff who excused themselves from the process on the basis of having a conflict of
7. Please provide messages sent between members of the scoring group, in the period running from 2 hours
before and 2 hours after the meeting. This should include any teams messages sent between the scoring group
during the consolidation meeting.
Yours faithfully,
Johan Briggs
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
Is the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Tees Valley
Combined Authority? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and
copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your
organisation's FOI page.

Are you able to review this FOI and let me have any information we hold which would answer
their questions.
Many thanks
From: TVCA Governance < > 
Sent: 10 December 2021 16:31
Subject: Acknowledgement of FOI request Ref: 99/2021
Dear Johan
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Ref:  99/2021
Thank you for your correspondence received on the 10th December 2021
Your request is being considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If this
request is for information that the Combined Authority holds, you will receive the
information requested by 12th January 2022 which is within the statutory timescale of 20
working days.  
However, please note the Act defines a number of exemptions that may prevent release
of the requested information. There will therefore be an assessment of your request to
determine if any exemptions apply to the information requested. If the information
cannot be released, or only released in part, you will be informed of the reasons why,
together with any rights of appeal.  
If the information requested refers to a third party, they may be consulted before
deciding whether it can be released.  
Yours sincerely 
Ruth Callaghan | Acting Governance and Business Support Manager
 work mob |
Tees Valley Combined Authority

-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Briggs
Sent: 10 December 2021 10:20
To: TVCA Admin
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Tees Valley Combined Authority Legal Services
Dear Tees Valley Combined Authority,
In respect of the procurement process advertised on 30 May 2021 (https://www.government- please could you send:
1. the tender specification shared with potential bidders for the panel; Attached for information
2. the names of the law firms selected to be on the panel and the date the decision was made; This
information can be found at the following link Legal Services Framework - Contracts Finder
3. the names of all firms that bid for the panel; Im not sure we need to provide this, only the winning
bidders, we used to use exemption 43 (2) in that is it in the public interest to let someone know of a
failure to win a tender could it damage their commercial interests, but will take your advice
4. the scores for all bidders (these can be anonymised if necessary);Attached
5. copies of any emails which were sent by the individuals involved in scoring the bids which
mentioned the tender process dated between 5 March 2021 and 5 June 2021.
6. gifts and hospitality declarations from each person involved in the scoring of bids;
7. the exact value of the donation / investment made by the Endeavour Partnership in March 2021 to
the Combined Authority owned airport (as reported at
endeavour-partnership-backs-teesside-international-airport-revamp-with-five-figure-investment/), as
well as any extra information which can be provided about this payment; and
8. emails sent by staff at the Combined Authority to the Mayor Ben Houchen about the Endeavour
Partnership donation / investment to the airport.
Yours faithfully,
Johan Briggs
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
Is  the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Tees
Valley Combined Authority? If so, please contact us using this form: request/new?body=tees valley combined authority
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy
and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:

TVCA Governance 
FW: Acknowledgement of FOI request 100/2021 
22 December 2021 07:04:32 
As per Teams message: 
 Governance Support Officer 
Tees Valley Combined Authority 

TVCA Governance 
FW: Acknowledgement of FOI request Ref: 99/2021 
16 December 2021 13:07:33 
Are you able to review this FOI and let me have any information we hold which would answer 
their questions. 
Many thanks 

FW: Freedom of Information request - Teesside International Airport Limited 
12 December 2021 09:04:43 
  Please see below for your attention. 
 | Senior Business Administrator 
Tees Valley Combined Authority