FOI: - 50 Suppliers with 'priority referrals'

The request was successful.

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

In a re cent response to an MP's question Heather Wheeler the Assitant Whip and Parliamentary secretary in the Cabinet Offices said:

", 50 suppliers had priority referrals for covid testing support and were awarded 128 contracts with a total value of £6 billion"

Here is a link to the full response:

My request:

1 - Please can you provide the names of the 50 suppliers referred to in the response from Heather Wheeler.

Yours faithfully,

russell scott

Department of Health and Social Care

This is an acknowledgement - please do not reply to this email.

Thank you for contacting the Department of Health and Social Care. 

We are currently experiencing very high volumes of enquiries and we are
focusing our resources on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) response.

If your enquiry is in relation to the pandemic, the Government has
launched a COVID-19 ‘hub’, which can be found
at [1] and is regularly updated. 

The answers to many other questions can be found on [2]GOV.UK,
the [3]Department of Health and Social Care website or by visiting
the [4]NHS website. We may not respond to you if the answer to your
enquiry can be found on either of these websites. Where a reply is
appropriate, we aim to send a response within 20 working days.
Please note that the department cannot arrange vaccinations. [5]This
webpage gives information on vaccination. You can also contact your GP,
clinical commissioning group or call 119.


If you have symptoms of COVID-19 you must get tested as soon as possible.
The swab test takes less than a minute and is pain-free. Results from test
sites are generally received within 24 hours of the test being
administered. Further information, including what symptoms to look out
for, can be found [6]here.
If your business is interested in helping the Government increase
COVID-19 testing capacity, please visit [7]this webpage. Please note that
the service that was set up for businesses to offer other COVID-19 support
has closed. If you have a product to sell to the NHS, please visit
Since 15 February 2021, anyone travelling to the UK from a red-list
country has been required to quarantine in a managed quarantine facility
for a period of ten days. There will be periods where no countries are
listed, but the red list remains ready to be stood up should the global
epidemiological situation change. In these circumstances, there is
guidance available on a range of queries.

To find out how to apply for a medical or compassionate exemption, please

If you have been in quarantine and have a complaint about the hotel,
please raise your concerns with the hotel itself in the first instance. If
your complaint is unresolved, please email the complaints team at
[10][email address].
If you are writing in connection with an NHS or social care service please
note that the department does not manage health and social services
directly, nor does it process complaints. It also cannot give clinical
advice or intervene in matters concerning patient care or social services.
If you wish to make a complaint about a healthcare professional, an NHS
organisation or a social care provider, please visit [11]this link.

If you would like to raise your concerns about a COVID-19 testing
provider, or have any other NHS Test and Trace enquiries, you can
contact [12]NHS Test and Trace enquiries, feedback and complaints. 

Our [13]Personal information charter and [14]privacy notice explain how we
treat your personal information.


This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the
addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not
permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all
copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Any views expressed in this
message are not necessarily those of the Department of Health and Social
Care. Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely
monitored for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic


Visible links
10. mailto:[email address]

Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr Scott,

Freedom of Information Request Reference FOI-1396278

Thank you for your request, which we received on 2 March 2022.  
On 1 October 2021, the responsibility for information relating to the NHS
Test and Trace programme moved from the Department of Health and Social
Care to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). 
With your consent, we can transfer your request, which is outlined below,
to UKHSA so that it can reply to you directly. If you wish for us to do
this for you, please contact us at [1][DHSC request email]. 
If you would prefer to contact UKHSA yourself, its address
is [2][email address]. 
If we do not hear from you by 7 March 2022, we will assume you either no
longer wish to pursue your request, or prefer to contact UKHSA directly. 
Yours sincerely, 

Freedom of Information Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

I consent please pass my request onto UKHSA

Yours faithfully,

russell scott

Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Scott,

Thank you for your message. I can confirm that your request has been
transferred to the FOI team at UKHSA.

Yours sincerely, 

Freedom of Information Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Information Rights,

1 Attachment

Dear Russell Scott,


Your request will be handled by the Information Rights Team at the UK
Health Security Agency (UKHSA). We acknowledge receipt of your email and
request for information, which will be treated as a request for
information under statutory access legislation. UKHSA has taken
responsibility for statutory access requests addressed to Public Health
England and NHS Test and Trace Services.


Please note that requests under the Freedom of Information Act and the
Environmental Information Regulations (EIRs) will receive a response
within 20 working days from the day following the date of receipt of your


If the request is for your personal data, your request will be handled as
a data subject access request (SAR) under Article 15 of the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR), then we will respond within one month of the
receipt of the request.


