FOI on recruitment agency spend across IT services

The request was partially successful.

Dear University of Manchester,

I would like to request information regarding recruitment agency spend across IT services at the University.

Can you please confirm the following:

1. Total agency spend for end of financial year 2016 across IT services
2. The names of the recruitment agencies used
3. Total spend on agency contract/temporary staff within IT services
4. Total spend on permanent fees within IT services

Kind regards,
Mark Jones

Lisa Crawley, University of Manchester

Dear Mr Jones


Thank you for your email requesting data relating to recruitment spend
across IT services at The University of Manchester.


I will today forward details of your request to the relevant department
within the University and will contact you again once I have received a

With best regards


Lisa Crawley


Dr Lisa Crawley l  Records Officer  l Room 1.028, John Owens Building 
l Compliance & Risk Management Office l  The University of Manchester  l 
Oxford Road  l  Manchester  l  M13 9PL  l  Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400  


Lisa Crawley, University of Manchester

Dear Mr Jones


Please would you provide the following clarification.


For point 1 – when do you require data for i.e., do you mean the end of
the financial year 2016 - so April 2015 to Mar 2016 or August 2015 to July
2016?  Also, what type of agencies are you referring to – is it just for

For point 3 – is this not the same as question 1 – if not, please would
you provide further clarification.

For point 4 – What do you mean by permanent fees?


I look forward to hearing back from you shortly.


With best regards


Lisa Crawley


Dr Lisa Crawley l  Records Officer  l Room 1.028, John Owens Building 
l Compliance & Risk Management Office l  The University of Manchester  l 
Oxford Road  l  Manchester  l  M13 9PL  l  Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400  


Dear Lisa Crawley,

For point 1 I would like agency spend from August 2015 - July 2016. This is for total spend on recruitment agency services, both contract staff and fees paid for placements of permanent staff.

For point 3 I would like to know the total spent on contract staff by IT Services from August 2015 - July 2016.

For point 4 I mean fees paid to recruitment agencies for successful placements of permanent staff.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Jones

Lisa Crawley, University of Manchester

I will be away from the University until 30 May 2017.   In the meantime
please direct your enquiry to [email address].


With best regards


Lisa Crawley


Records Officer

The University of Manchester

Lisa Crawley, University of Manchester

Dear Mr Jones


Thank you for your email requesting data relating to recruitment agency
spend across IT. This data is being refused as the University believes
this information is exempt under section 43 – the exemption which relates
to commercial interests. Please see the formal refusal notice below:


Refusal Notice


This Refusal Notice has been issued under Section 17 of the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) in respect of your request for information under
Section 1 (1) of the FOIA.  The University of Manchester confirms that the
information requested is held but we are refusing to provide it in
response to your request for the reasons set out below. 


Details of your request:


Can you please confirm the following:


1.            Total agency spend for end of financial year 2016 across IT

2.            The names of the recruitment agencies used

3.            Total spend on agency contract/temporary staff within IT

4.            Total spend on permanent fees within IT services


Section 43 (2) of the FOIA – Commercial Interests


Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would,
or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of any person
(including the public authority holding it).


We are applying Section 43 (2) as a prejudice-based exemption.  We may
rely on this exemption if the disclosure would prejudice someone’s
commercial interest (including the University’s own).  Commercial interest
may be prejudiced where a disclosure would be likely to:


o Damage its business reputation or the confidence that customers,
suppliers or investors may have in it
o Have a detrimental impact on its commercial revenue or threaten its
ability to obtain supplies or secure finance
o Weaken its position in a competitive environment by revealing market
sensitive information or information of potential usefulness to its


The requested data is subject to contract and is therefore commercially


Public Interest Test


As Section 43(2) is a qualified exemption we are required to carry out a
public interest test to determine if the commercial interest is over
ridden by the public interest from a release of the information concerned.


The University of Manchester has carefully considered the balance of
public interest in this instance and has concluded that the balance lies
in withholding the information.


Whilst it is clearly in the public interest that public funds received and
spent by a public authority are dealt with in as transparent a manner as
possible, we feel that the public interest in the confidentiality of the
requested information in a competitive market place carries more weight.


The University of Manchester Freedom of Information Act appeals procedure 


If you feel that The University of Manchester has refused access to
information to which you are entitled, or has not dealt with your request
appropriately under the FOIA, you have a right of appeal. 


An appeal in the first instance should be directed to the Records
Management Office, contact details below. You should include: 


o a covering letter giving details of your complaint
o details of your initial request
o any other relevant information


The University will deal with your appeal within a reasonable time, and
will inform you of the projected time scale on receipt of your complaint.

You are also welcome to contact the Records Management Office with
informal questions about the handling of your request. 


After The University’s internal appeals procedure has been exhausted, you
have a further right of appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office. 


Details of this procedure can be found at:  




I trust this concludes your request.


With best regards


Lisa Crawley



Dr Lisa Crawley l  Records Officer  l Room 1.028, John Owens Building 
l Compliance & Risk Management Office l  The University of Manchester  l 
Oxford Road  l  Manchester  l  M13 9PL  l  Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400  



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