Family Justice Board Ministers

The request was successful.

Dear Ministry of Justice,

Having written a letter to the Prime Minister (25 January 2012) expressing my disappointment at the final report of the Family Justice Review published (3 November 2011), i have had a reply from Sarla Parbat, a member of the Family Justice Division team responsible for Family Justice at the MOJ.

The reply on my letter from Sarla stated that the Government has established a working group of Ministers to develop proposals for legislative change.

My Question is:-

Please can you tell me the names of the Ministers and any other persons involved in relation to the established working group (Family Justice Board (FJB)) including, Children Commissioners, Local Authority/Social Services, Cafcass, Judges, Barristers, Solicitors etc

Please could you allow me to know the question above as its in the public interest to know everybody involved with the set up of the FJB

Yours faithfully,
Steve Bayliss

Museveni, Irene, Ministry of Justice

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Bayliss
Please find attached below an acknowledgment letter confirming receipt of
your FoI request. This letter also advises you on the date as to when you
will receive a reply from us.
Kind regards
Irene Museveni

show quoted sections

Museveni, Irene, Ministry of Justice

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Bayliss
Please find attached below a response to your Freedom of Information
request sent to MoJ on 2 March 2012.
Kind regards

show quoted sections

Dear Museveni, Irene,

Thank you very much with the reply which i am very happy to receive, however i've noticed that there are still unconfirmed positions on the Family Justice Board (FJB).

Please could you kindly inform me when these positions (and by whom) are filled and also to inform me of any other persons that join the (FJB) thereafter or.. if there is a direct link with this information on the Ministry of Justice website regarding the (FJB), please would you make it publicly available.

Yours sincerely,

Steve Bayliss