Facilities Management services
Dear South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust,
I am doing a research project on FM delivery in the healthcare sector. Please would you provide the following information?
1. Who is responsible for the provision and management of estates for the trust?
2. What current model of facilities management delivery does the trust use:
a. Outsourcing of single services (maintenance, cleaning, security and associated services)
b. Total Facilities Management model
c. Self-delivery with contractor support
d. Maintained as part of a PFI
3. What are your future plans for outsourcing of the Facilities Management services?
4. What is the current facilities management budget for 2018/2019?
5. Would the trust provide their current estates strategy?
6. Please supply the companies and current lengths of your existing supplier contracts for maintenance, cleaning, security and associated services.
7. Has the trust entered into an Energy Performance Contract?
Yours faithfully,
Makesh Rattu
Dear Makesh,
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to requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards,
Lorraine Witter
Corporate Admin Officer
(Freedom of Information)
Tel. 0203 513 6416
South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust
Building 15, Corporate Admin Team, Springfield University Hospital
61 Glenburnie Road, London SW17 7DJ
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Dear Makesh,
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3 working days with a reference number and a date by which we will respond
to your request. Please note that this address is only for use in relation
to requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards,
Lorraine Witter
Corporate Admin Officer
(Freedom of Information)
Tel. 0203 513 6416
South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust
Building 15, Corporate Admin Team, Springfield University Hospital
61 Glenburnie Road, London SW17 7DJ
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Dear Makesh
Please find attached the Trust response to your FOIA request.
Many thanks
Nicola Mladenovic
Deputy Trust Secretary
Tel. 0203 513 6567
From: Witter, Lorraine
Sent: 22 August 2019 12:32
To: Makesh Rattu
Cc: FOI-Requests
Subject: 600-FOI
Importance: High
Dear Makesh,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email. If you are making a request
for information, you should get an acknowledgement from us within the next
3 working days with a reference number and a date by which we will respond
to your request. Please note that this address is only for use in relation
to requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards,
Lorraine Witter
Corporate Admin Officer
(Freedom of Information)
Tel. 0203 513 6416
South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust
Building 15, Corporate Admin Team, Springfield University Hospital
61 Glenburnie Road, London SW17 7DJ
Click [2]here to find out more
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