We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Arthur Lightfoot please sign in and let everyone know.

FOI - Expenditure on equality, diversity, and inclusivity.

We're waiting for Arthur Lightfoot to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Staffordshire County Council,
I wish to make an FOI request, as set out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Please can your organisation provide the following information:

a) The number of roles in your association (expressed in numbers of FTE), that are mainly or exclusively focussed on issues of equality, diversity, or inclusivity. For example, this could include (amongst other guises) “EDI officers” or “diversity and inclusion project managers” but would not include general HR managers.

b) Either a) the pay band of each of these roles, or b) the combined total salaries for these roles. Whichever measure is more in accordance with your data preferences.

c) In the past 12 months the number of staff days across your organisation which have been committed to attending equality training programmes, whether internally run or with external consultants. (staff days = duration of the training programme multiplied by the number of staff in attendance for the course). If unable to provide please mark as N/A in your return.

Please can this information be returned to me within 20 working days.
If your organisation does not hold information in relation to any of the letters please file as N/A and provide the rest of the information that you do hold.

Yours faithfully,

Art Lightfoot

(80 Arrol House, London, SE1 6QL)

Staffordshire County Council

Dear Arthur Lightfoot
Thank you for your request for information received by Staffordshire
County Council on 17/11/2022.
Your request is being dealt with and a response will be sent to you within
twenty working days. 
If you have any queries about this request do not hesitate to contact us.
Please remember to quote the case reference number above in any future
Yours sincerely

Access to Information Team

Corporate Services

1 Staffordshire Place

Tipping Street Stafford ST16 2DH

Email: [1][Staffordshire County Council request email]



Visible links
1. mailto:[Staffordshire County Council request email]
2. http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/

Staffordshire County Council

Dear Arthur Lightfoot
Thank you for your request for information received by Staffordshire
County Council on 17/11/2022.
Your request is being dealt with and a response will be sent to you within
twenty working days. 
If you have any queries about this request do not hesitate to contact us.
Please remember to quote the case reference number above in any future
Yours sincerely

Access to Information Team

Corporate Services

1 Staffordshire Place

Tipping Street Stafford ST16 2DH

Email: [1][Staffordshire County Council request email]



Visible links
1. mailto:[Staffordshire County Council request email]
2. http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/

Portch, David (Corporate), Staffordshire County Council

2 Attachments

Dear Art Lightfoot

Thank you for your request for information.

Please find information provided by the relevant service below.

a) The number of roles in your association (expressed in numbers of FTE), that are mainly or exclusively focussed on issues of equality, diversity, or inclusivity. For example, this could include (amongst other guises) “EDI officers” or “diversity and inclusion project managers” but would not include general HR managers.


b) Either a) the pay band of each of these roles, or b) the combined total salaries for these roles. Whichever measure is more in accordance with your data preferences.


c) In the past 12 months the number of staff days across your organisation which have been committed to attending equality training programmes, whether internally run or with external consultants. (staff days = duration of the training programme multiplied by the number of staff in attendance for the course). If unable to provide please mark as N/A in your return.


Please note that whist the responses to specific questions above are correct they do not reflect the counci's commitment to tackling inequalities both in our community and our workforce - https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Communi...

Our employees are required to complete mandatory training in the form of an online Equality in the Workplace course which provides an overview of why equality is important in the workplace. The aim of this course is to increase awareness of equality in the workplace and to identify the expectations we have of employee behaviour. It will also gives practical help in challenging unlawful discrimination or inappropriate behaviour.

Other information and guidance is available to employees on our intranet site (See sample extracts attached).

I hope this additional information is relevant and of interest.

If you have any comments relating to how your request has been handled by our authority you should contact us in the first instance. Send your comment or complaint to:

Access to Information Team Manager, Access to Information Team, Staffordshire County Council, 1 Staffordshire Place, Stafford ST16 2DH or email [Staffordshire County Council request email]

If you then have any further comments relating to how your request has been handled by our authority, please contact the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, or Make a complaint | ICO

David Portch

David Portch │Information Asset Officer
Access to Information Team – Corporate Services
1 Staffordshire Place
Tipping Street Stafford ST16 2DH
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Arthur Lightfoot please sign in and let everyone know.