Fleet List

The request was successful.

Dear North London Waste Authority,

The Local Authority is requested to provide a list of motor vehicles operated by the council (owned or leased) currently licensed with the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Authority (“the DVLA”). Please include the following details.

1. Registration Mark of each motor vehicle;
2. Fleet number allocated (if any);
3. Chassis Make and Model;
4. Type of Body fitted;
5. Date new or date of acquisition.

File attachments using Excel, Word, PDF or plain text are acceptable

Yours faithfully,

Peter Jarman

Herridge Barbara, North London Waste Authority

By email to: [1][FOI #520816 email]


Request ref: 2018-12


                           2 October 2018 

FAO: Mr Jarman




Dear Mr Jarman,


RE: Information Request – Ref. 2018-12


Thank you for your request of 26 September entitled ‘Freedom of
Information request – Fleet List’


Your request was for the following information:


The Local Authority is requested to provide a list of motor vehicles
operated by the council (owned or leased) currently licensed with the
Driver & Vehicle Licensing Authority (“the DVLA”). Please include the
following details.


1.         Registration Mark of each motor vehicle;

2.         Fleet number allocated (if any);

3.         Chassis Make and Model;

4.         Type of Body fitted;

5.         Date new or date of acquisition.


 NLWA Response

This request is being handled under the Environmental Information
Regulations (EiR) 2004 and has been allocated the reference number
2018-12[2][1]. In response to your questions please find below the
following information:

1.      FP08NFC

2.      None

3.      Not applicable – this is a Vauxhall Astra van

4.      Not applicable – this is a van

5.      Acquired 9 March 2016

I trust this response satisfies your enquiry, but please do let us know if
you have any further queries. You also have the right of appeal about our
response and if you wish to appeal please look at our website
scrolling down the section entitled ‘ what happens if I am not happy?’ for
further guidance.


Yours sincerely,



Barbara Herridge

External Relations Manager


[1] Given the nature of our activities and the fact that environmental
information is interpreted quite broadly we now generally answer
information requests under the Environmental Information Regulations
rather than the Freedom of Information Act. Further detail is available
at: http://www.ico.gov.uk/for_organisations/...



North London Waste Authority

Unit 1B, Berol House,

25 Ashley Road

Tottenham Hale

London, N17 9LJ


Tel: 0208 489 5654

[mobile number]


To find out more about us visit our websites at [4]www.nlwa.gov.uk and




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