FCO Research Analysis and use of Bellingcat
Dear Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
Dear Ministry of Defence,
I wish to see all recorded documents that refer to FCO Research Analysts and Syria and make reference to the so-called investigative journalism and open source intelligence (OSINT) website Bellingcat.
Ideally I would like to see FCO Research Analyst reports/assessment/papers, etc that analyse/assess the use of chemical weapons in Syria and any reference to Bellingcat in these documents.
Also, any documents that refer to the reliability of Bellingcat as a source when drafting research assessments.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Smith
Yours faithfully,
Mr Smith
Dear Mr Smith,
Thank you for your email to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In
order for us to assist you with your request and best direct any search
please could you refine the scope of your request. As currently drafted
your request is too broad and would go over the statutory limit set under
the FOIA and we would be unable to proceed with it.
Would it be possible for you to specify a particular timeframe for the
correspondence you are seeking? In the first instance we recommend a
period no longer than 24 months. To fully understand your request could
you also provide further details for the documents you are referring to
for your 3^rd question ‘any documents that refer to the reliability of
Bellingcat as a source when drafting research assessments’. Are you
seeking reporting the FCO has completed on Bellingcat?
Once we receive your revised request we will consider it and the
appropriate course of action.
We should note that if we do not hear back from you within 10 working days
we will close your FOI enquiry. You may resubmit a new FOI request via
this inbox anytime.
Yours sincerely
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear FOI-DPA PMCS (Sensitive),
Please limit the timeframe from March 2018 to December 2019.
Re: my third question - yes, I am seeking reporting the FCO has completed on Bellingcat.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Smith
Our ref: FOI2020/00126
Dear Mr Smith,
Thank you for your FOI request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
It has been assigned a unique reference number (above) and has been passed
to the relevant section within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to deal
with. They will be in touch with you should your request need
We received your request on 28th January and will aim to respond within 20
working days following date of receipt. We will therefore reply at the
latest by 25th February.
Please quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Yours sincerely,
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
By law, you should have responded by 25 Feb. Please send me a response without further delay.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Smith
Dear Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Foreign and Commonwealth Office's handling of my FOI request 'FCO Research Analysis and use of Bellingcat'.
Your response is now well overdue.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/f...
Yours faithfully,
Mr Smith
Dear Mr Smith
Thank you for your email regarding your request for information under the Freedom of Information act.
We apologise for the delay in responding to your request, unfortunately we are unable to accept a request for an internal review if the case has not been responded to.
Once you receive a response to your request you are welcome to submit a request for an internal review if you wish to do so.
Yours sincerely
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FOI Request Ref: 2020/00126
Dear Mr Smith
Thank you for your e mail requesting an internal review of FOI2020/00126.
An internal review cannot be carried out until a response to an enquiry
has been sent out.
We will be able to send you a response by the end of the week. Please
accept our apologies for the delay in responding to your enquiry .
Yours sincerely
Central FoI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear Mr Smith,
I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request
FOI2020/00126, received 28th January. Please find our response attached.
Yours sincerely,
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Foreign and Commonwealth Office's handling of my FOI request 'FCO Research Analysis and use of Bellingcat'.
I believe my request has not been handled correctly and the exemption engaged does not actually apply.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/f...
Yours faithfully,
Mr Smith
Dear Mr Smith,
Thank you for your request for an internal review of our response to your
FOI Request Ref FOI2020/00126. It has been passed to the relevant
department within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to deal with and
they will respond to you with the outcome of the review.
We received your request on 18th March and will aim to respond within 20
working days 17th April.
Yours sincerely
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear Mr Smith,
I am writing in response to your internal review request IR2020/03225,
received 18th March. This relates to your FOI request 2020/00126. Please
find attached our response.
Yours sincerely,
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
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