FOI - Entyvio Hospital Trusts
Dear Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,
In the last twelve months how many patients have been treated for Ulcerative colitis?
Of these patients how many were treated with Entyvio (vedolizumab)?
In the last twelve months how many patients have been treated for Crohn’s disease?
Of the patients how many were treated with Entyvio (vedolizumab)?
Yours faithfully,
Ed Fryer
Your Freedom of Information request has been received by the Homerton
University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Your request will be
investigated and we will respond within twenty working days.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your recent freedom of information request and my sincere
apologies for the delayed response.
Please refer to the attached document regarding your request.
Yours Sincerely
Mohammed Uddin
Information Governance and FOI Officer
Information Governance | Homerton University Hospital Foundation Trust
St Leonard’s Hospital │ 2nd Floor A Block │Nutall Street | London N1 5LZ
Tel: 0207 683 4002 | E: [email address] or [email address]
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