This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Facial recognition'.

Requesting an internal review  
British Transport Police accept that sometimes an applicant may not agree with the 
decision made about their Freedom of Information request. If this is the case, there is a 
procedure to allow the decision to be reviewed.  
If you wish to ask for the decision to be reviewed, you should make your request in 
writing to:  
Data Protection & FOI Manager,  
British Transport Police,  
2nd Floor,  
3 Callaghan Square, Cardiff.  
CF10 5BT  
Email: xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxxx.xx  
You should state the reason for your request, for example, why you feel you should 
have received more information.  
Your request will be fully investigated and will be dealt with by a staff member who was 
not involved in the original decision. BTP will then write to you to advise the outcome of 
your request.  
If you are dissatisfied with the results of the review you have the right to appeal to the 
Information Commissioner.  
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:  
The Office of the Information Commissioner  
Wycliffe House  
Water Lane  
Cheshire SK9 5AF  
More information is available from the Information Commissioner's website