Fines Related to Covid-19
Dear Oriel College, Oxford,
I am requesting:
1) The total number of fines issued related to restrictions put in place due to Covid-19 (e.g. students exceeding household sizes, lack of social distancing, failing to wear a mask etc.) since 1 October 2020;
2) The number of fines broken down by size and type (e.g. suspended, part-suspended, or levied) as well as the total value of these fines;
3) Have any other forms of disciplinary action been taken (e.g. any form of community service, or warning letters being issued)?
4) How many students have been sent down* for Covid-19 related offences during this time period (*this includes any variation of rusticating, temporarily suspended, being asked to leave college accommodation or any other meaning of 'sent down')?
5) How much did the college earn through decanal fines in the same time period, last year.
Could you also break down this information into a termly basis i.e. the answers for the above in Michaelmas 2020, in Hilary 2021 and then a total for both terms?
If you need any clarification do not hesitate to contact me. Under section 16 of the Freedom of Information Act it is your duty to provide advice and assistance and so I would expect you to contact me if you find this request unmanageable in any way.
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Moseley
Dear Oriel College, Oxford,
I would appreciate a swift response to the above FOI (which by law should have been sent by 15th March 2021).
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Moseley
Dear Jonathan
My apologies for the delay in responding to you - and thank you for your patience!
I'm afraid this missed my radar entirely, with other priorities kept me from checking this inbox.
I know that we have issued fines (and sent students home) but I will need to get the details from the Senior Dean. I believe she is now away until 12th April, but it should be an easy question to answer then, so I expect I'd be able to respond to you fairly immediately on the return from the Easter break. College is closed from tomorrow until then, anyway.
I hope this is OK, and does not inconvenience you too much!
Kristina Masih
PA to the Treasurer
Oriel College, Oxford, OX1 4EW
01865 276531 / 0791 886 6918
Registered Charity No: 1141976
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