Facts and Figures
Dear Scottish Natural Heritage,
On 6 June 2013 as part of your response to an FoI you offered the following information.
"To answer your first question about viewing SNH grants: SNH did have an online Facts and Figures service that allowed anyone to access some information about grants. This service has experienced some serious technical problems and we are struggling to fix it. So it is currently not available."
Can you tell me if this is now available and if so can you supply a link as I couldn't immediately find it on your site.
If it's still not available can you detail what is meant by "serious technical problems" and supply what software and hardware issues are being experienced. Also, can you list the formats of any databases which hold this information and can I have a copy of the data in it's native format.
Yours faithfully,
Iain Lawrie
Dear Mr Lawrie,
Thank you for your information request. We will reply to you as soon as possible and in any case by 10 October.
Yours sincerely,
Rhoda Davidson
Information Officer
Dear Mr Lawrie,
Thank you for your information request. I can advise that the on-line Facts and Figures service is still not currently available.
I can confirm we are working on your request, however the broad scope of the second part of your request currently covers a lot of SNH grant information. Can I ask you to provide some more information about the part of your request asking "can you list the formats of any databases which hold this information and can I have a copy of the data in its native format". Are you interested in grants awarded in a particular year, or years?
In previous correspondence we advised that there is some information on our website about grants awarded up to and including the 2004/05 financial year. The information is included in the Facts And Figures publications. You can access the publications at the following link, http://www.snh.gov.uk/publications-data-... by running a searching using the text 'facts and figures'. Would you be interested in the same information about grants awarded in particular later years?
If you can provide some additional details this will help us to target our searches for relevant information.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Yours sincerely,
Rhoda Davidson
Information Officer
Hi Rhoda
Many thanks for the information you've supplied so far.
To clarify, "can you list the formats of any databases which hold this information and can I have a copy of the data in its native format" refers to the database itself along with the data it contains. In other words it would be very quick to simply copy any database files over to a DVD and supply me with all the information about all grants. When I say very quick, this should take in the order of about 15 minutes per database. The native format would be something like "MS SQLServer", "MySQL", "Access" etc. and can be supplied using the underlying raw files or using the SQL backup command but I have no way of knowing which format your database is held in. So the information I'm requesting is for a copy of the database and suitable login credentials for all SNH grants (let's say from the year 2000) to allow me to access/import that database onto my system.
As an example, if it were SQLServer format I would like to receive a file which was either generated using the backup command or directly from the native MDF format with login credentials to allow me full access to the supplied file(s).
Please ask if you require further clarification
Yours sincerely,
Iain Lawrie
Dear Mr Lawrie,
Many thanks for getting back to me and providing this additional detail about your request. We will reply to you as soon as possible and in any case by 27 October.
This new date for responding is because we sought and received more information about your request.
Yours sincerely,
Rhoda Davidson
Information Officer
Dear Mr Lawrie,
Thank you for your information request. I've attached our response letter.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about our response or any problems with the attached document.
Yours sincerely,
Rhoda Davidson
Information Officer
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Tha am post-dealain seo agus fiosrachadh sam bith na chois dìomhair agus airson an neach no buidheann
ainmichte a-mhàin. Mas e gun d’ fhuair sibh am post-dealain seo le mearachd, cuiribh fios dhan
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Thoiribh an aire airson adhbharan gnothaich, ‘s dòcha gun tèid sùil a chumail air puist-dealain a’ tighinn
a-steach agus a’ dol a-mach bho SNH.
Dear FOI,
Hi Rhoda
When you say you can supply 'for example details of the grant funding awarded in particular financial years' does this cover all grants awarded in that year? and exactly what information would be supplied on a per grant basis? I would like to know how SNH spends public money and would hope that you could release this information.
Incidentally, I'm not sure of the significance of the EIR applied to my request but I don't believe I'm asking for environmental information and my request was made under the FoI act.
Yours sincerely,
Iain Lawrie
Dear Iain,
Thank you for getting back to me. We are collating some additional details about the reports we'd be able supply and I will send this to you early next week.
You also asked about our use of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 ('the EIRs') when responding to your request. The EIRs contain a definition of environmental information which you can see at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2004/5... . We determined that information about SNH grants falls within the definition set out, particularly 2(1)(c) which covers "measures (including administrative measures), such as policies, legislation, plans, programmes, environmental agreements, and activities affecting or likely to affect the elements and factors referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) as well as measures or activities designed to protect those elements". We therefore considered that the EIRs were the right legislation to use when responding to your request on this occasion.
In case it's helpful, there is some information about the EIRs and environmental information in the Scottish Information Commissioner's guidance booklet 'Your Right To Know' (pages 4 and 27 - 33), http://www.itspublicknowledge.info/nmsru... . There is also more detailed guidance on the definition of environmental information in the Scottish Information Commissioner's 'Environmental Information Guidance' (pages 5 - 18), http://www.itspublicknowledge.info/nmsru... .
I hope this information is helpful in explaining why we used the EIRs when replying to you. Please do let me know if you have any more questions about this though.
I will be back in touch as soon as I can.
Yours sincerely,
Rhoda Davidson
Information Officer
Dear Iain,
Thank you for your email asking for some more details about the grants reports we would be able to supply. We can provide the following reports:
For each financial year from 1999/00 to 2002/03
We can provide a list of all projects offered funding in each of these financial years. As per the Facts and Figures publications already available on our website this will show: Applicant, Project Title and Total Amount Awarded (offered).
For each financial year from 2003/04 to 2014/15
We can provide a list of all projects and how much we paid towards each project in each of these financial years. This will be presented under the three headings: Applicant, Project Title, Amount Paid.
The reason for the change in the information we are able to provide is due to changes in the way we have recorded financial information about grants since 2003/04.
Please can you let me know if you would like us to send you the reports described? I look forward to hearing back from you.
Yours sincerely,
Rhoda Davidson
Information Officer
Hi Rhoda
Yes, if you could send me the reports in an excel spreadsheet format for ease of data extraction and sorting that would be much appreciated
Yours sincerely,
Iain Lawrie
Dear Iain,
Thank you for getting back to me. We will prepare the reports and we'll send them to you as soon as possible and in any case by 8 December.
Yours sincerely,
Rhoda Davidson
Information Officer
Dear Iain,
Thank you for your information request. I’ve attached our response.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about our response or any problems with the attached documents.
Yours sincerely,
Rhoda Davidson
Information Officer
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