FOI: Blue Badge Offences and Reports by Year

The request was successful.

Robin Langfield Newnham

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to make a Freedom of Information Act request for information pertaining to Blue Badges held and used within your council area as well as offences relating to them.

Specifically I am seeking the following information:

Number of fake blue badge offences recorded (by year if available)
Number of blue badge misuse offences recorded (i.e. use by individuals other than those to whom the badge was assigned; by year if available)
Number of parking offences where a blue badge was required but not possessed (by year if available)
Financial or quantitative data on fines issued in relation to blue badge offences (by year if available)
Number of reported blue badge misuses (by year if available)
Any additional data relating to blue badge misuse or offences.

I would be grateful for these to be listed in an Excel or csv format.

Please could you confirm receipt of this request, and if possible, provide an approximate timeframe for it.

Yours faithfully,

Robin Langfield Newnham

Freedom of Information, Buckinghamshire Council

Dear Mr Langfield Newnham

FOI 32353

Thank you for contacting Buckinghamshire Council and your request for
information below regarding Blue Badge offences.

To assist us with your response, would you please be kind enough to
confirm the following points:

1) The years you are interested in

2) What is meant by “Any additional data relating to blue badge misuse or

We should be most grateful if you could send the clarification at your

We will then provide you with a response to your FOI request as soon as
possible and no later than 20 working days from the date we receive the
necessary clarification.

If, after a month we haven’t heard back from you, we shall assume that you
no longer wish to proceed with your request. 



With kind regards

Freedom of Informaton Team

Deputy Chief Executive Directorate

Buckinghamshire Council
New County Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UA
[1][Buckinghamshire Council request email]

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Robin Langfield Newnham

Dear Freedom of Information Team,

Please find below answers to your requests:

1) The years you are interested in
If years are held within an accessible data structure that would allow for transmission of all data available, all years would be preferable. Failing that, we would like the largest amount of data reasonable starting from the most recent (2021/2022 or equivalent) and working backwards.

2) What is meant by “Any additional data relating to blue badge misuse or
This request relates only to any form of data not otherwise covered by the general request - that is, if you happen to hold data on blue badge fines, offences, confiscations or similar that isn't in line with the requests already made, we'd be grateful for its inclusion - else, this part of the request can be disregarded.

Yours sincerely,

Robin Langfield Newnham

Freedom of Information, Buckinghamshire Council

Dear Mr Langfield


Thank you for contacting Buckinghamshire Council and clarification to your
request regarding Blue Badge offences.


You can expect to receive a response by 24 February.

The Council will be in touch if we need any further information.


With kind regards

Freedom of Information Team

Deputy Chief Executive Directorate

Buckinghamshire Council

New County Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UA

[Buckinghamshire Council request email]







[1]Shop Local


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Information request
Our reference: 495885
Your reference: 32353

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2 Attachments

Information request
Our reference: 495885
Your reference: 32353

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