Fixed Penalty Notices for Anauthorised School Absences
Dear Canterbury City Council,
I would like to request the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
1. How many Fixed Penalty Notices has your council handed out between September 2018 – July 2019 to parents for the following unauthorised school absences:
a. Persistent lateness (arriving after the register has been taken)
b. Unauthorised leave in term time (e.g. being taken out of school for holiday)
c. Delayed return from authorised leave
d. General unauthorised absence/truancy (including parentally condoned absence)
2. How many FPNs have not been paid within the 21 day allocated time frame?
3. How many FPNs have not been paid within the 28 day allocated time frame, and subsequently gone to court?
4. How much revenue has been collected from FPNs between September 2018 - July 2019?
5. For all of the above information, could you please provide a comparison for questions 1-4 for the previous school year (2017-2018)?
Yours faithfully,
Naomi Aharony
Thank you for submitting a Freedom of Information request. Your email has
been forwarded to the Freedom of Information and Data
Protection Coordinator.
We endeavour to respond to all Freedom of Information requests within 20
working days but if we think the request requires extra time we will
contact you to let you know.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Team
Canterbury City Council
Reference: 8127
Title: Penalties for unauthorised school absence
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see below for our response.
If you are unhappy with the way your enquiry has been dealt with, you may
ask for an internal review by e-mailing [1][email address] or by
following the procedure set out on the council’s website.
If you are still dissatisfied after an internal review, you may appeal to
the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9
Kind regards,
Information Governance Team
Canterbury City Council
Reference: 8127
Title: Penalties for unauthorised school absence
Date of reply: 29 October 2019
1. How many Fixed Penalty Notices has your council handed out between
September 2018 – July 2019 to parents for the following unauthorised
school absences:
• Persistent lateness (arriving after the register has been taken)
• Unauthorised leave in term time (e.g. being taken out of school
for holiday)
• Delayed return from authorised leave
• General unauthorised absence/truancy (including parentally
condoned absence)
2. How many FPNs have not been paid within the 21 day allocated time
3. How many FPNs have not been paid within the 28 day allocated time
frame, and subsequently gone to court?
4. How much revenue has been collected from FPNs between September 2018 -
July 2019?
For all of the above information, could you please provide a comparison
for questions 1-4 for the previous school year (2017-2018)?
Our response:
Thank you for your freedom of information request. However please note
that Canterbury City Council have no responsibility for the information
you have requested in respect of schools. I believe the relevant
authority for your enquiry is Kent County Council who are responsible for
education services for the district.
The contact details from their website are below:-
Who do I contact?
For queries about the Publication Scheme, or if you wish to make a request
for other information, or you need advice and assistance in accessing
information, please contact the Corporate Access to Information
[2][email address]
Information Resilience and Transparency Team
Kent County Council
Room 2.71
Sessions House
County Hall
ME14 1XQ
03000 41 41 41 (for enquiries only – formal requests for information must
be made in writing, either by email, fax or letter).
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]
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