Fines for failure to display a DEC

The request was successful.

Dear Department for Communities and Local Government,

I make this request under Freedom of Information legislation.

I would like to request the following;

1 How many fines have been issued since the introduction in October 2008 of The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) Regulations for
a)non display of Display Energy Certificate
b)display of an out of date Display Energy Certificate

2 A breakdown of the above information for Question 1 by financial year.

3 A breakdown of the above information for Question 1 by local authority area.

4 The value of fines since the introduction in October 2008 of The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) Regulations.

5 A breakdown of the above information for Question 4 by financial year.

6 A breakdown of the above information for Question 4 by local authority area.

7 Where the money generated by any fines goes to (ie local authority issuing the fine or governemnt department)

I do not believe this request will breach the statutory cost limits but, without prejudice to my further appeal rights if you deem otherwise I request you provide as much information as possible within the statutory limits.

I look forward to your prompt response or, at the very latest, a response within 20 working days.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Dodds

Phil Beschizza, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Dodds,

Please find attached FOI acknowledgement letter.
<<110901 - Mr P Dodd.pdf>>
Yours sincerely,

Phil Beschizza
Climate Change &
Sustainable Buildings Division
Zone 5/H9, Eland House

T: 0303 444 1836
F: 0303 444 3313
E: [1][email address]

From:   FoI Requests 
Sent:   Friday, August 26, 2011 12:35 PM
To:     Peter Matthew
Subject:        FW: Freedom of Information request - DODDS- Fines for
failure to display a DEC - DRAFT RESPONSE REQUIRED BY 19 Sept 2011 FOR
FINAL RESPONSE DATE 26 September 2011

  Freedom of Information request - DODDS- Fines for failure to display a
September 2011

The following request for information has been allocated to your Division
for response. Please now take these steps:
1. Send an acknowledgement to the applicant.
2. Transfers: If this request is not for your division please forward it
to the correct business area and copy to: [email address]

3. Ensure the request is registered on the FOI Tracking System (FITS) by
your nominated FITS contact, so that the FoI Advice Team (FOIAT) can also
track its progress. InfoPoint (x42222) can advise who your FITS contact

4. Ensure Press Office is made aware of a request from a journalist or the
media and that the FOIAT and private offices (SofS, Permanent Secretary,
special advisors) are made aware of any potentially sensitive requests at
an early stage. Allow enough time to obtain any clearance of your response
or consultation with other internal/external parties that is necessary
before the draft response is submitted.

5 Be aware an extension of time is permissible if, and only if, you are
considering the public interest test for a qualified exemption. You should
contact the FOIAT for advice on using exemptions.

6. Round-robin requests: MoJ or Cabinet Office may issue central guidance.
The FOIAT will advise you where this is the case, and pass on any central
guidance to you.

7. Please let the FOIAT have a copy of your draft response (cleared by
your DD) within 15 working days . After this we will communicate with you
within 3 working days if we have any comments etc. After 3 working days
please regard your response as final and send it to the requester.

8 In most cases, unless there is no wider public interest, information you
have provided in the response will also be published in the FOI Disclosure
Log on the Department’s website and for this purpose your draft response
will be treated as final unless further changes are made at the draft

Please note revised handling procedures from 28 February 2011
(see [2] for explanation
on new target)
The change:
For each request a draft response needs to be completed within 15 working
days and sent to the FOI Advice Team ([email address]) who will provide
any comments in time to allow colleagues to meet their deadline under the
FOIA or EIRs for responding to the request. If you have not received
comments or further communication within 3 working days please finalise
the response and reply to the requester within the 20 day limit.

Guidance is on the Intranet at
For general queries about request handling contact the FOI Advice Team at
[email address] or (0303 44) 42222
FOI Advice Team
Knowledge Management Division

show quoted sections

Phil Beschizza, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Dodds,

Please find attached a letter in response to your request below.

