Flu Vaccination

The request was successful.

Dear University Hos​pitals of North Midlands NHS Trust,

I am interested in the level of staff flu vaccination in the Trust,
as this is an important factor in the welfare of staff and
patients during the winter. I believe the direct effects of a flu infection
can be serious, and the indirect effects through the absence of
staff can be equally severe for patients.

Can the Trust please consider the following questions:

What is the job title of the Trust lead for the flu vaccination

The UHNM Trust was reported by the PHE to
have vaccinated 78.5% of direct care staff in 2014/15 which is one of
the highest reported figures in England for a General Trust. Is this
figure accurate and is there a report or information available to
show how the Trust was able to do so well? Please supply a copy of the most recent flu
plan for 2015/16.

Do staff receive a free chocolate bar or something similar after
receiving the flu vaccine?

I am interested to know if the staff sickness rates increase during
the winter months when flu is prevalent, although I realise that
for instance in 2014/15 there was a significant mismatch of the
vaccine and the actual flu virus.
Could I please have a monthly listing of staff sickness from April
2013 to July 2015 for all Trust staff. If possible, are the
monthly number of sick days available, or alternatively please
supply whatever measure is generally used for staff sickness.

Yours faithfully,

Hugh Kembler

Dear Mr Kembler,


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your email dated 10^th  September
2015 requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act (2000)
regarding Flu Vaccinations.


The FOI Act sets out a twenty working day timescale for requests to be
completed by. We will always try to complete your request within this
timeframe. We will let you know whether the Trust holds the information
you have requested, and we will contact you as soon as possible if we are
delayed in our response for some reason. If we require further information
from you or we need you to further explain your request before we can
continue to process it we will also contact you. 




Information Governance Team

University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust





4 Attachments

Dear Mr Kembler,


Please find the response to your FOI request attached


Many thanks,


IG Team

University Hospitals of North Midlands

NHS Trust