We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Rob Bates please sign in and let everyone know.

FOI - Expenditure on equality, diversity, and inclusivity.

We're waiting for Rob Bates to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Gravesham Borough Council,

I wish to make an FOI request, as set out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Please can your organisation provide in Excel CSV format, the following information:

a) The number of roles in your association (expressed in numbers of FTE), that are mainly or exclusively focussed on issues of equality, diversity, or inclusivity. For example, this could include (amongst other guises) “EDI officers” or “diversity and inclusion project managers” but would not include general HR managers.

b) Either a) the pay band of each of these roles, or b) the combined total salaries for these roles. Whichever measure is more in accordance with your data preferences.

c) In the past 12 months the number of staff days across your organisation which have been committed to attending equality training programmes, whether internally run or with external consultants. (staff days = duration of the training programme multiplied by the number of staff in attendance for the course).

d) The contractual cost of any consultants hired, in the past twelve months, to provide any external training or advice on issues of diversity, equality, or inclusivity.

e) In the past twelve months, the number of staff days committed to attending conferences relating mainly or exclusively to matters of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. (duration of conference multiplied by the number of staff in attendance).

f) The costs of attending these conferences.

g) Membership costs the organisation pays for participation in equality charters such as the Stonewall Equality Champions, or Diversity and Inclusion Workplace champions.

Please can this information be returned to me, via email, ([email address]) within 20 working days.

The most desirable csv layout would be the letter (a-g) in column A and then the information you hold in column B. If your organisation does not hold information in relation to any of the letters please file as N/A.

Yours faithfully,

Robert Bates

([Personally Identifiable Information removed])


Freedom of Information Request – REF: GFOI-021210
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Gravesham Borough Council. This response is to
acknowledge your email has been received. If this is an initial request
for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Environmental
Information Regulations 2004, you can expect to receive a response within
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will be forwarded to the relevant case officer.
Should your email be because you are dissatisfied with the way we have
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email will be forwarded to the Information Governance Team for review, you
should receive a response within 20 working days.
If you remain dissatisfied you have the right to appeal to the Information
Commissioners' Office (ICO) [1]www.ico.org.uk/concerns.
Stephen Williams
Information Governance Officer
Legal Services - Medway Council & Gravesham Borough Council
Tel: 01634 335143
Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, ME4 4RT
Check out the ICO guidance on Information Sharing Agreements
I am currently working from home Mon –Fri.
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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Rob Bates please sign in and let everyone know.