Fire Investigation Unit

The request was successful.

Dear London Fire Commissioner (London Fire Brigade),

I was hoping that you could supply me with physically as much information as possible regarding the FIU.
It would be ideal if the information could include:
Fire Investigation Vehicle,
Uniform Structure
Training process
Duties on a fire scene
Conducting an investigation
HCDD - Hydro-Carbon Detection Dogs
Also any other information which can be found would be greatly appreciated.

With thanks,
Yours faithfully,

LFB Information Access, London Fire Brigade

Dear Ricky,

Thank you for your request.

This will be considered under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and we will respond as soon as we are able. Please note, given the current situation with the Coronavirus, this may be outside of the normal, expected timeframe for a FOI response (20 working days).

Thank you for your patience, with kind regards

Kelly Fox
Information Access
London Fire Brigade

T: 020 8555 1200 ext 30368
M: 07919290951
E: [email address]

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LFB Information Access, London Fire Brigade

1 Attachment

Dear Ricky,


I refer to your request for information, received 16^th January 2022,
which has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act.


In your request you asked:-

I was hoping that you could supply me with physically as much information
as possible regarding the FIU.

It would be ideal if the information could include:

Fire Investigation Vehicle,

Uniform Structure

Training process

Duties on a fire scene

Conducting an investigation

HCDD - Hydro-Carbon Detection Dogs

Also any other information which can be found would be greatly


In response please find attached PDF Policy number 399 which covers
information related to the Fire Investigation team 


I hope you find this information of use.  Should you have any further
questions please do let me know.


We have dealt with your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
For more information about this process please see the guidance we publish
about making a request [1]on our website.



Kind Regards


Shireen Malcolm

Information Access Team

London Fire Brigade




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