Fail to attend (FTA) an initial Work Search
Interview or ID interview
What to do when a claimant does not attend their initial Work Search Interview, non-repudiation
interview& or ID interview with a personal and account support agent
If a claimant fails to attend:
a personal and account support agent (PASA) ID
a non-repudiation interview
an initial work search interview
The PASA/work coach (WC) makes an outbound call to the claimant on the same day as the
missed appointment(s) using the preferred contact number held on the claimant's Work Services
Platform (WSP) record.
It is essential that failed to attend (FTA) action is started on the day of the missed appointment,
because the claimant only has 7 days in which to provide reasons for their failure to attend an
initial Work Search interview (this means the date of the failure to attend +7). The outbound call
is made on the same day as the FTA and it is a local management decision when the action is
When the claimant answers. the PASA/WC explains to the claimant that they had an
appointment which they did not attend. The PASA/WC asks the claimant why they did not attend
the interview and records the reasons on WSP.
The PASA/WC populates WSP notes with the claimant's evidence relating to their reasons for
failure to attend. All notes must be factual to ensure the requirements of the Data Protection Act
are met. Information must be relevant to the contact, accurate and current. The PASA/WC must
not include more information than is necessary and saves the information entered in 'Notes'.
The PASA/WC considers the reasons the claimant provides and decides if they have a good
reason for not attending their appointment. Examples of good reason could be that the claimant:
suffered a temporary period of sickness (for 2
periods of sickness in any 12 months; the 2
periods cannot run consecutively)
was involved in a domestic emergency (life
event) – including serious illness, death, funeral
or emergency affecting a relative or close friend
or death of someone the claimant is caring for
was detained in police custody for 96 hours or
less then released
was required to attend court or tribunal
attended a job interview and can provide
sufficient evidence, for example, letter from
employer and/or the name of the interviewer
was prevented from attending by adverse
weather conditions
accessed the domestic violence conditionality
easement within the past 12 months
was at work or travelling to/from work
The list is not exhaustive. The PASA/WC should assess all the facts before they decide if the
claimant has a good reason for not attending their appointment. For example if the claimant was
prevented from attending because of adverse weather conditions, the PASA/WC must decide
whether the claimant could have reasonably been expected to attend taking into account the
local weather conditions at the time.
Good reason accepted
If the PASA/WC decides that the claimant had a good reason for not attending their appointment,
the PASA/WC asks the claimant if they wish to continue with their Universal Credit claim.
If the claimant wishes to continue, the PASA/WC retains the original date of claim and rebooks
the appointment within 5 working days of the date of claim.
If the claim was made on Thursday 14 April 2016 and the claimant failed to attend their
appointment on Friday 15 April 2016 and good reason is accepted, the re-booking must be made
by 21 April 2016 (which is the date of claim + 5).
The PASA/WC populates WSP notes with the claimant's reasons for their failure to attend and
saves and closes the claimant's record.
If evidence is required to support the good reason, the PASA/WC informs the claimant what
evidence is required and that they must bring it with them to the new appointment.
If the claimant does not wish to proceed with their claim the PASA/WC sets a CAMLite task for
an account developer (AD) to terminate the claim. The PASA/WC creates the following task:
Task Type: Termination/suspension
Sub- type: Make decision on evidence
SLA: SLA defaults to 3 days
Start date: defaults to the date the task is created
Notes: 'Claimant FTA and confirmed they no
longer wish to continue with their claim.
Terminate claim'
Assigned to: UC - Termination
See CAMLite and Work Service Platform notes
The PASA/WC updates CAMLite Contact history and WSP and saves and exits the claimant's
When the AD receives the task they terminate the claimant's Universal Credit claim using the
termination reason 'Failed to attend' and deactivate the claimant's WSP record. See
Suspensions, terminations and withdrawals.
In cases where the claimant is sick at the time of the initial Work Search Interview the PASA/WC
creates a CAMLite task for an AD. The task contains the following details:
Task Type: Health Condition
Sub Type: Review Fit Note
SLA: 3 days
Start Task From: Immediate
Notes: 'Sickness Day 1- claimant reported sick
from (--/--/--). Please consider next steps'
Assigned To: UC – Work Services
See CAMLite and Work Service Platform notes.
