Failing to act fairly and unbiased as a 16.4 Guardian
Dear Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service,
Due to the Unprofessional conduct of a 16.4 Guardian, Namely, Paul Turner. I Kindly request disclosure of his qualifications and Experiences and the nature of any complaints against him and how many complaints there have been against him.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Grant
Dear Miss Grant
Thank you for your email.
Please accept this as a formal acknowledgement of your request to Cafcass
on 8^th March 2023.
Your reference number is CAF23-28912.
We aim to respond to you promptly, and at the latest 20 working days from
receipt of your request. You will therefore receive a response on or
before 4^th April 2023.
In the meantime, for any further information please do not hesitate to
contact us. You may also find more information on our website [1]here.
Kind regards,
Governance Team | Cafcass
* [2][CAFCASS request email] | ü [3]
Dear Miss Grant
Thank you for your email. Please find attached our response to your
Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards,
Governance Team | Cafcass
* [1][CAFCASS request email] | ü [2]
Dear Governance,
This is not the FOI request i requested. It is a response to a complaint that Cafcass has failed to look into properly and whom cannot give answers why a guardian has withheld evidence of domestic abuse from a court. I am still waiting for the information I have requested and hope to not get any other emails (three now in total regarding one complaint, none about the FOI)
Please now only contact me to provide details of my request, which i expect to be by 6th April 2023.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Grant
Dear Governance,
Your response is confusing as I made no request to you about any social workers - i made a freedom request relating to the already named guardian - Paul Turner anf complaints relating to him as a childs guardian.
Are you covering up for Paul's biased and withholding of information of Domestic Violence from a court so they can get away with state kidnapping? Are you supportive of this?
I am still awaiting my request of the 16.4 Guardian Paul Turner. I will make this a public issue should any delays continue.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Grant
Dear Miss Grant,
We are unable to provide the guardian’s qualifications because this constitutes as personal data and engages Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, which exempts information which, if disclosed, would infringe on someone’s rights under the Data Protection Act.
We are unbale to confirm or deny whether Cafcass holds the number or nature of complaints raised against Paul Turner as this request is exempt under Section 40(5)(b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
For more information on the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the exemptions please see the link below;
Kind regards,
Governance Team | Cafcass
G [CAFCASS request email] |
We work to defend the right to FOI for everyone
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Richard King left an annotation ()
It's what they do. They're not a “neutral” party nor do they have a “special” status within the proceedings.* Those who can't take the guardian's banter, leave the proceedings, and the problem is solved. Don't take it personally, they slag each other off too! It's just banter! And it makes it sound more convincing when they say, "the guardian no longer works for Cafcass."
The guardian has a secondary role as a "critical friend". That is , they may in time help the children see things a different way. To do that the guardian needs the children's trust, and for that they need the trust of the parent that has most influence with the children. They don't, however, need the trust or affection of the applicant.
*But they have a special status within Cafcass. They decide whether to allocate resources.