Facial recognition
Dear Kingsmeadow Community Comprehensive School, Gateshead,
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 please provide data for the following:
1) Please advise, as per this https://www.crbcunninghams.co.uk/news/cr... and this article https://www.the-educator.org/education-t... , the date when Kingsmeadow implemented facial recognition technology or dates when the facial recognition technology was trialled and possible future implementation date.
2) Please advise where the students, photographic/biometric, facial data source is that works with the facial recognition system. I.e. the Schools Information Management System (SIMS) or a separate data base or other. Do students have a separate photograph taken for SIMS and a separate photograph for the facial recognition system?
3) Please provide a copy of the biometric consent form sent to parents and students for their consent to have their data processed by the facial recognition system.
4) Are the facial scanners interactive, i.e. the student has to present their face to a scanner, or do the scanners require no specific interaction, i.e. the student does not have to consciously present their face to a scanner.
5) Please advise what alternative to the facial recognition system is offered as an alternative to students that do not wish to use the biometric facial recognition system.
6) Please advise the amount of students on the school roll and how many are enrolled in the facial recognition system.
7) Please provide any Privacy Impact Assessment you have done for the facial recognition system.
8) Please advise how much the system cost or whether funds were provided from another financial source other than the school.
Some parts of this request may be easier to answer than others and in such case please could you release available data as soon as possible rather than delay the entire request. If you are not fully certain of what it is I am asking then I look forward to contact from you as soon as possible to clarify what it is I am requesting in order to meet your obligations under the law. If the costs of processing this request exceed the limit in the Act, please advise on what information you are able to supply within the cost limit.
I would be grateful if you could respond to this request before the end of the summer term rather than wait until after the school summer holidays.
I appreciate schools are busy and I am grateful for your time on this request.
Yours faithfully,
Pippa King
Dear Kingsmeadow Community Comprehensive School, Gateshead,
Please could you acknowledge receipt of the Freedom of Information request I sent on the 30th June 2021. Many thanks for your time on this.
Yours faithfully,
Pippa King
Dear Kingsmeadow Community Comprehensive School, Gateshead,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Kingsmeadow Community Comprehensive School, Gateshead's handling of my FOI request 'Facial recognition'.
As the Freedom of Information Request has not been responded to to within the legislation.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/f...
A confirmation/ receipt of this communication would be appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Pippa King
Please find attached documentation in answer to a freedom of information
Maxine Webb
Business Manager
Kingsmeadow School
0191 4606004
Dear Maxine Webb,
Many thanks for your reply to my request. Please could you clarify some parts of the request that did not fully provide the information requested:
Question 3 - unfortunately the consent form isn't available to view. Please could you resend.
Question 5 - please could you clarify how the students who are not part of the facial recognition system are 'identified'. I.e. PIN, swipe card. etc.
Question 6 - thank you for advising the amount of pupils on the school roll however the question also asked "how many are enrolled in the facial recognition system", please advise.
Question 8 - just to clarify whether the school has spent any funds on the system or not. It seems from your reply that the school has not spent any money on the facial recognition system. Please could you confirm whether or not funds have been spent on the system.
Many thanks for your time on this and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Pippa King
Please find attached requested information.
Maxine Webb
Business Manager
Kingsmeadow School
0191 4606004
Dear Maxine Webb,
Many thanks for your time responding to my request. I
Ref: Question 5 - If you could just clarify exactly how the students are identified that do not use the facial recognition system that would be much appreciated. If they are not using any swipe or PIN, etc, I am assuming they are being identified at sight at the pay point. Is this correct? I.e. the person on the pay point identifies them to their photograph on the SIMS?
If I am wrong in this assumption please rectify.
Again thank you for your time on this.
Yours sincerely,
Pippa King
That is correct.
Maxine Webb
Business Manager
Kingsmeadow School
0191 4606004
Dear Maxine Webb,
Thank you for your prompt reply and time on this.
Yours sincerely,
Pippa King
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