The PASA/WC updates CAMLite Contact history with the actions taken.
Good reason not accepted
If the PASA/WC decides that the claimant does not have a good reason for failing to attend their
appointment the claim to Universal Credit will be terminated.
The PASA/WC must advise the claimant that their reason for failing to attend is not acceptable
and they will have to make a new Universal Credit claim. The claimant must be advised to wait a
minimum of 3 hours before attempting to resubmit a claim. See: UC222 (Inbound script IWSI).
The PASA/WC sets an urgent CAMLite task for an AD to terminate the claim as follows:
Task Type: Termination/suspension
Sub-type: Make decision on evidence
SLA: amended to 1 hour
Notes: 'FTA, good reason not accepted. Urgent
action required to terminate claim to allow
claimant to claim again'
Assigned to: UC - Termination
See CAMLite and Work Service Platform notes
When the AD receives the above task they terminate the claimant's Universal Credit claim using
the termination reason 'failed to attend' and deactivate their WSP record.
This action must take place before the claimant will be able to make a new claim.
Outbound call to the claimant is unsuccessful
If the PASA/WC is unable to contact the claimant, they populate a UC212 and post it to the
The PASA/WC then:
1. Updates WSP notes and CAMLite Contact
history to record that the letter has been
2. Sends a copy of the letter to the Mail Opening
Unit (MOU) and completes a cover sheet
confirming a task is not required.
3. Creates the following CAMLite task for the AD
to close the claim:
Task Type: Failed to Attend
Sub-type: Action required
SLA: SLA defaults to 3 days
Start date: start date is set for 4 days
from date letter is issued
Notes: 'FTA Initial WSI/ID appointment,
claim closure action required'
Assigned to: UC - FTA
See CAMLite and Work Service
Platform notes
4. Saves and closes the claimant's records.
The PASA/WC receives the FTA task in Work Services
The WSP automatically generates a FTA task which matures the day after the missed
When the PASA/WC receives the task, they check whether the FTA action has been taken (for
example, the claimant has been contacted or a letter issued to ask them why they did not attend
their interview):
if the FTA action has been taken the PASA/WC
clears the task
if the FTA action has not been taken the
PASA/WC must take the FTA action (the
PASA/WC goes to the start of this process
The claimant makes contact after the FTA letter has
been issued
If the claimant contacts Universal Credit after the UC212 (fail to attend letter) has been issued,
the telephony agent (TA) or AD determines whether they have good reason for failing to attend
their appointment. See UC222 and examples of good reason above.
If the TA/AD accepts that the claimant had good reason for failing to attend and they wish to
continue with their claim, the TA/AD re-books the appointment retaining the original date of claim
and re-booking the appointment within 5 working days of the date of claim (this means the date
of claim + 5).
If the TA/AD doesn't accept the claimant had good reason for failing to attend their appointment
they inform them of the decision. See UC222.
The AD terminates the claim using the termination reason 'Failed to attend' and deactivates the
claimant's WSP record.
The AD receives the FTA task in CAMLite
When the AD receives the task set by the PASA/WC they check the Document Repository
System for any written correspondence in connection with the missed appointment. They must
also check CAMLite and Work Services Platform notes for any other contact from the claimant
with regard to FTA.
If the claimant has not made any contact the AD terminates the claim using termination reason
'Failed to attend' and deactivates their WSP record. See Fail to attend (FTA) system checks to
establish fail to attend action, suspension action or termination action.
Fail to attend (FTA) an appointment
excluding initial Work Search Interview or
ID interview
Work coach actions when a claimant does not attend an appointment that is not an
initial Work Search Interview or ID Interview and where a sanctionable doubt could
be applied
When a claimant has failed to attend (FTA) a work coach (WC) appointment where a
sanctionable doubt may apply, the following actions are taken within the interview slot.
The WC checks for any outstanding change of circumstances, including CAMLite Contact
history, Document Repository System (DRS) and Real Time Information (RTI).
