FOI - Entyvio Hospital Trusts

The request was partially successful.

Dear York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,

In the last twelve months how many patients have been treated for Ulcerative colitis?
Of these patients how many were treated with Entyvio (vedolizumab)?

In the last twelve months how many patients have been treated for Crohn’s disease?
Of the patients how many were treated with Entyvio (vedolizumab)?

Yours faithfully,

Ed Fryer

Freedom of Information Requests,

Dear Mr Fryer.
York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has received your request.
We have allocated the reference 044-20 and will contact you in due course.
The Freedom of Information Act allows a period of 20 working days for
response.  The due date for our response to you is 12^th March.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Team
York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
2^nd Floor, Administration Block, Wigginton Road, York, YO31 8HE
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Freedom of Information Requests,

Dear Mr Fryer,

We write further to your email of 13^th February made under the terms of
the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust's response is shown below for
patients treated with Vedolizumab.

We have no way of knowing total patient numbers without looking in each
and every patient record.


  Crohn's Disease Ulcerative Colitis
Vedolizumab 38 23


We hope that the information supplied will be of use to you.

Yours sincerely,


Information Governance Team


From: Ed Fryer [mailto:[FOI #646200 email]]
Sent: 13 February 2020 13:54
To: Freedom of Information Requests
Subject: Freedom of Information request - FOI - Entyvio Hospital Trusts


Dear York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,


In the last twelve months how many patients have been treated for
Ulcerative colitis?

Of these patients how many were treated with Entyvio (vedolizumab)?


In the last twelve months how many patients have been treated for Crohn’s

Of the patients how many were treated with Entyvio (vedolizumab)?


Yours faithfully,


Ed Fryer




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