We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Owen Neale please sign in and let everyone know.

Financial Relationship with the University of London

We're waiting for Owen Neale to read recent responses and update the status.

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to request the following information:

1. Please provide details on the amount paid by the University College London to the University of London in 2022. Why the UCL had to pay to the University of London whilst the UCL already possessed the degree awarding power?
2. Please provide details on the amount received by the UCL from the University of London in 2022.
3. Did the UCL generate income from the collaboration with the University of London Worldwide on online courses in 2022? If so, how much?
4. Does the UCL have a plan to quit the University of London?

In consideration of my disabilities, I request that your response be provided in an accessible PDF format with easy read format and a large font size of at least 16.

Yours faithfully,
Owen Neale

Finance.FOI Requests, University College London

If you have submitted a Freedom of Information request please accept this
email as acknowledgement that your request has been received. You should
expect a response from us within 20 working days. 
For details on how we use your personal information, please see UCL's
general privacy
notice: [1]www.ucl.ac.uk/legal-services/privacy/general-privacy-notice
Data Protection Office
Office of General Counsel 


Visible links
1. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/legal-services/pri...

I still have not received your response. When will you give me a proper answer?

Finance.FOI Requests, University College London

4 Attachments

Dear Owen,

Thank you for your email.

Please find attached my email of 3 June 2024 containing our response to this request. The information was provided in an easy read format, using plain language and a large print (font size of 16 or above) in a PDF format.

Kind Regards,

India Titeux
Data Protection and Freedom of Information Adviser
Data Protection Office
Office of General Counsel
University College London

Tel: 020 7679 8122 (internal ext. 08122)
Email: [email address]

My working hours are 8am-6pm
Wednesday is my non-working day

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To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you to complain against your unhelpful, incompetent staff member India Titeux who failed to read my request carefully but copied and pasted the answer to another different, irreverent request (Jeremy Bentham is completely irrelevant to my request this time).

Also, it has already been over the statutory deadline. When will you give me the information about the financial relationship with the University of London?

Yours sincerely,
Owen Neale

Stephen, Richard, University College London

2 Attachments

Dear Owen


I refer to your request below.


To update you, I am reviewing this complaint and I am working with my
colleagues to assess what occurred, and I will be in contact again early
next week.


Please note while we appreciate this situation may be frustrating, we take
our FOIA obligations seriously and our Team endeavours to be as helpful as
we can. If a mistake has occurred, we will resolve and assess how to
prevent a reoccurrence.


Kind regards



Richard Stephen

Deputy Chief Privacy Officer

Data Protection Office

Office of General Counsel

University College London


Office phone: 0203 108 4536 Extension Number – 54536

Mobile: +447585975353

[1][email address]

  [2]A grey circle with white text Description automatically generated

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believe that you have received the e-mail and its attachment(s) in error,
you must not take any action based on them and you must not copy or show
them to anyone. Please respond to the sender and delete this email and its
attachment(s) from your system.





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Stephen, Richard, University College London

2 Attachments

Dear Owen


I refer to my email below.


Our Office receives many FOIA requests, with the summer being particularly
busy. While we do usually manage to identify FOIA requests promptly,
unfortunately it seems in this case the request you made on 13 June 2024
was not picked up and logged into our queue at the time. This meant when
you followed up in July, it was then presumed you were chasing up your
request made in May that had already been responded to.


We apologise for this administrative oversight, and we will endeavour to
prevent a reoccurrence. In relation to your FOIA request, this has now
been picked up (UCL reference FOI 024-586) and will now be processed as a


Kind regards




Richard Stephen

Deputy Chief Privacy Officer

Data Protection Office

Office of General Counsel

University College London


Office phone: 0203 108 4536 Extension Number – 54536

Mobile: +447585975353

[1][email address]

  [2]A grey circle with white text Description automatically generated

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you must not take any action based on them and you must not copy or show
them to anyone. Please respond to the sender and delete this email and its
attachment(s) from your system.






From: Stephen, Richard
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2024 5:13 PM
To: '[FOI #1139323 email]'
<[FOI #1139323 email]>
Subject: RE: FOI 024- 414 - Financial Relationship with the University of
London [UCL-LIVE.FID14835]


Dear Owen


I refer to your request below.


To update you, I am reviewing this complaint and I am working with my
colleagues to assess what occurred, and I will be in contact again early
next week.


Please note while we appreciate this situation may be frustrating, we take
our FOIA obligations seriously and our Team endeavours to be as helpful as
we can. If a mistake has occurred, we will resolve and assess how to
prevent a reoccurrence.


Kind regards



Richard Stephen

Deputy Chief Privacy Officer

Data Protection Office

Office of General Counsel

University College London


Office phone: 0203 108 4536 Extension Number – 54536

Mobile: +447585975353

[3][email address]

  [4]A grey circle with white text Description automatically generated

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you must not take any action based on them and you must not copy or show
them to anyone. Please respond to the sender and delete this email and its
attachment(s) from your system.





show quoted sections

I still have not received your proper response. Why don't you resign and step down when you fail to meet your job requirements? When will you give me the information?

Stephen, Richard, University College London

Thank you for your email. I am on leave, but I will respond as soon as I
can when I return on Friday 30 August.

If your query is urgent please email [1][email address].           

If you are reporting a data breach, please follow the guidance in the link
below and report it direct to ISG:


If you have a general query relating to data protection at UCL, you may
find the FAQs on the data protection website helpful:


Kind regards,



Deputy Chief Privacy Officer, UCL


Visible links
1. mailto:[email%20address]
2. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/data-protection/gu...
3. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/data-protection/da...

Stephen, Richard, University College London

2 Attachments

Dear Owen

Thank you for your email.

I have discussed this with my colleague who is processing this request and
our response is almost completed and will be sent out shortly, hopefully
by the end of today or early next week.

In the meantime we will appreciate your patience while we process this

Kind regards

Richard Stephen

Deputy Chief Privacy Officer

Data Protection Office

Office of General Counsel

University College London

Office phone: 0203 108 4536 Extension Number – 54536

Mobile: +447585975353

[1][email address]

  [2]A grey circle with white text Description automatically generated

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attachment(s) are confidential to the intended recipient and may be
legally privileged. They are not to be disclosed, copied, forwarded, used
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believe that you have received the e-mail and its attachment(s) in error,
you must not take any action based on them and you must not copy or show
them to anyone. Please respond to the sender and delete this email and its
attachment(s) from your system.

show quoted sections

Finance.FOI Requests, University College London

1 Attachment

Dear Owen,

Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) 2000. I apologise for the delay in the provision of
this response.

Please see our response in the PDF attached.

Kind regards,

Fawwaz Noibi

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Administrator

Data Protection Office

Office of the General Counsel

University College London

Tel:        020 3108 6389 (ext. 56389)

Email:    [1][email address]

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

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attachment(s) are confidential to the intended recipient and may be
legally privileged. They are not to be disclosed, copied, forwarded, used
or relied upon by any person other than the intended addressee. If you
believe that you have received the e-mail and its attachment(s) in error,
you must not take any action based on them and you must not copy or show
them to anyone. Please respond to the sender and delete this email and its
attachment(s) from your system.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email%20address]

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Owen Neale please sign in and let everyone know.