Outstanding change of circumstances exists
If outstanding actions relating to a change of circumstances exist, which means the FTA is not a
sanctionable failure (for example, a claimant's conditionality regime has changed), the WC
cancels the appointment on Work Services Platform (WSP) and exits the claimant's record.
Please note this does not apply for non-conditionality affecting changes such as a change of
telephone number.
No outstanding change of circumstances exists
The WC considers if this is the claimant's second FTA since the date of last attendance, and
whether good reason was accepted or the doubt was treated as straightforward for the first FTA.
Good reason not accepted for the first failure to attend
The WC takes no further action when:
good reason has not been accepted following a
first failure to attend
the claimant has been booked another
the claimant then fails to attend that appointment
The above cases will be considered by the WC when taking Day 2 action. See Fail to attend
(FTA) receiving a Work Service Platform Failed to Attend task.
Good reason accepted for the first failure to attend, or
this is the claimant's first failure to attend
The WC raises a doubt in WSP. See Work Services Platform guide (claimant records – doubts
and decisions).
The WC determines if the missed appointment was face to face, and if so attempts to contact the
claimant by telephone using the claimants contact details held in WSP.
If the claimant has complex needs the WC attempts to telephone the claimant three times before
the call is considered unsuccessful. See Identifying and recording complex needs/requirement
for additional support on the Work Services Platform.
Contact is unsuccessful or the failure to attend is for a
telephone appointment
The WC allows the FTA task to generate overnight and exits the claimant's records. See Fail to
attend (FTA) receiving a work services platform failed to attend task.
Contact is successful
If contact with the claimant is successful the WC establishes the claimant's identity using three to
five questions from DWP Bogus Caller Guidance. See Bogus Contacts Guidance.
The WC determines whether the claimant can be treated as late rather than FTA:
if treated as late, see Claimant attends early or
late for an appointment
if treated as FTA, the WC marks the appointment
as FTA, this produces a task in the 'Claimant's
activities' screen
The WC considers if good reason or treat as straightforward can be applied. See Fail to attend
(FTA) treat as straightforward.
If the claimant reports a new change of circumstances that has not already been reported to
Universal Credit, the WC directs the claimant to contact the Service Centre and closes the doubt.
If FTA action is to be taken the WC gathers evidence and reads the following declaration to the
claimant: “The reasons for failure wil be sent to a Universal Credit decision maker (DM). A
decision will be made and you will be notified in due course. Sanctions are explained on your
claimant commitment. Please give details of any information that you would like the decision
maker to take in to account when considering good reason in this case.”
To end the open-ended period of a low or lowest level sanction, the claimant must re-arrange
and attend another appointment.
The WC records details of the good reason data gather conversation with the claimant in WSP
Doubt notes. To do this the WC:
1. Selects 'Notes'.
2. Selects 'Add new note'. This should contain
brief details of the sanctionable failure, for
example 'FTA (dd/mm/yyyy)'. The WC records
the reasons given by the claimant (word for
word) and includes the note 'No further
evidence required'. The WC also records
whether complex needs were taken into
consideration, the start date of employment
and whether another interview was booked.
See CAMLite and Work Service Platform
3. Selects 'Save'.
The WC refers the doubt to the decision maker. See Referring a sanctionable failure to a
decision maker.
The WC books a new on-going work focused interview to enable the claimant to re-engage. See
Booking appointments.
The WC accesses the claimant's 'Activities' screen and closes the WSP task by selecting 'Mark
Fail to attend (FTA) receiving a Work
Service Platform Failed to Attend task
How a work coach or assistant work coach actions the Work Services Platform Fail to Attend
appointment queue and completes Day 2 action
Within 'My Activities' on the Work Services Platform (WSP) dashboard, a work coach (WC) or
assistant work coach (AWC):
1. Selects 'My Workplace'.
2. Selects 'Queues'.
3. Selects 'Items I am working on' (which then
brings a list up).
4. Highlights the claimant by placing a tick in the
left hand box next to the claimant's name.
5. Selects 'Remove' from the ribbon at the top of
the screen.
