Festival Gardens purchase.

The request was successful.

Paul of the Woods Family

Dear Liverpool City Council,

Where are you getting the money from to buy the land at the festival garden site?

Yours faithfully,

Paul Woods

Symm, Kevin, Liverpool City Council

Dear Mr Woods

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides the public with a right of access to information held by Local Authorities and places a responsibility on Local Authorities to provide information which is requested of it. However, it does not require Local Authorities to confirm actions, give opinions or answer questions.

As you have asked a question of the City Council we are not required to provide responses to your request under the Act

However, you can submit your question to the City Council via our Have Your Say scheme which can be accessed via the following link:

I hope this is of assistance


Kevin Symm I Senior Information Officer
Liverpool City Council I Municipal Buildings I Dale Street I Liverpool I L2 2DH
T: 0151 233 0418 I E: [email address]
Online: www.liverpool.gov.uk

show quoted sections

Paul of the Woods Family

Dear Liverpool City Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Liverpool City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Festival Gardens purchase.'.

[ Liverpool Council has refused to give me the information I have requested.

The Council is purchasing a vast amount of land, and amid cuts worth millions, they are refusung to say where the money for that purchase will come from. ]

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/f...

Yours faithfully,

Paul of the Woods Family

Symm, Kevin, Liverpool City Council

Dear Mr Woods

The City Council has not refused to respond to your question we have simply advised you that the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is not the appropriate vehicle under which to proceed. As such we advised you submitted your questions via our Have Your Say scheme and provided the appropriate website

This does not represent any refusal.

I hope this is of assistance


Kevin Symm I Senior Information Officer
Liverpool City Council I Municipal Buildings I Dale Street I Liverpool I L2 2DH
T: 0151 233 0418 I E: [email address]
Online: www.liverpool.gov.uk

show quoted sections

Paul of the Woods Family

Dear Symm, Kevin,

Have you been taking tips from Knowsey Council?

They tried exactly the same thing and it didn't work. You have no right to change a perfectly valid FOI request into a ' have your say query'.

I asked you for information under the FOi act, you have not yet supplied that information, choosing to muddy the waters instead.

Please supply the information or continue with the review I requested, Thank You.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Woods

Symm, Kevin, Liverpool City Council

Dear Mr Woods

My email of the 3 June explained why we felt it was appropriate to handle your email under our have Your Say scheme as you had not asked for information but clarification. As such I explained to you that the Freedom of Information Act 2000 was not the most appropriate way to handle your request

However, as you seem to feel I am 'choosing to muddy the waters' I will process your email under the Act

Additionally, I can confirm I have no idea what Knowsley Council have said to you nor have I taken any tips from them

I hope the above is of assistance


Kevin Symm I Senior Information Officer
Liverpool City Council I Municipal Buildings I Dale Street I Liverpool I L2 2DH
T: 0151 233 0418 I E: [email address]
Online: www.liverpool.gov.uk

show quoted sections

Kevin Symm, Liverpool City Council

Information request
Our reference: 383401


Dear Mr Woods
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 3 June
2015 concerning
Where are you getting the money from to buy the land at the festival
garden site?
We are dealing with your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and we aim to send a response by 1 July 2015 (which is 20 working days
beginning on the first working day after the date we received your
In some case, a fee may be payable. If we decide a fee is payable, we will
send you a fee notice and we will require you to pay the fee before
proceeding with your request.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 may restrict the release of some or
all of the information you have requested. We will carry out an assessment
and if any exemptions apply to some or all of the information then we
might not provide that information to you. We will inform you if this is
the case and advise you of your rights to request an internal review and
to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office.
We will also advise you if we cannot provide you with the information
requested for any other reason together with the reason(s) why and details
of how you may appeal (if appropriate).
Yours sincerely
Kevin Symm
[1][email address]

show quoted sections


Visible links
1. mailto:[email%20address]

Audrey O'Keefe left an annotation ()

Sarcasm is not a quality of professionalism and officers should not be using it to communicate with a member of the public.

Kevin Symm, Liverpool City Council

1 Attachment

Please find attached response


Kevin Symm I Senior Information Officer
Liverpool City Council I Municipal Buildings I Dale Street I Liverpool I
L2 2DH
T: 0151 233 0418 I E: [email address]
Online: [1]www.liverpool.gov.uk

show quoted sections


Visible links
1. http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/