F4416-20 Death of Ronald Carmichael HMP Hull
Dear Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales,
In the above report you state:
"The clinical reviewer concluded that the clinical care Mr Carmichael received at Hull was equivalent to that which he could have expected to receive in the community, and that Mr Carmichael had the mental capacity to decide not to shield. However, she made two recommendations. We have included only one in this report as the other did not relate directly to Mr Carmichael’s death, but the Head of Healthcare will need to address it."
Request: What was the recommendation that the Clinical Reviewer made, which you state the Head of Healthcare needs to address, but which was omitted from the Report?
Yours faithfully,
Mark Leech FRSA
Dear Mr Leech,
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards,
Ella Forder
Research Officer
Prisons and Probation Ombudsman
Address 3^rd floor | 10 South Colonnade | London | E14 4PU
Working patterns Monday to Friday
Preferred pronouns She/her/hers
[1]www.ppo.gov.uk | [2]Subscribe here for PPO's latest publications |
Twitter: [3]@PPOmbudsman
Dear Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales's handling of my FOI request 'F4416-20 Death of Ronald Carmichael HMP Hull'.
Thank you for supplying the details of the recommendation that was omitted from the initial report - but what a waste of public money.
This recommendation could so easily have been included in the original report - did it really need a FOIA Request to obtain it at public expense?
Could it not have been included in the original report with the qualification that "although the following recommendation does not relate directly to Mr Carmichael’s death it is included in this report because the Head of Healthcare will need to address it."
For the sake of saving money, as well as completeness, will you consider doing this in the future?
Yours sincerely,
Mark Leech FRSA
Dear Mark Leech,
Please see attached our acknowledgment our your internal review request.
Kind regards,
Ella Forder
Research Officer
Prisons and Probation Ombudsman
Address 3^rd floor | 10 South Colonnade | London | E14 4PU
Working patterns Monday to Friday
Preferred pronouns She/her/hers
[1]www.ppo.gov.uk | [2]Subscribe here for PPO's latest publications |
Twitter: [3]@PPOmbudsman
Dear Mr Leech,
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information internal
review request, submitted on 23 August 2021. I apologise for the delay in
responding to you but wanted to provide a definitive answer to the
questions that you have made in your submission.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Dixon
Head of Strategic Support
07971 450842
Prisons and Probation Ombudsman
Address: 3^rd Floor | 10 South Colonnade | London | E14 4PU
Working patterns: Monday to Friday
Preferred pronouns: He/ Him/ His
[1]www.ppo.gov.uk | [2]Subscribe here for PPO's latest publications |
Twitter: [3]@PPOmbudsman
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Dear Peter (PPO),
Thank you for your reply, the content of which I have noted.
I fail to understand why something that can be obtained by FOI should not appear in the original report.
It seems to me to be a complete waste of taxpayers money; personally I do wish you would reconsider as it makes no sense at all.
Kind regards
Mar Leech FRSA
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