Good reason accepted for the first failure to attend, or
this is the claimant's first failure to attend
If the agent is not in conversation with the claimant, and the claimant has not already been in
contact to explain their reasons for the FTA, the agent completes the relevant fields within a
UC70 or UC39. The agent then sends a copy to the claimant and a copy to the Mail Opening Unit
marking the cover sheet 'No task required'.
The agent also sends the claimant a SMS text message (using template UC-FTA) if a mobile
number is available.
The agent creates 2 CAMLite tasks with the following details:
Task Type: Failed to Attend
Sub Type: Action Required
Start Task From: 8 days from today's date
SLA: 3 days
Notes: 'FTA day 9 task. Check for receipt of
UC70 or UC39 FTA Doubt (dd/mm/yyyy). Refer
Doubt to DM for UCL/010 sanction decision'
Assigned to: UC – FTA
Task Type: Fail to Attend
Sub Type: Action Required
Start Task From: 14 days from today's date
SLA: 3 days
Notes: 'FTA day 16 task. Has claimant provided
reason or re-engaged since first fail to attend on
(dd/mm/yyyy) if not issue UC74 doubt of
entitlement letter'
Assigned to: UC - FTA
See CAMLite and Work Service Platform notes.
The WSP task is cleared by selecting ‘Mark complete’ on the task.
Good reason not accepted for the first failure to attend
The agent does not create a CAMLite task when good reason is not accepted for a first failure to
attend and the claimant has been booked another appointment but then also fails to attend that
For the above cases the WC enters the following note in CAMLite Contact history 'Claimant
failed to attend their appointment on dd/mm/yyyy. Open ended low level sanction to remain in
place until claimant complies with requirement to attend'.
The agent clears the WSP task by selecting ‘Mark complete’ on the task.
Fail to attend (FTA) All Work-Related
Requirements - gathering evidence of a
sanctionable failure
How to gather evidence and record a doubt in the Work Services Platform for a sanctionable
If the claimant has had a change of conditionality/regime on or before the date of the
sanctionable failure (their FTA) the requirement to attend that appointment no longer exists,
therefore there is no sanctionable failure, this is not recorded as a doubt on WSP. If it is unclear
from the evidence available, refer the sanctionable failure to the decision maker (DM) for a
If the claimant has had no change to their conditionality/regime or a change to their
conditionality/regime after the date of sanctionable failure, they complete the relevant data gather
template from the Sanctions Data Gather Templates Hub. This should be typed so the agent can
copy and paste the details into WSP doubt notes when recording the doubt.
Recording a doubt in the Work Services Platform
To raise a doubt within WSP the agent:
1. Selects the doubt from the 'Related' area on
the left hand side of the screen.
2. Selects the 'Add new doubt' icon at the top of
the screen.
3. Selects 'Doubt type' from the drop-down list
(the relevant AR code will auto populate upon
4. Selects the 'Date' and 'To date' if appropriate.
5. Selects the 'Evidence requested' radio button
(if further evidence is requested). By selecting
'Yes' a WSP task will be created. When the
task matures the owning work coach will 'Mark
as complete'.
6. Selects the source from the following drop-
down list:
Case Manager
Work Service Manager
Work Services Adviser
Work Services Officer
New Claim
Initial Work Preparation Interview
Initial Work Focused Interview
Claimant Commitment - interview to
sign the Claimant Commitment
7. Enters a note within the 'doubt' field by
selecting the notes area. This should contain
brief details of the sanctionable failure, for
example 'FTA dd/mm/yyyy'. Only if in
conversation with the claimant – the agent
copies and pastes the reasons given by the
claimant from the good reason gather template
(word for word) and includes the note 'No
further evidence required'. The agent also
records whether complex needs were taken
into consideration, the start date of
employment and whether another interview
was booked, see CAMLite and Work Service
Platform notes.
8. Selects 'Save'.
Agent is in conversation with the claimant
Where an agent is in conversation with the claimant, they explain the potential
consequences of missing appointments and an open ended sanction may apply until
the claimant has complied (this will be to book / and attend a new appointment). The
agent should consider the escalation of sanctions and if applicable explain clearly to
the claimant how their sanction may be impacted by escalation. The date of
compliance will be the date the new appointment was booked with the claimant,
provided they attend the new appointment.
