Fixed period exclusions
Dear Steiner Academy Bristol,
Please provide the total number of pupils on roll as at January 2018.
Please provide the total number of pupils on roll per year group as at January 2018.
Please indicate how many pupils subject to one or more fixed period exclusions in the academic year 2018-2019 went on to leave the school within a 12 month period.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs S Steffen
Dear Mrs Steffen
I am emailing to confirm that we have received your Freedom of Information
request to:
"Please provide the total number of pupils on roll as at January 2018.
Please provide the total number of pupils on roll per year group as at
January 2018.
Please indicate how many pupils subject to one or more fixed period
exclusions in the academic year 2018-2019 went on to leave the school
within a 12 month period."
We will begin processing this immediately.
Following the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act we have 20 school working
days to either:
* Provide you with the information you have requested
* If we are unable to provide this information. To inform you as to why
we can't provide the data referring to a relevant exemption in the FOI
Following this you should expect a response by no later than the 22nd
November 2019.
If you have any questions at this time, please let me know.
Yours sincerely
Joseph Atkinson
Data Officer
Steiner Academy Bristol
Dear Mrs Steffan
Regarding your FOI request for:
"Please provide the total number of pupils on roll as at January 2018.
Please provide the total number of pupils on roll per year group as at
January 2018.
Please indicate how many pupils subject to one or more fixed period
exclusions in the academic year 2018-2019 went on to leave the school
within a 12 month period."
Please see below:
* As of 01/01/18 we had 324 students on roll
* As of 01/01/18 this is our total number of pupils on roll per year
Year Group No. Pupils
Reception 52
Year 1 49
Year 2 27
Year 3 26
Year 4 28
Year 5 28
Year 6 25
Year 7 25
Year 8 26
Year 9 16
Year 10 22
Year 11 -
* 13 pupils who were subject to one or more Fixed Period Exclusions in
the academic year 2018-19 went on to leave the school within a 12
month period
* Please note - some of this loss is due to the closure of the
upper school at the end of the last academic year
Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything
further I can do to help.
We ask that you please confirm that you have received this information. If
we do not receive confirmation from you within 14 days we will consider
the request met and the matter closed.
Many thanks
Joseph Atkinson
Data Officer
Avanti Gardens School
Dear Data Officer,
Thank for this information. Please indicate which Class the 13 pupils who went on to leave the academy were in at the time they left.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs S Steffen
Dear Mrs Steffen
Please be aware that this classifies a new Freedom of Inforamtion Request,
and therefore according to the FOI act we have 20 School Working Days to
Therefore, please expect a response by no later then the 21st January
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Many thanks
Joseph Atkinson
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