The UK Health Security Agency is heavily involved in the government’s
response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will aim to address all requests
promptly and within the required response timeframes.  However, when we
are unable to meet the response timeframe we will keep requesters updated
on a revised expected timescale for a response to their request. The
Information Commissioner recognises this position in its recent guidance,
see link:

Yours sincerely,
Information Rights Team
UK Health Security Agency
[2][email address
[3]  Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA


Full request:

In a re cent response to an MP's question Heather Wheeler the Assitant
Whip and Parliamentary secretary in the Cabinet Offices said:

", 50 suppliers had priority referrals for covid testing support and were
awarded 128 contracts with a total value of £6 billion"

Here is a link to the full response:

My request:

1 - Please can you provide the names of the 50 suppliers referred to in
the response from Heather Wheeler.

Yours faithfully,

russell scott

show quoted sections

Information Rights,

1 Attachment

Dear Russell Scott,

We are writing to you regarding your request made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 to the UK Health Security Agency. 


Section 10(3) of the Act enables a public authority to extend the deadline
for response by a “reasonable” length of time, where additional time is
needed for consideration of the public interest test. The view of the
Information Commissioner’s Office is that an additional 20 working days
constitutes a “reasonable” extension of time.       


UKHSA is carefully considering the balance of the public interest test
primarily in relation to the use of Section 42 – legal professional
privilege. UKHSA is therefore extending the deadline for response to your
request by an additional 20 working days. We will endeavour to provide you
with a response by 3 May 2022. 


We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

Yours sincerely,
Information Rights Team
UK Health Security Agency
[1][email address
[2]  Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA

show quoted sections

Full request:

In a re cent response to an MP's question Heather Wheeler the Assitant
Whip and Parliamentary secretary in the Cabinet Offices said:

", 50 suppliers had priority referrals for covid testing support and were
awarded 128 contracts with a total value of £6 billion"

Here is a link to the full response:

My request:

1 - Please can you provide the names of the 50 suppliers referred to in
the response from Heather Wheeler.

Yours faithfully,

russell scott

show quoted sections

Dear Information Rights,

Thank you for your update. you are perfectly within your rights to seek an extension and i look forward to your response in 20 working days.

Please can i kindly remind you of the 2021 ICO ruling against the DHSC relating to a very similar request relating to names of PPE providers who were awarded priority contracts. My request for the names of priority testing firms has the same guiding principles. i.e a high level of public interest which suggest the balance lies in favour of disclosure. I am confident the ICO would agree with me on this considering the similarities

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Dear Information Rights,

Please can you provide a response today? Your previous email suggested a response would be issued by no later than 03/05/22 (today).

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Information Rights,

2 Attachments

Dear Russell Scott,
Please find attached the UK Health Security Agency's response to your
As UKHSA advised you on 1 April 2022 that it had extended the deadline for
response to your request by an additional 20 working days, the deadline
for response was therefore 4 May 2022. We apologise for providing the
incorrect date in our previous email. 

Yours sincerely,
Information Rights Team
UK Health Security Agency
[1][email address
[2]  Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA


From: russell scott <[FOI #839019 email]>
Sent: 03 May 2022 02:15
To: Information Rights <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Case ref 2567 - Re: Freedom of Information request - FOI: -
50 Suppliers with 'priority referrals'
EXTERNAL: This email originated outside of UKHSA. Do not click links or
attachments unless you recognise the sender.

Dear Information Rights,

Please can you provide a response today? Your previous email suggested a
response would be issued by no later than 03/05/22 (today).

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

show quoted sections

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Health and Social Care's handling of my FOI request 'FOI: - 50 Suppliers with 'priority referrals''.

Thank you for confirming that the department does hold the information requested.

However you are wrong to assume the information has already been published. UKHSA in its responses provided a link to the contracts finder website which contains copies of the contracts awarded to testing forms along with a copy of the NAO report for on Randox - neither of these sources provide the 50 names requested in my FOI request.

Please can you review as a matter of urgency

Yours faithfully,

russell scott

Information Rights,

1 Attachment

Dear Russell Scott,


We acknowledge receipt of your email, which will be treated as a request
for an internal review, following your request for information under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Please note we aim to complete your internal review within 20 working days
from the day following the date of receipt of your request. We will notify
you if we anticipate the internal review taking longer than 20 working

Yours sincerely,
Information Rights Team
UK Health Security Agency
[1][email address
[2]  Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA

show quoted sections

Dear Information Rights,

Please can you provide a response to my IR request. 20 working days has now past.