The agent asks the claimant for the reasons they did not attend their appointment.
Where appropriate the agent uploads the Sanctions Data Gather, or the UC70 to the Document
Repository System (DRS). Where this action is taken by a work coach it is sent to the Mail
Opening Unit (MOU) marked 'No CAMLite action'.
Where the agent has gathered reasons, they now consider whether the FTA can be treated as
straightforward, see Fail to Attend (FTA) Treat as straightforward.
Where the FTA cannot be treated as straightforward, the doubt is referred to a decision maker
see Referring a sanctionable failure to a decision marker.
The agent clears any CAMLite FTA day 9 and FTA day 16 task's relating to the failure to attend,
see Fail to attend (FTA) receiving a Work Service Platform Failed to Attend task.
JSA (CNS) failure to attend a WSI
What to do when the claimant misses their WSI
The adviser asks the claimant their reasons for failing to attend their initial Work Search Interview
(WSI) appointment.
The claimant provides their reason for missing the appointment.
The adviser records their reasons in Work Services Platform (WSP) notes. They
1. Select 'Notes' link in 'Doubt' Screen in WSP.
2. Select 'Add a new note'.
3. Populate notes with details of evidence. This
must be done in case the case is referred to a
decision maker later.
The adviser must populate WSP notes with the claimant's evidence relating to the doubt
including their reasons for failure. This is all evidence relating to the doubt including details of re-
compliance. The re-compliance details are around the doubt that has arisen, e.g. original doubt
claimant did not bring in C.V. but when referring the doubt the claimant has now re-complied.
The adviser clicks outside the notes box then selects 'Save & Close' from the WSP ribbon. This
saves all the information in the 'Doubt' notes field.
The adviser considers the evidence provided and determines if 'Good reason' for non attendance
can be accepted. They must consider all factors.
Examples of possible factors that might count as good reason include:
urgent personal or domestic circumstances
caring responsibilities
child care expenses that are a high proportion of
excessive travelling time
a sincere religious or conscientious objection
continued participation would (or was likely to)
have put their health and safety at risk
death of a family member
Guidance relating to the circumstances in which it is possible to accept good reason without
referring to a decision maker is contained in the Labour Market Conditions Guide Failure to
Attend Interviews and Jobsearch Reviews para 46.
If good reason is accepted, the adviser tells the claimant that their reasons have been accepted
and that the date that Universal Credit will start will not change. The adviser rebooks the
appointment. The adviser checks that a CAMLite task has been set for UC Service Centre to
terminate the claim and delete the task. It must be deleted as no action will be taken to terminate
claim and the original date of claim will be retained. The adviser confirms the appointment details
with the claimant and reinforces that non-attendance could affect the payment of benefit, or the
claim being accepted at all.
If good reason is not accepted the adviser explains why. The adviser directs the claimant to the
correct phone line to make a new claim to JSA (CNS).
If good reason is not accepted on an initial WSI, the initial WSI cannot be rebooked.
The adviser saves and exits Claimant records and wraps up the call.
JSA (CNS) failure to attend Work Search
Interview (WSI) Review
How to view the list of claimants that have failed to attend a work-related interview
When a claimant fails to attend a work-related interview a task will automatically be created on
Work Services Platform (WSP).These tasks can be grouped together to show a full list of
claimants who have failed to attend (FTA).
The list must be reviewed to determine if any of the claimants are classed as non- standard. If a
claimant has non-standard requirements they must be contacted to discuss their reasons for
failing to attend. For more information see Identifying and recording non-standard requirements
on WSP.
Using WSP the agent:
1. Selects 'Activities 'from the navigation menu on
the left of the screen and then selects the
'Subject 'heading to group all like tasks
together. This groups together all the similar
activities alphabetically in the subject column.
2. Scrolls down the displayed list to find all 'Failed
to attend 'tasks to identify if the appointment is
a new or existing appointment by the
appointment type.