<<110915 - Mr P Dodd (F0005119) letter.pdf>>
Yours sincerely,

Phil Beschizza
Climate Change &
Sustainable Buildings Division

From:   Phil Beschizza 
Sent:   Thursday, September 01, 2011 7:17 AM
To:     '[FOI #84144 email]'
Subject:        FW: Freedom of Information request - DODDS- Fines for
failure to display a DEC - DRAFT RESPONSE REQUIRED BY 19 Sept 2011 FOR
FINAL RESPONSE DATE 26 September 2011

Dear Mr Dodds,

Please find attached FOI acknowledgement letter.
 << File: 110901 - Mr P Dodd.pdf >>
Yours sincerely,

Phil Beschizza
Climate Change &
Sustainable Buildings Division
Zone 5/H9, Eland House

T: 0303 444 1836
F: 0303 444 3313
E: [1][email address]

From:   FoI Requests 
Sent:   Friday, August 26, 2011 12:35 PM
To:     Peter Matthew
Subject:        FW: Freedom of Information request - DODDS- Fines for
failure to display a DEC - DRAFT RESPONSE REQUIRED BY 19 Sept 2011 FOR
FINAL RESPONSE DATE 26 September 2011

  Freedom of Information request - DODDS- Fines for failure to display a
September 2011

The following request for information has been allocated to your Division
for response. Please now take these steps:
1. Send an acknowledgement to the applicant.
2. Transfers: If this request is not for your division please forward it
to the correct business area and copy to: [email address]

3. Ensure the request is registered on the FOI Tracking System (FITS) by
your nominated FITS contact, so that the FoI Advice Team (FOIAT) can also
track its progress. InfoPoint (x42222) can advise who your FITS contact

4. Ensure Press Office is made aware of a request from a journalist or the
media and that the FOIAT and private offices (SofS, Permanent Secretary,
special advisors) are made aware of any potentially sensitive requests at
an early stage. Allow enough time to obtain any clearance of your response
or consultation with other internal/external parties that is necessary
before the draft response is submitted.

5 Be aware an extension of time is permissible if, and only if, you are
considering the public interest test for a qualified exemption. You should
contact the FOIAT for advice on using exemptions.

6. Round-robin requests: MoJ or Cabinet Office may issue central guidance.
The FOIAT will advise you where this is the case, and pass on any central
guidance to you.

7. Please let the FOIAT have a copy of your draft response (cleared by
your DD) within 15 working days . After this we will communicate with you
within 3 working days if we have any comments etc. After 3 working days
please regard your response as final and send it to the requester.

8 In most cases, unless there is no wider public interest, information you
have provided in the response will also be published in the FOI Disclosure
Log on the Department’s website and for this purpose your draft response
will be treated as final unless further changes are made at the draft

Please note revised handling procedures from 28 February 2011
(see [2] for explanation
on new target)
The change:
For each request a draft response needs to be completed within 15 working
days and sent to the FOI Advice Team ([email address]) who will provide
any comments in time to allow colleagues to meet their deadline under the
FOIA or EIRs for responding to the request. If you have not received
comments or further communication within 3 working days please finalise
the response and reply to the requester within the 20 day limit.

Guidance is on the Intranet at
For general queries about request handling contact the FOI Advice Team at
[email address] or (0303 44) 42222
FOI Advice Team
Knowledge Management Division

show quoted sections

Dear Phil Beschizza,

Thank you for your response, I do have a number of comments to make.

I find it incredible you do not require local authorities to maintain and submit records on enforcement action for these regulations.

Question 7 - Do you not hold information about where money generated by an fines goes to ?

It is dissappointing to see you cannot spell my surname in your correspondence with yet you have in correspondecning with your staff

Yours sincerely,

Paul Dodds

Phil Beschizza, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Dear Mr Dodds,

Thank you for your email.

Firstly, I must apologies for the incorrect spelling of your name in the reply letter.

Local Authorities Weights and Measures Authorities can keep any fines generated from enforcement activities.

Yours sincerely,

Phil Beschizza

show quoted sections

Dear Phil Beschizza,

Thank you for your help and assistance

Yours sincerely,

Paul Dodds

Phil Beschizza, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Thank you for your e-mail, I am out of the office until Tuesday 20

I will respond to your email when I return.

If your email requires an urgent reply please contact;

EPCs and DECs
[email address]

Compliance and enforcement or air conditioning
[email address]
Denis [email address]

show quoted sections


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