Facility Time

The request was successful.

John Gallacher

Dear Dumfries and Galloway College,

Under Freedom of Information Scotland, I wish to receive the following information within 20 working days:

(1) How many hours of facility time per week are allocated to the various trade unions within your college for local business and how is this determined? Is it allocated by trade union or by steward? Please provide a breakdown by trade union.

(2) How many stewards do you have for each recognised union?

(3) Over and above the core allocation to the stewards involved in the local bargaining machinery, do you provide additional facility time to health and safety, learning or equalities reps? If so, please detail arrangements for each trade union and indicate whether or not this allocation is already covered in your response to question one or whether this is additional.

(4) Is more time given to stewards who are involved in the local bargaining machinery to those who are not? Please specify the amount per week for each trade union.

(5) Are any of your local stewards involved in the national bargaining machinery? If so, how much time is allocated to them per week to facilitate this and how many stewards are involved? Please detail for each trade union and indicate whether or not this time is already included in your response to question one or whether this is an additional allocation.

(6) Are any of your local stewards on facility time to run a trade union branch? If so, how many for each trade union and how many hours per week are allocated? Again, is this additional to the response provided for question one?

(7) When stewards are on union business, are there back-filling arrangements in place to cover their work? Please detail the arrangements for each of the recognised unions.

(8) Does your college support the notion of a central facility time fund whereby each college within the sector pays an equal share of the costs associated with national bargaining?

(9) If you answered yes to question 8, please indicate whether or not this position has been put formally to the Employers Association in any relevant discussions/votes.

Yours faithfully,

John Gallacher

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Lorraine Grierson, Dumfries and Galloway College

1 Attachment

Good morning


Thank you for your FOI request.  During these difficult times we will
endeavor to meet the 20 working days deadline of 1 June 2020.  Should
there be difficulties in meeting this deadline, I will contact you as soon
as I can to advise you and request an extension if needed.


I trust this is in order.


Kind regards


Lorraine Grierson

Central Administration Support Manager

Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4FD


email:[Dumfries and Galloway College request email]





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Visible links
1. http://www.dumgal.ac.uk/

Lorraine Grierson, Dumfries and Galloway College

2 Attachments

Good afternoon


In respect of your recent request for information, I am writing to ask for
an extension to the response due date.


Under the current circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the
institution is experiencing issues around access to information and staff
shortages. As a result, we would like to request an extension on this
request until 19^th June 2020. We will make all best efforts to return to
you before then, but would be most grateful for your understanding at this


If you have any queries regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact



Kind regards


Lorraine Grierson

Central Administration Support Manager

Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4FD


email:[Dumfries and Galloway College request email]





From: Lorraine Grierson
Sent: 05 May 2020 11:55
To: [FOI #661848 email]
Importance: High


Good morning


Thank you for your FOI request.  During these difficult times we will
endeavor to meet the 20 working days deadline of 1 June 2020.  Should
there be difficulties in meeting this deadline, I will contact you as soon
as I can to advise you and request an extension if needed.


I trust this is in order.


Kind regards


Lorraine Grierson

Central Administration Support Manager

Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4FD


email:[Dumfries and Galloway College request email]





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Visible links
1. http://www.dumgal.ac.uk/
2. http://www.dumgal.ac.uk/

Lorraine Grierson, Dumfries and Galloway College

2 Attachments

Good morning


Please find attached our response in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.


Kind regards


Lorraine Grierson

Central Administration Support Manager

Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4FD


email:[Dumfries and Galloway College request email]





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Visible links
1. http://www.dumgal.ac.uk/