3. Accesses each individual claimant’s
appointment details by selecting each
individual task.
4. Selects the claimant's name in the 'Regarding
'box to bring up the claimant's record.
5. Determines if the claimant is vulnerable (non-
standard). If the claimant is non-standard they
will not be contacted following a FTA. The
vulnerability of a claimant is recorded in WSP
The Agent should refer the Vulnerable Customer Hub (Intranet Home>>Directorates>>Change &
Products>>Social Justice>>Vulnerable Customers) and be aware of all current guidance with
regards to non-standard claimants.
The agent uses their discretion to consider whether a visit is required based on previous
knowledge of the claimant, notes on the claimant record and guidance which indicate that they
can’t deal with calls or notifications from DWP. If required, the agent can refer for a visit by using
the DWP Visiting Referral Tool on the intranet.
For JSA CNS the LTR DMA Gather Evidence form (UC (RG) 1) will be issued instead of the
Universal Credit version.
Non standard claimants (new or existing claim)
The agent contacts the claimant using the preferred contact telephone number.
If the call is successful
The agent introduces themselves and takes the claimant through security questions. The agent
checks the validity of the caller by asking normal security questions to gather caller ID. This
should include asking handshake questions (name, National Insurance number and date of birth)
followed by a minimum of two security questions, the answers to which only the customer or their
genuine representative is likely to know
Claimant passes security questions
The agent explains to the claimant that they had an appointment that they didn’t attend and
identifies the reasons why they didn’t attend. The agent only asks for the reasons to make note
of them, a decision is not made at this point unless the claimant offers an acceptable reason for
not attending and then a further appointment can be arranged.
Claimant gives reasons for not attending
The agent selects 'Appointment history 'to record the claimant’s reasons, and then the hyperlink
'To load appointment records click here’. This displays a list of the claimant’s appointments.
The agent then selects the relevant failed to attend appointment and selects 'Notes 'from the
navigation menu on left hand side of screen. They then select the hyperlink 'Add new note 'and
enter notes relating to the reasons provided.
All data must be factual and for DWP business use only to ensure that the requirements of the
Data Protection Act are met. Information must be relevant to the contact, accurate and current.
Agents must not include more information than is necessary.
Claimant wants to close their claim
The agent follows standard procedures to terminate the JSA Claim on JSAPS.
The drop down on the Universal Credit screen will display the option to terminate, suspend or
resume claim.
The agent returns to the Universal Credit Claim and selects 'Notes 'within the claimant record
screen. The agent must use the relevant notes box because WSP has a number of non-linked
notes boxes specific to different functions.
At the top of the 'Notes 'box the agent selects the hyperlink 'Add a new note 'and enters details
explaining why the JSA claim has been terminated or that the FTA letter has been issued. The
agent then selects any part of the screen outside of the 'Notes 'box to save the note.
The Agent creates a CAMLite task to mark WSP inactive.
Claimant wants to continue their claim
Where a claimant offers acceptable reasons for their failure to attend a new claim, a further
appointment can be made without requiring the claimant to submit a new claim. This doesn’t
affect their date of claim. To rearrange the appointment the agent:
1. Selects the 'Add 'tab to search for an
2. Selects the 'Appointment 'calendar icon on the
task bar.
3. Selects 'Scheduler 'under 'Information' on the
left side of the screen.
4. Selects the drop-down list on the 'Interview
type 'box and a drop-down list with nationally
set interview types appear. The required
interview type is then selected.
5. Asks the claimant when they are available (this
should always be within the next 2 weeks as
per the intervention regime for pathfinder).
6. Selects the 'Calendar 'icon next to the
preferred start box and then selects the earliest
start date.
7. Selects the time drop-down box on the
preferred start box line and then selects the
earliest start time from the drop-down list
8. Selects the 'Calendar 'icon next to the
preferred latest box and then selects the
correct latest start date.
9. Selects the time drop-down box on the latest
start box line and then selects the latest start
time from the drop-down list displayed.
10. Scrolls up to the special arrangements tick box
at the top of the Appointment screen to see if
this has been selected.