Thank you

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Information Rights,

1 Attachment

Dear Russell Scott,

UKHSA has reviewed the response to your request under the Freedom of
Information Act and has undertaken a further review of the information it


In order to be able to consider our response to the request for this
information, we now need to contact the identified suppliers and seek
their views following the process as set out in the s.45 Code of


Under paragraph 5.5 of the Guidance
(see: [1]CoP_FOI_Code_of_Practice_-_Minor_Amendments_20180926_.pdf
( we are allowed to extend our deadline for
responding to you for a reasonable period that enables us to complete this
liaison work. In general, paragraph 5.5 of the Guidance recommends a
further period of 20 working days, although this is not a binding
timeline, and so we propose that we agree to communicate with you again at
that point in time. 


Whilst we can choose to correspond with a sample from the list, we confirm
that we are intending to correspond with all 50 suppliers owing to the
matter at issue. This is why we cannot provide an indication of how long
this process will take at this time. 


We will commit to providing you with a further update in 20 working days’
time, but we confirm that we are seeking to conclude this request as soon
as is practicable in the circumstances. 


Yours sincerely,

Information Rights Team
UK Health Security Agency
[2][email address
[3]  Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA


From: russell scott <[FOI #839019 email]>
Sent: 13 June 2022 21:17
To: Information Rights <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Case ref 188
EXTERNAL: This email originated outside of UKHSA. Do not click links or
attachments unless you recognise the sender.

Dear Information Rights,

Please can you provide a response to my IR request. 20 working days has
now past.

Thank you

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

show quoted sections

Dear Information Rights,

Please see below a copy of my email sent to the ICO. Please CO firn that you also intend to provide the names of the referrers as well as the 50 firms

Email to ICO sent 15/06/22

Thank you for the update, I can confirm that I have now also received an email from the UKHSA, however I would like to make the following points;

1 - this case is based on a request to provide both the names of the suppliers who received priority treatment (“VIP’s”) and also the names of the people who referred them
(Eg Ministers, MP’s, peers and the PM’ office).

2 - in the UKHSA email sent on the 14th they have only committed to reaching out the 50 suppliers and have not confirmed that they intend to provide the names of the referrers.

3 - furthermore they have not provided any specific timeframe for providing the requested information, just that they will
Provide an update in 20days. They also noted; “ Whilst we can choose to correspond with a sample from the list, we confirm
that we are intending to correspond with all 50 suppliers owing to the matter at issue. This is why we cannot provide an indication of how long this process will take at this time.”

4 - therefore in order for my to consider withdrawing my complaint I would need confirmation from the ICO/UKHSA on 2 things, namely;

A - That UKHSA will provide both the 50 supplier names AND the names of the people who referred them. (This is exactly what the ICO ordered the government to release in relation to a similar high priority lane established for PPE procurement)

B - A definitive date by which they will respond with the information. Could the ICO Suggest a timeframe? I.e 20 or 35 working days?

I look forward to hearing back from you in due course


Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Dear Information Rights,

in line with your last email to me, please can you kindly provide either the information requested or an update.

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Information Rights,

1 Attachment

Dear Russell Scott,


Further to our previous correspondence, we are continuing to progress
according to the s.45 FOI Act Code of Practice. We anticipate being able
to provide a more authoritative response in 20 working days.


Yours sincerely,


[1]UKHSA logo  

Information Rights Team

UK Health Security Agency

[2][email address]

[3] Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA









show quoted sections

Dear Information Rights Team,

It has since been 20 working days since your previous message - please can you provide the information requested and/or an update.

Yours Sincerely,

Russell Scott

Information Rights,

1 Attachment

Dear Russell Scott,


We write further to your email yesterday evening.


We can confirm that we have now made contact with the 50 suppliers and
some have raised concerns with us about publication and / or have asked
for clarifying information to enable them to respond to us at a late
stage. Given the number of suppliers involved, and the attendant
complexity, we will require a further extension of time to seek legal
advice on the concerns raised and to provide the information requested by
the suppliers.


We will write to you no later than 20 working days from 9 August 2022 with
a further update in this matter.


Yours sincerely,


[1]UKHSA logo  

Information Rights Team

UK Health Security Agency

[2][email address]

[3] Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA








show quoted sections

Dear Information Rights,

We do not accept another lengthy delay furthermore this is in breach of the ICO’s order to provide a response by 9th.

We have therefore written to the ICO r egg adding your failure to comply.

