Dear Staffordshire Local Resilience Forum,

Under Freedom of Information Act/Environmental Information Regulations, I would like to request the following information:

- Any meeting minutes where flood action groups or other civil society bodies have contributed to discussions about flooding in the last two years.
- Any list of 'flood action groups' in your area.
- The number of FTE staff you have dedicated to flood risk management and their roles.

Yours faithfully,

Louis Ramirez

CCU Admin, Staffordshire Local Resilience Forum

FAO: Louis Ramirez


Good morning


Thank you for your enquiry.


Staffordshire Resilience Forum is a partnership which is established in
line with the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and is not subject to Freedom
of Information Act 2000 requests.  However, constituent member
organisations may be able to assist your enquiry and specifically in
reference to flood-related activity, the [1]Environment Agency is the
local agency to be contacted in the first instance.




Staffordshire Civil Contingencies Unit

c/o Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters




ST15 0BS


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In order to conduct our daily business in relation to preparing for
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available in our Privacy Notice, which can be found on Resilience Direct
for those organisations who have access. Please contact
[3][Staffordshire LRF request email] for more information or if you would like
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From: Louis Ramirez <[4][FOI #1140089 email]>
Sent: 17 June 2024 14:44
To: CCU Admin <[5][Staffordshire LRF request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Flood Action Groups in your


Dear Staffordshire Local Resilience Forum,

Under Freedom of Information Act/Environmental Information Regulations, I
would like to request the following information:

- Any meeting minutes where flood action groups or other civil society
bodies have contributed to discussions about flooding in the last two
- Any list of 'flood action groups' in your area.
- The number of FTE staff you have dedicated to flood risk management and
their roles.

Yours faithfully,

Louis Ramirez


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[6][FOI #1140089 email]

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Information requests to Staffordshire Local Resilience Forum? If so,
please contact us using this form:

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