Fixed Penalty Notice Statistics
Dear Chichester City Council,
Could you provide the statistics (listed 1-9) below for all Fixed Penalty Notices issued for the below offences (listed 10-22)? Could you provide these statistics for the financial years of 2015/16, 2016/17 & 2017/18? Could the stats be provided in an excel table format?
FPN Statistical breakdown
1. FPNs Issued
2. FPNs paid
3. Revenue collected
4. FPNs cancelled
5. FPNs prosecuted
6. Prosecution result (guilty)
7. Prosecution result (not guilty)
8. Complaints received
9. Complaints upheld
FPN Offence categories
10. Littering
11. Dog fouling
12. Smoking in prohibited places
13. Public Space Protection Orders (could you break the stats down into each order)
14. Community Protection Notices (could you break the stats down into each order)
15. Domestic Waste
16. Commercial Waste
17. Duty of Care Notices
18. Fly Tipping
19. Street Trading
20. Free Printed Lit
21. Abandoned Trolleys
22. Alley-Way Dumping
Could you also provide answers to the following questions please.
1. How many full-time officers council/contractor enforce the above-listed offences?
2. How many hours do these hours spend patrolling the borough per year (could you break this down into each offence category numbered 1-9 above)?
3. Can you confirm your council has the powers to enforce the above the legislation. If not, can you confirm which legislation the council has the power to enforce?
4. Can you confirm the name of each council department that has the power to enforce the above legislation?
5. Is the enforcement of the above Fixed Penalty Notices carried out by the council or a contractor?
6. If the answer to the above question is a contractor, could you answer the following questions
• Name of contractor
• Is the contract a pilot or procured contract
• Contract start date
• Contracts end date
7. If the answer to question 6 is a contractor, what is the total amount of invoices paid to the contractor for 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 financial years? Broken down into the specified years?
Yours faithfully,
John Wright
Dear John,
Many thanks for your email. This information is not held by Chichester City Council, the Parish Council for the City.
I suggest that your starting point is Chichester District Council, here is there FoI website page link
With very best wishes.
Rodney Duggua
Rodney Duggua RD BA (Hons)
Town Clerk
Chichester City Council
The Council House
North Street
West Sussex
PO19 1LQ
Tel 01243 788502
Fax 01243 773022
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