Financial Information
Dear Luton Sixth Form College,
Please can you furnish me with the following information for every academic year from 2003-4 to 2010-11, with projections for 2011-12.
(i) The Principal's salary
(ii) Total salary for the Senior Management Team
(iii) Total salary for the Senior Management Team as a percentage of total income.
(iv) Total expenditure on private health insurance by the college.
Yours faithfully,
Darcus Owusu
Dear Darcus
Thank you for your request for information from the Luton Sixth Form
College. We will reply within 20 working days.
Steve Kelby
Director of Information and Technical Systems
Luton Sixth Form College
Direct dial 01582 432575
Dear Darcus
Please find below
data relating to
your information
request. We do
not have
historical data on
the combined
salaries of our
Senior Management
Team as such - the
data shown below
is for our Senior
Postholders, which
I hope will serve
your purposes.Â
If you do need
historical SMT
figures, we would
be able to extract
these from our
archives, but the
amount of work
involved is likely
to require us to
make a charge.Â
We will calculate
this charge if you
indicate that you
wish to pursue
this request
Steve Kelby
Director or
Information and
Technical Systems
Luton Sixth Form
As Per Audited
Financial Year 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
(1st August - 31st
July) £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Salary 91,624 99,963 107,408 110,485 113,247 118,158 120,530
Ers Pension
Contribution 11,990 13,495 14,500 15,303 15,968 16,660 16,995
103,614 113,458 121,908 125,788 129,215 134,818 137,525
Total Salary for
SPH (Senior Post
Holders)Â Incl
Principal) 311,059 309,117 323,752 269,912 319,000 273,807 284,960
Ers Pension
Contribution 38,878 40,019 42,545 36,849 43,000 38,343 39,069
349,937 349,136 366,297 306,761 362,000 312,150 324,029
Number of Senior
post-holders 6 5 5 5 6 4 4
Total Income 8,541 8,901 9,647 10,645 10,721 11,268 12,101
Total Salary for
SPH as a % of
total income 4.1% 3.9% 3.8% 2.9% 3.4% 2.8% 2.7%
Total Exp on
Private Health
Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Senior Post Holders are defined as the Principal and holders of other
senior posts whom the Governing Body has selected for the purposes
of the articles of government of the college relating to the appointment
and promotion of staff who are appointed by the Governing Body.
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