11. If yes – the agent will override the interview
duration in the 'Scheduler’. This relates to any
interview that may require the appointment
duration to be shortened or lengthened (for
example, WRI specific).
12. If no - the agent selects 'Search’. When this is
selected the first 3 available appointments are
13. Selects the required appointment and then
'Book’. At the booking stage there is the
possibility that the appointment selected has
already been booked for a different claimant. If
this happens, the agent receives a message
telling them that the appointment is no longer
available. They will then have to look for
another appointment.
14. Confirms the appointment details and the
consequences of non-attendance with the
15. Wraps-up the call following the standard
procedures and selects 'Save and close’. This
closes the appointment screen and the agent is
returned to the claimant record screen.
Claimant fails security questions or the call is
Where the claimant fails security, this must be noted in WSP notes.
If the call is unsuccessful the agent attempts to contact the claimant 3 times (attempts to be no
less than one hour apart).
The agent accesses WSP notes and records that the claimant could not be contacted and:
1. Completes and posts the claimants fail to
attend notification letter. The agent must
complete and issue this letter on the day after
the claimant FTA the interview.
2. Creates the following CAMLite task
Task Type: FTA
Sub Type: Action Required
Start Task from: 8 calendar days
following the date the claimant FTA
their interview
SLA: 3 days
Notes: 'Check for response to FTA
letter'. If there is no response and
the claimant has non-standard
requirements, refer to a visiting
officer by completing form MF37
Assigned to: UC - FTA
3. Selects 'Notes 'within the claimant record
screen and then selects 'Add a new note 'to
enter details why the JSA claim has been
terminated or that the FTA letter has been
issued. This note is created to allow the agent
to show the reason why the claimant has
decided not to continue with their Universal
Credit or to note WSP that the FTA letter has
been issued.
4. Clicks on any part of the screen outside of the
'Notes 'box to save the note and creates a
CAMLite task to mark WSP as inactive.
If there are any further FTA appointments on the Task List, the agent selects the next claimant’s
name in the 'Regarding 'box to bring up the claimant’s record.
Recoverable Hardship Payment – Failed to
Action to take when a claimant has failed to attend a Recoverable Hardship Payment
When a claimant fails to attend (FTA) a Recoverable Hardship Payment (RHP) appointment in a
Universal Credit Outlet with a Personal account and support agent (PASA) or has failed to
answer the call when a telephone gather appointment with an account developer (AD) has been
arranged, the following action is taken:
Claimant fails to attend a face to face appointment
When a claimant FTA their RHP appointment, the PASA determines whether the claimant has
complex needs/requirements before taking FTA action, see Identifying and recording complex
needs/requirements for additional support on WSP
If there is no record of complex needs/requirements, the PASA updates the claimant's record
with FTA action. See below: Updating the Recoverable Hardship Payment decision status to
'Failed to Attend'
Where complex needs/requirements are recorded, the PASA makes an outbound call to the
claimant, to establish if claimant wishes to continue with their RHP application, see Handling
If claimant requests to continue with the RHP application, the PASA:
re-arranges RHP appointment, see Re-arranging
an Recoverable Hardship Appointment below
updates the claimant's CAMLite 'Contact history'
completes Call Wrap Up, see Handling Calls
If the claimant no longer wishes to proceed with their RHP application, the PASA:
completes Call Wrap Up, see Handling Calls
withdraws the RHP application, see Recoverable
Hardship Payment – Withdrawn application
If the call to the claimant is unsuccessful, the PASA issues a UC226 to the claimant to inform
them that they have FTA.
1. Navigates to IKB
2. Locates a UC226
3. Populates the notification
4. Posts a copy to the claimant
5. Sends a copy, marked 'No CAMLite action
required' to the Mail Opening Unit (MOU) for
upload to the Document Repository System
The PASA updates the claimant's WSP record with details of FTA, see below: Updating the
Recoverable Hardship Payment decision status to 'Failed to Attend'.
