FOI regarding the military training of Ukrainians in Britain in preparation for front line combat in Ukraine

The request was successful.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Under the 2000 Freedom of information act I would like to request information in regard to the training of Ukrainian individuals in military bases in the UK, a programme recently announced by the government. This request replaces the request I submitted on 11th July 2022.

This FOI is in regard to information provided by the government website linked to here It claims on the website that the training programme is for Ukrainian volunteers and will last for several weeks.

Please can you provide the following information:

1. Please identify the documentation or procedure that exists to demonstrate if the Ukrainian individuals arriving for training in the UK entered the Ukrainian military on a voluntary basis and not through conscription?

2. Please identify the documentation or procedure that exists to demonstrate that the Ukrainian individuals arriving for training in the UK are doing so on a voluntary basis.

3. Please identify any policy or documentation that would prevent Ukrainian individuals arriving for military training in the UK from applying for asylum?

4. Please identify if the movements of the Ukrainian individuals will be restricted to the military basis designated for training or whether they will have the right or ability of any free movement?

5. What procedures, if any, will be carried out by the British authorities to identify where Ukrainian individuals are sent following their training in the UK and what happens to these individuals once they are sent back to Ukraine?

6. What is the standard length of time a British soldier would train before being deployed to the front lines in a war zone?

7. Is there any policy or document showing that only Ukrainian men will be trained in the UK or does the training include Ukrainian women?

Many thanks for your help in this request.

Yours faithfully,

Nina Cross

Dear Ministry of Defence,

You have not replied to my FOI request regarding the military training of Ukrainians in Britain in preparation for front line combat in Ukraine promptly, as normally required by law.

My FOI was sent on July 12th 2022 and can be found here

Please can you respond to my request. If I do not hear from you within the next 7 days I will contact the Information Commissioner for advice.

Yours faithfully,

Nina Cross

UKStratCom-PJHQ-J9-FOI-Mbx (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

Dear Ms Cross,

Thank you for your email regarding your Freedom of Information request, which has been logged under reference FOI 2022/08365. Please accept our apologies for the delayed response and any inconvenience this may have caused.

To enable the department to process your request fully, we need to seek clarification on Question 6 of your request:

6. What is the standard length of time a British soldier would train before being deployed to the front lines in a war zone?

Could you please clarify what is meant by 'standard length of time to train a soldier before being deployed' i.e. time from when personnel are recruited to being deployed, or standard length of time for pre-deployment training?

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,
PJHQ J9 Secretariat

show quoted sections


Thank you for your reply to my FOI, logged as FOI 2022/08365, in which you ask for clarification for question 6.

Please delete question 6 so that it does not require an answer from you. Therefore, please provide information regarding the remaining 6 questions (1-5 and 7).

Thank you for your help. I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Nina Cross

UKStratCom-PJHQ-J9-FOI-Mbx (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Cross,


On behalf of the department, please find the attached letter in response
to your Freedom of Information request dated 12^th July 2022.


Please accept our apologies for the delay in this response, and any
inconvenience this may have caused.


Yours sincerely,

PJHQ J9 Secretariat