Fatal Accidents Act claims

Homes for Haringey did not have the information requested.

Peoples Information Center

Dear Homes for Haringey,

Please provide the total number of claims made against you under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976, since 2010.

If doing so would not exceed the appropriate cost limit, please include any out of court settlements reached before a claim was issued by the court.

Please include any claims which are currently ongoing.

Yours faithfully,

Ranjan Balakumaran
Peoples Information Center

ComplaintsHFH, Homes for Haringey

Dear Ranjan Balakumaran


Thank you for your enquiry dated 17 May below. Last week my team checked
with the Haringey Council Risk and Insurance Manager who confirmed to us
that she does not hold any records of any claims made against Homes for
Haringey under this Act. The Haringey Council Risk and Insurance Team are
the team who would hold these records as opposed to a team within Homes
for Haringey, who your email below was addressed to. The FOI request
LBH/7396118 which was sent to, then logged and acknowledged on 17/05/2018
by the Council’s Feedback Team, will also cover any records held against
Homes for Haringey as well as all other Council departments. As such, I
have not logged your email below as a separate FOI request.



Yours Truly


Jarrod Markcoons I Feedback Team Leader


Homes for Haringey

Broadwater Farm Community Centre I London I N17 6HE

Tel: 0208 489 4321

E: [email address]

E: [email address]





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