Fees and Allowances.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Could you please list all fees and allowances clearly itemized that have been claimed by and paid to Lord Sheldon commencing with the first claim submitted upon his elevation to the House of Lords to the present day.
Yours faithfully,
Richard Roberts
Thank you for your email.
The House of Lords Information Office receives large numbers of e-mails
and we aim to reply within 10 working days. If you need the information
sooner please telephone the House of Lords Information Office on 020
7219 3107.
The following information may answer many of your enquiries.
House of Lords
If you have access to the Internet you may find the answers to most of
your queries on the House of Lords pages of the Parliament website:
<http://www.parliament.uk/> http://www.parliament.uk/lords
Judicial work
For queries about Judicial Work, please visit the Judicial Work section
of the Parliament website
Contact the Supreme Court for further information:
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
Parliament Square
London SW1P 3BD
Tel: 020 7960 1991/1992
Fax: 020 7960 1901
Appointments to the House of Lords
For queries about appointments to the House of Lords, contact the House
of Lords Appointments Commission, which is a separate independent body
and NOT part of the House of Lords:
The House of Lords Appointments Commission
35 Great Smith Street
Tel: 020 7276 2005 (020 7276 2315 for an Information Pack)
Thank you.
Dear Mr Roberts
Thank you for your request.
You should expect a response from us no later than 07 September.
Yours sincerely
Alex Daybank
Information Compliance Manager
House of Lords
Dear Mr Roberts
I am writing in response to your request for information under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("the 2000 Act") for a "list all fees
and allowances clearly itemized that have been claimed by and paid to
Lord Sheldon commencing with the first claim submitted upon his
elevation to the House of Lords to the present day."
It may be helpful to you if I at first provide you with some information
about the Members' Reimbursement Scheme. Members of the House of Lords
do not, in general, receive a salary in respect of their Parliamentary
duties. However, Members may be reimbursed for expenses arising out of
their duties in accordance with the rules of the above Scheme. Members
of the House of Lords may, for the most part, submit claims under only
four categories; daily subsistence expenses; overnight subsistence
expenses; office costs; travel expenses incurred in attending a sitting
of the House or a Committee meeting at Westminster.
Details of the amounts claimed in expenses by Members of the House of
Lords, including Lord Sheldon, are published annually by financial year
under the four categories mentioned above. Lord Sheldon was raised to
the House of Lords following the general election of 2001. All claims
made by Members from April 2001 - March 2008 are available from:
Additional information relating to the Members' Reimbursement Scheme and
the information published can be found at:
The complete guide to the Members Reimbursement Scheme is available
Details of expenses reimbursed to Members, including Lord Sheldon, for
the 2008-09 financial year are due to be published in the autumn of this
year and are thereby exempt from disclosure prior to this date under
section 22 of the 2000 Act. Information is exempt under this section if
it is held by the public authority with a view to its publication at a
future date and it is reasonable in all the circumstances that the
information should be withheld from disclosure until that date. This
exemption is subject to a public interest test and we have concluded
that because the information relating to expense claims for 2008-09 will
be published by the House administration in the autumn it is reasonable
to withhold the information until this time.
You may, if dissatisfied with the treatment of your request for
information, ask the House of Lords to conduct an internal review.
Requests for an internal review should be addressed to
[email address] or to the Freedom of Information Officer, House
of Lords, London SW1A 0PW. Arrangements will be made for someone who
has not been involved in dealing with your request to conduct an
internal review within 20 working days.
If, following this review, you remain dissatisfied with the House's
treatment of your request for information, then you may take your
complaint to the Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely
Frances Grey
Freedom of Information Officer
House of Lords
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