
The request was successful.

Dear Scottish Water,

With regards to the recent April 6th 2022 BBC article -

''The chief medical officers of the four UK nations - including Scotland's Dr Gregor Smith - all backed the move to add more of the mineral to water supplies.''

1- Can you tell me if this additional fluoridation of drinking water supplies has taken place in any region of Scotland ?

2- If it hasn't, do you know of any dates in the future where this is scheduled to take place ?

Yours faithfully,

Mr David Tait

FOI, Scottish Water

Dear Sir / Madam,

Thanks for getting in touch with Scottish Water.
We have opened a new case CAS-1921560-R2J0K in response to your email and
assigned it our FOI.
Should you need to follow up on this case, please contact us with
reference CAS-1921560-R2J0K.
Thank you,

Scottish Water
Web - [1]www.scottishwater.co.uk

[2]twitter.com/scottish_water [3]Logo gap[4]facebook.com/scottishwater 

Scottish Water
Trusted to Serve Scotland

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Scottish Water



Visible links
1. http://www.scottishwater.co.uk/
2. https://twitter.com/scottish_water
4. http://www.facebook.com/scottishwater
5. http://www.scottishwater.co.uk/

FOI, Scottish Water

Dear David,

Thank you for your email of 03/08/2022 that I have logged under the above
reference number. We will respond to your request in accordance with the
EIRs no later than 01/09/2022.

We will endeavour to get a response to you as soon as we can.

If you have any queries regarding your FOI request please feel free to
contact me quoting the above reference number, and I will be happy to

Yours sincerely,
Andrew Ross | FOI Officer
Scottish Water
Phone : 01414830897


Privileged/Confidential information may be contained in this Email and any
files transmitted with it. If you are not the intended recipient you
should not retain, copy or use this Email for any purpose or disclose all
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error please notify the sender immediately and delete this Email from your

Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not
relate to the official business of Scottish Water ("SW"), Scottish Water
Horizons Ltd ("SWH"),Scottish Water International Ltd ("SWI") or Scottish
Water Solutions 2 Ltd ("SWS2") shall be understood as neither given nor
endorsed by them. The contents of Emails sent and received by SW, SWH, SWI
and SWS2 are monitored.

WARNING: Although SW, SWH, SWI and SWS2 have taken reasonable precautions
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and SWS2 cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from
the use of this Email or attachments however caused. The recipient should
therefore check this Email and any attachments for the presence of viruses
or other malicious software.

Scottish Water



Visible links
1. http://www.scottishwater.co.uk/

FOI, Scottish Water

1 Attachment

Dear David,

Thank you for your request for information. Scottish Water has determined
that this was a request for Environmental Information and therefore we are
required to deal with your request under the Environmental Information
(Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRs). We have applied the exemption
contained in section 39(2) of FOISA and will deal with your request for
environmental information under the EIRs alone.

The Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRs) sit
alongside Scotland's FOI Act, and govern access to environmental
information held by Scottish public authorities.

Your request for information was for the following:

‘With regards to the recent April 6th 2022 BBC article -
''The chief medical officers of the four UK nations - including Scotland's
Dr Gregor Smith - all backed the move to add more of the mineral to water
1- Can you tell me if this additional fluoridation of drinking water
supplies has taken place in any region of Scotland?
2- If it hasn't, do you know of any dates in the future where this is
scheduled to take place?’
In response to point 1, Scottish Water does not currently add fluoride to
the drinking water supplies anywhere in Scotland. In response to point 2,
Scottish Water does not currently have any plans to install fluoridation
systems to potable water treatment systems – however, this is a decision
for the Local Health Boards and the Scottish Government.

We also thought that it would be beneficial to provide you with a
statement from a Scottish Water spokesperson regarding fluoride in
drinking water:

“Scottish Water has received no contact from NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
regarding the subject of fluoridation of the public water supply in the
area. The initiative for fluoridation of any water supply lies with local
NHS health boards. They have to undertake a full public consultation
exercise before applying to Scottish Water to add fluoride to the water
supply. The onus is on the NHS health boards to demonstrate that a
significant majority are in favour of the proposal. Implementing
fluoridation in each water supply system would involve significant
technical challenges. The water supply networks in many areas such as
central Scotland are inter-connected and cross multiple health board
boundaries and introducing fluoridation in one area would mean the same in
other areas. Adding fluoride would require the construction of buildings
to incorporate the installation of chemical dosing systems with associated
cost and time implications. So there are significant practical and
logistical issues which would need to be considered carefully by all
parties involved.”

If you have any queries regarding your Freedom of Information request
please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to assist. You can do
this by contacting the following email address [1][email address].

You can seek a review of this response within forty working days and
thereafter appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner.

Further information on the appeals procedure can be obtained from the
attached document and the Commissioner's website
at [2]www.itspublicknowledge.info/Appeal.

Yours sincerely,
Andrew Ross | FOI Officer
Scottish Water
Phone : 01414830897

The information disclosed to you is prepared for Scottish Water's internal
purposes only and in relation to Scottish Water's operational requirements
at the time of preparation of the disclosed information. Scottish Water
accepts no responsibility or liability for any use of, or reliance upon,
the disclosed information, howsoever arising. Scottish Water hereby gives
notice that the disclosed information, represents the opinion/ position/
forecast/ analysis/evaluations/projections/views/situation at a point in
time and the aforementioned
may become outdated/inaccurate/incomplete within a short space of time
after the date of the disclosed information being compiled. Apart from
compliance with intellectual property laws (dealt with below), any use of
the disclosed information is entirely at your own risk and no warranty is
given in relation to fitness for any particular purpose, accuracy or


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or part of its contents to any person. If you have received this Email in
error please notify the sender immediately and delete this Email from your

Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not
relate to the official business of Scottish Water ("SW"), Scottish Water
Horizons Ltd ("SWH"),Scottish Water International Ltd ("SWI") or Scottish
Water Solutions 2 Ltd ("SWS2") shall be understood as neither given nor
endorsed by them. The contents of Emails sent and received by SW, SWH, SWI
and SWS2 are monitored.

WARNING: Although SW, SWH, SWI and SWS2 have taken reasonable precautions
to ensure no viruses or other malicious software are present, SW, SWH, SWI
and SWS2 cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from
the use of this Email or attachments however caused. The recipient should
therefore check this Email and any attachments for the presence of viruses
or other malicious software.

Scottish Water



Visible links
1. mailto:[email%20address]
2. http://www.itspublicknowledge.info/Appeal
3. http://www.scottishwater.co.uk/

Hi Andrew,

Thank you very much for the detailed reply.

Yours sincerely,
Mr.D Tait