Figures for nominal records on Police National Computer - 2022
Dear Home Office,
I would be grateful if you could provide up-to-date figures on how many Nominal (Criminal) Records are currently on the PNC.
I would like you to provide figures that are accurate up to the date of replying to this request and mindful that the last figures you provided to me in September 2020 and December 2021 were approx 11.9 million.
I am aware that over 1 million people are convicted each year so I would expect these figures to have increased significantly – or you to provide the rationale as to why the figures have not increased.
Yours faithfully,
Dominic Headley
Thank you for contacting the Home Office Freedom of Information Requests
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Dear Dominic Headley,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref 72108). We will aim to send you a full response by 31/10/2022 which is twenty working days from the date we received your request.
Kind Regards,
M Ennis
Home Office
Dear Dominic Headley,
Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information request dated
03 October 2022 (our reference 72108).
Please note we are sending this to you by e-mail only.
Information Rights Team
Home Office
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