Fire and Rescue Services (NI) Order 2006

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Can you confirm that the enactment and enforcement of the Fire and Rescue Services (NI) Order 2006 has been the responsibility of the DHSSPS(NI)?

Can you tell me which parts were enacted in 2006? whether these have been enforced? and and why there has been a delay on the full enactment of the order?

Also can you tell me if the NIHE are exempt in any way with regard to this order, both in it's present state and when fully enacted?

Yours faithfully,
noel austin

McCann, John,

2 Attachments

Mr Austin

We have received your Freedom of Information request and I attach your
acknowledgement letter and a Public Information Leaflet.

John McCann
Information Management Branch
Tel: 02890 528218

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Curran, Lynne,

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    DHSSPS Freedom of Information request 39 09 19351 Noel Austin response 2 4 09.DOC.doc

    337K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Austin

Please find attached the response from the Department of Health, Social
Services and Public Safety to your request for information.

Lynne Curran

Lynne Curran
Local Information Manager
Coordination Directorate
Room C4.8 Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate
Belfast BT4 3SQ

Telephone : 028 90 5 20767
E-mail : [1][email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Curran, Lynne,

Thank you very much for your reply to my request, I appreciate your help.
Can you possibly tell me a little more about the difficulties which caused the delay full enactment of the order?

Yours sincerely, noel austin

Curran, Lynne,

I will be out of the office until Monday 6 April 2009. Your e-mail has
not been forwarded.

Dear Curran, Lynne,

Thank you very much for your reply to my request, I appreciate your
help. Can you tell me more about the difficulties
which caused the delay for the full enactment of the order?

Yours sincerely,

noel austin

Curran, Lynne,

Dear Mr Austin

I refer to your e-mail below, and that of 5 April 2009, requesting
information on the difficulties which caused the delay in the full enactment
of the Order. My apologies for taking so long to reply.

The delay in enacting the Order occurred primarily because of changes in
staff and internal re-organisation.

I hope you find this information helpful.

Lynne Curran

Lynne Curran
Equality, Human Rights and Public Safety
Room C4.8 Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate
Belfast BT4 3SQ

Telephone : 028 90 5 20767
E-mail : [email address]

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