Fire Extinguisher Maintenance
Dear North London Waste Authority,
1. How many fire extinguishers do you have?
2. Who services your fire extinguishers?
3. When is your contract for servicing due for renewal?
4. When are they next due a service?
5. What is the name and contact details for the person responsible
for the contract renewal
Yours faithfully,
Steve Hagger
Dear North London Waste Authority,
Just a gentle reminder as to my FOI request which is still outstanding.
I look forward to hearing from you shortly
Yours faithfully,
Steve Hagger
By email to: [1]request-511560-f78dd005@whatdotheyknow. com
Request ref: 2018-10
2 October 2018
Dear Mr Hagger,
RE: Information Request – Ref. 2018-10
Thank you for your request of 20 August entitled ‘Freedom of Information
request - Fire Extinguisher Maintenance’
Your request was for the following information:
1. How many fire extinguishers do you have?
2. Who services your fire extinguishers?
3. When is your contract for servicing due for renewal?
4. When are they next due a service?
5. What is the name and contact details for the person
responsible for the contract renewal
NLWA Response
This request is being handled under the Environmental Information
Regulations (EiR) 2004 and has been allocated the reference number
2018-01[2][1]. In response to your questions please find below the
following information:
1. 9
2. Enfield Safety Supplies
3. Procured through approved supplier list.
4. October 2018
5. Mark Partlett, Contracts Manager [3][email address]
I trust this response satisfies your enquiry, but please do let us know if
you have any further queries. You also have the right of appeal about our
response and if you wish to appeal please look at our website
scrolling down the section entitled ‘ what happens if I am not happy?’ for
further guidance.
Yours sincerely,
Barbara Herridge
External Relations Manager
North London Waste Authority
Unit 1B, Berol House,
25 Ashley Road
Tottenham Hale
London, N17 9LJ
Tel: 0208 489 5654
To find out more about us visit our websites at [5] and
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