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Information Rights,

4 Attachments

Dear Russell Scott,

Please find attached the UK Health Security Agency's response to your

Yours sincerely,
Information Rights Team
Parliamentary and Public Accountability Team
UK Health Security Agency
[1][email address
[2]  Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA


From: Information Rights <[email address]>
Sent: 10 August 2022 10:21
To: [FOI #839019 email]
<[FOI #839019 email]>
Cc: Information Rights <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Case ref 188

Dear Russell Scott,


We write further to your email yesterday evening.


We can confirm that we have now made contact with the 50 suppliers and
some have raised concerns with us about publication and / or have asked
for clarifying information to enable them to respond to us at a late
stage. Given the number of suppliers involved, and the attendant
complexity, we will require a further extension of time to seek legal
advice on the concerns raised and to provide the information requested by
the suppliers.


We will write to you no later than 20 working days from 9 August 2022 with
a further update in this matter.


Yours sincerely,


[3]UKHSA logo  

Information Rights Team

UK Health Security Agency

[4][email address]

[5] Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA








show quoted sections

Dear Information Rights,

Thank you for finally providing the 50 names of priority companies/organisations, however please also provide the names of the people who referred them (eg mps, peers, ministers etc) - something that has been repeatedly requested.

I have also notified the ICO regarding the outstanding information.

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Information Rights,

1 Attachment

Dear Russell Scott,


Thank you for your email to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) dated 9
September 2022, and apologies for the delay in our response.


The information described in your email of 9 September was not considered
by UKHSA in preparing our responses to your original Freedom of
Information request (ref: 2567) or your subsequent internal review request
(ref: 188), as this was not included in your original request (ref: 2567)
dated 4 March 2022. If you wish to ask for this information, please note
it will need to be submitted as a new request.


Yours sincerely,


Information Rights Team

Parliamentary and Public Accountability Team

UK Health Security Agency

[1][email address]

[2] Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA




show quoted sections

Dear Information Rights,

I have asked formally in writing on numerous occasions and therefore I am not required to submit a new request, furterhmore I have also written again to the ICO to ensure they review this point and order the release of the names of the referrers - in line with the PPE VIP lane.

Please therefore proceed with providing the information requested

Kind regards

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Dear Information Rights,

Please can you providean update regarding my request for the names of the 50 referrers?

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Dear Information Rights,

Another month has past without any further information being provided - despite repeat Requests.

Please can you provide an update and the requested names as a matter of urgency.

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Dear Information Rights,

Please can you provide an update and the requested names as a matter of urgency.

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Information Rights,

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    Picture Device Independent Bitmap 1.jpg

    3K Download



Good afternoon Russell Scott,

Thank you for your email. We are currently in communications with the
Information Commissioner's Office.

We have received a decision notice to review our response under their case
reference IC-150101-Z2Z4. We have been given a 35 day working deadline.

Thank you for your patience and we apologise for the delay and any
inconvenience this has caused.


Yours sincerely,


Information Rights Team

UK Health Security Agency

[1][email address

[2]  Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA




show quoted sections

Information Rights,

1 Attachment

Dear Russell Scott,


I am writing on behalf of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) to inform
you that we have been granted a further extension to 21 December 2022 to
respond to ICO case reference number: IC-150101-Z2Z4. The ICO has granted
this extension in recognition of resourcing pressures within UKHSA as a
result of current health incidents.


We apologise for the delay in responding and appreciate your continued
patience. We will endeavour to respond no later than 21st December and
sooner if possible.


Yours sincerely,



[1]UKHSA logo Information Rights Team

UK Health Security Agency

[2][email address]

[3] Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA





show quoted sections


Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]

Dear Information Rights,

Please confirm that you intend to provide the information requested today as per your last email.

Yours sincerely,

russell scott

Information Rights,

2 Attachments

Dear Russell Scott


Please find attached the UK Health Security Agency's response to your
Freedom of Information request for details of ‘Referrers’ to the ‘VIP’
Covid testing route.


Yours sincerely,



[1]UKHSA logo Information Rights Team

UK Health Security Agency

[2][email address]

[3] Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA



show quoted sections


Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Health and Social Care's handling of my FOI request 'FOI: - 50 Suppliers with 'priority referrals''.

Please can you consider the following points:

1 - On page 4 of your response letter you state: 'The UKHSA is publishing the first evidenced point of contact identified from the records UKHSA now holds on behalf of the DHSC, but that information may not be complete'.

Please can you provide the missing information in order to 'complete' my request.

2 - Omega, Diasorin and Thirva’s apparently ‘self-referred’ themselves onto the VIP lane using either the ‘[email address]’ or ‘[email address] email addresses.
However, these email addresses were not widely circulated and you would need somebody (probably an MP, Minister or senior official) to provide you with the address.

We know that the ‘triage’ address was set up for Ministers to use.

