We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Arthur Lightfoot please sign in and let everyone know.

FOI - Expenditure on equality, diversity, and inclusivity.

We're waiting for Arthur Lightfoot to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Suffolk Coastal Port Health Authority,
I wish to make an FOI request, as set out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Please can your organisation provide the following information:

a) The number of roles in your association (expressed in numbers of FTE), that are mainly or exclusively focussed on issues of equality, diversity, or inclusivity. For example, this could include (amongst other guises) “EDI officers” or “diversity and inclusion project managers” but would not include general HR managers.

b) Either a) the pay band of each of these roles, or b) the combined total salaries for these roles. Whichever measure is more in accordance with your data preferences.

c) In the past 12 months the number of staff days across your organisation which have been committed to attending equality training programmes, whether internally run or with external consultants. (staff days = duration of the training programme multiplied by the number of staff in attendance for the course). If unable to provide please mark as N/A in your return.

Please can this information be returned to me within 20 working days.
If your organisation does not hold information in relation to any of the letters please file as N/A and provide the rest of the information that you do hold.

Yours faithfully,

Art Lightfoot

(80 Arrol House, London, SE1 6QL)

6 Attachments

Dear Art Lightfoot,


Thank you for your request, sent across from the Port Health Authority
team, which we have given the above reference number.

Your request will be dealt with under the terms of the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) and/or Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOI) and will usually be answered within 20 working days.

If your request falls under EIR and is particularly complex or requires
the retrieval of a large amount of information, we may extend this to 40
working days. If this is the case, we will notify you as soon as it
becomes apparent.

While no charges are made for the submission of requests, the council is
entitled to apply reasonable costs for disbursements (i.e. photocopying,
postage etc). Where charges apply we will notify you before releasing the
information.  Please see our published fees and charges:

If you have any queries about this request please contact us at the email
address above.

Please quote the above reference number in any future communications.

Please note that for requests received on non-working days the 20 working
days will be calculated from the start of the next business day.


Kind Regards,




Please let us know how satisfied you were with our service by completing a
short 3 minute survey.

[2]Customer Satisfaction - Feedback


[3]East Suffolk Council Lucy | Customer Experience and Freedom of
logo Information Officer

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to East Suffolk
twitter[5]Linked In logo East Suffolk Council 
and link to East Suffolk
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and link to East Suffolk
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and link to East Suffolk
You Tube[8]Instagram logo [10]www.eastsuffolkmeansbusiness.co.uk 
and link to East Suffolk

Our ambition is to deliver the best possible
quality of life for everyone who lives in, works
in and visits East Suffolk.

[11]We are East Suffolk




show quoted sections

7 Attachments

Dear Art Lightfoot,


Please find attached the response to your request.

Copyright and re-use of information

Information for which the Council holds the copyright may be used for
private purposes but must not be used for commercial purposes unless you
have advised us you wish to re-use it and you have our permission to do
so. Published datasets may be reused under the [1]Open Government Licence
for public sector information. In certain circumstances, the Council may
be required to disclose information for which it does not hold the
copyright. In these circumstances you must respect the rights of the
copyright owner and seek the copyright owner’s permission to re-use the
information. Please refer to the East Suffolk [2]FOI page for more
information about reuse of information.

This concludes your request.

If you require translation of the information you have been sent, please
contact us.

We proactively publish information and encourage you to check our website
before making a request. The FOI webpage contains links to some of our
most [3]frequently requested information which is already published on the

If you have any queries or are dissatisfied with the information we have
provided in response to your request, please contact us at the email
address above.  Details of our Internal Review process can be found on the
East Suffolk [4]FOI page.

More information about how we deal with requests under the Freedom of
Information Act, Environmental Information Regulations and Data Protection
legislation can be found in the [5]Access to Information pages of our

Please quote the above reference number in any communication about this


Kind regards,


[6]East Suffolk Council logo Samantha | Customer Experience and Freedom of
Information Officer
[7]Twitter logo and link to
East Suffolk East Suffolk Council 
twitter[8]Linked In logo and
link to East Suffolk Linked [12]www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk  
In[9]Facebook logo and link
to East Suffolk [13]www.eastsuffolkmeansbusiness.co.uk 
Facebook[10]You Tube logo
and link to East Suffolk You  
Tube[11]Instagram logo and
link to East Suffolk Our ambition is to deliver the best possible
Instagram quality of life for everyone who lives in,
works in and visits East Suffolk.

[14]We are East Suffolk





From: FOI <[email address]>
Sent: 21 November 2022 12:00
To: [FOI #921064 email]
Subject: FOI/EIR request: FOI466757325 - Expenditure on equality,
diversity, and inclusivity


Dear Art Lightfoot,


Thank you for your request, sent across from the Port Health Authority
team, which we have given the above reference number.

Your request will be dealt with under the terms of the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) and/or Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOI) and will usually be answered within 20 working days.

If your request falls under EIR and is particularly complex or requires
the retrieval of a large amount of information, we may extend this to 40
working days. If this is the case, we will notify you as soon as it
becomes apparent.

While no charges are made for the submission of requests, the council is
entitled to apply reasonable costs for disbursements (i.e. photocopying,
postage etc). Where charges apply we will notify you before releasing the
information.  Please see our published fees and charges:

If you have any queries about this request please contact us at the email
address above.

Please quote the above reference number in any future communications.

Please note that for requests received on non-working days the 20 working
days will be calculated from the start of the next business day.


Kind Regards,




Please let us know how satisfied you were with our service by completing a
short 3 minute survey.

[16]Customer Satisfaction - Feedback


[17]East Suffolk Council logo Lucy | Customer Experience and Freedom of
Information Officer
[18]Twitter logo and link to
East Suffolk  
twitter[19]Linked In logo and
link to East Suffolk Linked East Suffolk Council 
In[20]Facebook logo and link
to East Suffolk 0333 016 2000
Facebook[21]You Tube logo and
link to East Suffolk You [23]www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk  
Tube[22]Instagram logo and
link to East Suffolk [24]www.eastsuffolkmeansbusiness.co.uk 

Our ambition is to deliver the best possible
quality of life for everyone who lives in,
works in and visits East Suffolk.

[25]We are East Suffolk




show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Arthur Lightfoot please sign in and let everyone know.