Rearranging a Recoverable Hardship appointment
1. Navigates to 'Appointment History'
2. Selects the appointment to be rescheduled
3. Selects the 'Status' field
4. Selects the look up icon in the 'status' marker
5. Selects 'Reschedule' in the look up field
6. Selects the 'Preferred Site' from 'the scheduler'
7. Selects the 'Preferred Service' (this is a list of
appointment types) The PASA selects a Non
Complex Hardship appointment followed by a
Complex Hardship appointment if the claimant
requires extra time due to complex
8. Selects 'Preferred Start Date' from the calendar
9. Selects the preferred start time from the drop
down list
10. Selects the 'Preferred End Date' from the
11. Selects the preferred time from the drop down
12. Selects the 'Preferred duration'
13. Selects 'Find Available Slots'
14. Selects the preferred slot from the 'start' list.
The 'Available Slots Window' will automatically
close, the slot details selected will be displayed
on the 'Appointment Section' of the
'Appointment Window', 'the 'Scheduler' will
15. Selects 'Save and Close'
Claimant fails to attend telephone appointment
Where claimant contact has been unsuccessful for a pre-arranged RHP telephony data gather,
the AD establishes if the claimant has complex needs/requirements before taking FTA action,
see Identifying and recording complex needs/requirements for additional support on WSP
If there is no record of complex needs/requirements, the AD updates the claimant's WSP record
with FTA action. See below: Updating the Recoverable Hardship Payment decision status to
'Failed to Attend'.
Where complex needs are recorded the AD issues a UC226 to inform the claimant that they have
The AD:
1. Navigates to IKB
2. Locates a UC226
3. Populates the notification
4. Posts a copy of the notification to the claimant
5. Uploads a duplicate copy to DRS
The AD updates the claimant's WSP record with details of FTA.
Updating the Recoverable Hardship Payment decision
status to 'Failed to Attend'
On the Work Services Platform, the agent:
1. Accesses the claimant's WSP record
2. Selects 'Hardships' from the common menu
3. Selects the related RHP application
4. Selects 'Award Decision'
5. Selects 'Decision' drop-down
6. Selects 'FTA Hardship Interview' from the drop
down menu.
7. Selects Save and Close
However if eligibility is set to 'no' on WSP the agent cannot update WSP as above but will update
notes within the Hardship screen with details of the FTA.
For each scenario the agent updates the claimant's CAMLite 'Contact history' with the action
If the claimant is part of a joint claim, the agent accesses the partner's WSP record and updates
the hardship application to FTA.
Claimant fails to attend the non-Work Focused
If the claimant fails to attend their appointment, the Personal and account support agent (PASA)
receives a WSP task the following day to advise them that the claimant has failed to attend.
On receipt of the WSP task, the PASA views the claimant's 'Appointment history' to confirm the
appointment is one of the following:
Personal budgeting support
face-to-face gather
non-complex hardship appointment
evidence appointment
change of bank account
complex hardship appointment
In the above cases the PASA marks the task as 'complete' as no sanction action is applicable to
these WSP appointment types when the claimant fails to attend.
Joining partner fails to attend their non-repudiation
When a Universal Credit claimant has declared a partner joining their household, the joining
partner will be required to attend a non-repudiation appointment prior to them being added to the
Universal Credit claim.
If the joining partner fails to attend the non-repudiation appointment, the PASA creates a
CAMLite task in order to ensure the existing claimant's Universal Credit is suspended until the
partner attends their non-repudiation appointment. To do this the PASA:
1. Selects 'General' from the partner's WSP pane (WSP record for the person who has
failed to attend the non-repudiation appointment).
2. Selects 'Partner's name' displayed on the 'Joint claim' pane to find the existing Universal
Credit claimant's National Insurance number.
3. Creates the following CAMLite task for the existing Universal Credit claimant's record.
Task Type: FTA
Sub Type: Action Required
Start Task From: Todays Date
SLA: 1 day
Notes: [Name and Nino of existing UC Claimant]- Partner has failed to
attend NRD appointment. Please suspend UC claim until [Name and
\Nino of person who has Failed to attend] attends"
Assigned To: UC - FTA
The SLA is set to 1 day to ensure the claim is suspended promptly and no further UC payments
are issued.
See: CAMLite and Work Service platform notes