Fire incident report

The request was partially successful.

Arthensia Flanders

Dear London Fire Commissioner (London Fire Brigade),

I would like to obtain the fire incident report, for 20 Connington Court, Connington Crescent, London, E4 6LE, that occurred on 20 April 2018.

Yours faithfully,
Arthensia Flanders

Arthensia Flanders

Dear London Fire Commissioner (London Fire Brigade),

I have not received a response to my request for the fire incident report pertaining to 20 Connington Court, Connington Crescent, London, E4 6LE, that occurred on 20 April 2018.

I appreciate that this may be a busy time.
Please acknowledge this request.

Yours faithfully,
Arthensia Flanders

London Fire Brigade

4 Attachments

Dear Arthensia,


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request submitted on 3^rd August
2020 in regard to a fire report for an incident at 20 Connington Court,
Connington Crescent, London, E4 6LE on 20/04/18.


I have attached a copy of the LFB confirmation of attendance at this


Individuals and organisations affected by an incident that was attended by
London Fire Brigade since 2001 can request a ‘fire report’ which, for
fires that involve buildings, vehicles, or those that cause injuries,
provides more details about the incident and the cause of the fire where


Fire reports are not available under the freedom of information act (FOIA)
as they are considered a chargeable service and, as such, will incur a
fee.  As a result they are exempt via [1]Section 21 of the FOIA -
Information accessible to applicant by other means.  Regrettably this
means we cannot provide you with a copy of the fire report (or the
information held within it) without payment.


If you do want to go ahead and request a copy of any fire reports, I must
also advise that you may not be eligible to receive a copy.  However, if
any eligible party (such as the owner/a tenant/local borough
council/insurance firm or loss adjustor) requests the primary fire report
document, and is willing to share it with you, then we would be able to
provide consent for them to do this.


Further information about how to obtain a LFB incident report is published
on our website and can be accessed through the following link:


I trust you understand our position.  Should you have any further
questions please do let me know.


This request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act
2000.  If you are dissatisfied by this response you can request an
internal review by writing to the Head of Information Management at the
address below (or email [3][email address])


Further information about your information rights (including how to raise
a concern or make a complaint) is available from the Information
Commissioner’s Office on their website at [4] or by writing
to them at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.






Tavell Carter

Information Access


London Fire Brigade

169 Union Street  London  SE1 0LL

T 020 8555 1200 x 30314

E [5][email address]






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