Please therefore review you response the response given in both the 'identified by' and 'refferer' field against these three suppliers and reply accordingly.

3 - Against the entry for 'bigneat' you claim 'information not held centrally' - Please advise which authority holds this information?

4 - Against the entry for Dante Labs (Immensa) and Wolf Labs you claim these companies 'self-reffered to online portal' -please review the accuracy of this statement as this contradicts the advice you supplied the NAO. According to the NAO only 'high ranked individuals; such as ministers, MP's and the Prime Ministers Office were able to refer firms rahter than self reffering.

5 - please ensue you name the third party who referred the Native Antigen Company. (You have disclosed these details for other suppliers - see Ecolog)

Yours faithfully,

russell scott

FreedomofInformation, Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr Scott,

As the response to the FOI request to which you are referring was issued by UKHSA, please redirect your internal review request to their Information Rights team at [email address].

We apologise that we cannot assist directly.

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Russell Scott,

4 Attachments

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Health and
Social Care's handling of my FOI request 'FOI: - 50 Suppliers with
'priority referrals''.

Please can you consider the following points:

1 - On page 4 of your response letter you state: 'The UKHSA is publishing
the first evidenced point of contact identified from the records UKHSA now
holds on behalf of the DHSC, but that information may not be complete'. 

Please can you provide the missing information in order to 'complete' my

2 - Omega, Diasorin and Thirva’s apparently ‘self-referred’ themselves
onto the VIP lane using either the ‘[[1]email address]’ or ‘[[2]email
address] email addresses. 
However, these email addresses were not widely circulated and you would
need somebody (probably an MP, Minister or senior official) to provide you
with the address. 

We know that the ‘triage’ address was set up for Ministers to use. 

Please therefore review you response the response given in both the
'identified by' and 'refferer' field against these three suppliers and
reply accordingly. 

3 - Against the entry for 'bigneat' you claim 'information not held
centrally' - Please advise which authority holds this information?

4 - Against the entry for Dante Labs (Immensa) and Wolf Labs you claim
these companies 'self-reffered to online portal' -please review the
accuracy of this statement as this contradicts the advice you supplied the
NAO. According to the NAO only 'high ranked individuals; such as
ministers, MP's and the Prime Ministers Office were able to refer firms
rahter than self reffering. 

5 - please ensue you name the third party who referred the Native Antigen
Company. (You have disclosed these details for other suppliers - see

Yours faithfully,

russell scott

show quoted sections

Information Rights,

1 Attachment

Dear Russell Scott,


Thank you for your email dated 7 January 2023. Your request will be
handled by the Information Rights Team at the UK Health Security Agency


You have requested that we treat this request as an Internal Review to
your Freedom of Information Request (50 Suppliers with priority
referrals). Please note that we are unable to treat this request as an
Internal Review, this is because we have already completed the Internal
Review process relating to your original request, as per your email to the
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) dated 10 May 2022. For your
records this was our case reference number 188.


We have however logged your request of 7 January 2023 as a new Freedom of
Information request and will respond accordingly within 20 working days.


If you have any questions regarding this decision please do not hesitate
to contact us.


Yours sincerely,


[1]UKHSA logo Information Rights Team

UK Health Security Agency

[2][email address]

[3] Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA





show quoted sections


Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]

Information Rights,

3 Attachments

Dear Russell Scott,
Please find attached UKHSA's response to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Information Rights Team
Parliamentary and Public Accountability Team
UK Health Security Agency
[1][email address
[2]  Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA


From: Information Rights <[email address]>
Sent: 13 January 2023 11:59
To: Russell Scott <[email address]>;
[FOI #839019 email]
<[FOI #839019 email]>
Cc: Information Rights <[email address]>
Subject: UKHSA FOI Request Ref: 1206

Dear Russell Scott,


Thank you for your email dated 7 January 2023. Your request will be
handled by the Information Rights Team at the UK Health Security Agency


You have requested that we treat this request as an Internal Review to
your Freedom of Information Request (50 Suppliers with priority
referrals). Please note that we are unable to treat this request as an
Internal Review, this is because we have already completed the Internal
Review process relating to your original request, as per your email to the
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) dated 10 May 2022. For your
records this was our case reference number 188.


We have however logged your request of 7 January 2023 as a new Freedom of
Information request and will respond accordingly within 20 working days.


If you have any questions regarding this decision please do not hesitate
to contact us.


Yours sincerely,


[3]UKHSA logo Information Rights Team

UK Health Security Agency

[4][email address]

[5] Follow us on Twitter @UKHSA





show quoted sections


Visible links
1. [email address]
mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[email address]