FCO meeting with Cambridge Analytica, Brazil, October 2016
Dear Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
Leaked documents show that Cambridge Analytica's Brittany Kaiser organised a meeting with the FCO's Consul General Joana Crellin and Lauren Frater, Head of Trade Team, Sao Paulo, between 20 and 30 October 2016.
The leaked emails were between Brittany Kaiser and Rosangela Escobar, and others.
I'd like all details of the meeting between the FCO and Cambridge Analytica (via their parent SCL group) in late October 2016, including:
- names and job titles of all present;
- detailed minutes from the meeting;
- exact date and time of the meeting;
- the full list of emails and correspondence between the FCO and SCL Group/Cambridge Analytics;
- if any follow-up meetings occurred between the FCO in Brazil and Cambridge Analytica during 2016, and if so, the same details as requested for the meeting in late October 2016.
Yours faithfully,
Our ref: FOI2020/00006
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your FOI request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
It has been assigned a unique reference number (above) and has been passed
to the relevant section within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to deal
with. They will be in touch with you should your request need
We received your request on 6th January and will aim to respond within 20
working days following date of receipt. We will therefore reply at the
latest by 3rd February.
Please quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Yours sincerely,
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear Kevin,
I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request
FOI2020/00006, received 6th January. Please find attached our response.
Yours sincerely,
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
I have a copy of email communications between Cambridge Analytica/SCL Group's Brittany Kaiser and Rosangela Escobar, from Rosangela Escobar's FCO email address on 25 October 2016 ([email address]).
Given you claim you hold 'no record', yet it happened via an official FCO email account, does this suggest that the communication has been deleted?
Yours faithfully,
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your email. Please confirm if you would like us to complete an internal review of FOI2020/00006?
Yours sincerely
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear FOI-DPA PMCS (Sensitive),
I confirm that I'd like you to complete an internal review. Many thanks.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your request for an internal review of our response to your
FOI Request Ref FOI2020/00006. It has been passed to the relevant
department within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to deal with and
they will respond to you with the outcome of the review.
We received your request on 31st January and will aim to respond within 20
working days 28th February.
Yours sincerely
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear Kevin,
I am writing in response to your internal review request IR2020/00187,
received 31st January. Please find attached our response.
Yours sincerely,
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
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