Flexible Working Hours Policy
Dear University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust,
1. Please provide your policy on flexible working hours for employees with caring/parental responsibilities which they did not have when they started their current role
2. Please provide the number of requests for flexible working hours * known and referred to as making a 'Statutory Application' have been made by staff working at Plymouth hospital for each of the last 3 years
a. Please provide the number of Applications that were successful, partially successful, unsuccessful and/or the data you have relevant to this request
* Source: https://www.gov.uk/flexible-working
Yours faithfully,
Alison Melville
Please find attached our acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information Act Request.
University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust
Freedom of Information
Information Governance Team
Suite 3, Floor 3
The Range Head Office
Elsie Margaret House
William Prance Road
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information Act
Freedom of Information Team
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Suite 3, Third floor
The Range Head Office
Elsie Margaret House
15 William Prance Road
Dear University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust's handling of my FOI request 'Flexible Working Hours Policy'.
I am unhappy due to not receiving all the information I requested and I would like to receive an explanation as for why do you not have the number of requests made by employees of Plymouth Hospital for flexible working hours * known and referred to as making a 'Statutory Application' in any annual year?
It is concerning Plymouth Hospital is not recording this information and appears to have no imminent plans to do so despite the lack of statistical evidence both the hospital and members of the public are able to analyse and spot trends. In 2022, the technology exists to securely collate and store this information electronically.
Please respond to the above and after reviewing the original officer's response to me, please let me know if I you can provide any similar information to that I requested.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/f...
Yours faithfully,
Alison Melville
Dear Alison Melville,
Thank you for your email. I will carry out an internal review of our response to your FOI request 22FOI744.
Penny Taylor
Head of Information Governance
& Data Protection Officer (DPO)
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Email: [email address]
Dear Alison Melville,
Please find an amended response to the following question:
Please provide the number of requests for flexible working hours * known
and referred to as making a 'Statutory Application' have been made by
staff working at Plymouth hospital for each of the last 3 years a. Please
provide the number of Applications that were successful, partially
successful, unsuccessful and/or the data you have relevant to this request
The Trust does not hold the information in a centralised filing system.
The information is held locally by departments across the Trust which
comprises 10,000 employees. It is held in local paper records or scanned
in on local electronic folders but not in a structured, centralised
electronic filing system. Therefore it is not possible to compile a
The Trust is planning to implement a process for staff to apply
electronically for flexible working and this would be held digitally on a
centralised system and would include reporting features.
Penny Taylor
Head of Information Governance
& Data Protection Officer (DPO)
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Email: [1][email address]
I note the contents of your response dated 27 April.
Please supply from the Trust's plan, the timeframe envisaged by when there will be a process for staff to apply
electronically for flexible working that would be held digitally on a centralised system and would include reporting features
Yours sincerely,
Alison Melville
Dear Alison Melville,
This is a Trust ambition and this project is currently underway however, due to elements being implemented by organisations outside of the Trust we do not have a final go-live date at this stage.
Penny Taylor
Head of Information Governance
& Data Protection Officer (DPO)
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
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