Expenses - Mr Brian Alloway, Chief Fire Officer

The request was partially successful.

Please consider this email and its contents as a request for information in regards to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

I request the following from Lothian and Borders Fire & Rescue Service:

A copy of all expenses claims made by the Chief Fire Officer, Mr Alloway for the months of April 2009, May 2009, June 2009, July 2009 and August 2009.

Please provide copies of all expenses forms, and receipts/statements etc which were also provided.

I understand that some information may need to be redacted due to security reasons, privacy issues.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.


Michael Traill

Ruth MacLeod, Lothian and Borders Fire Brigade

Mr Traill sent in three separate requests for information covering
Chief Fire Officer's expenses, cost of hotel accommodation and cost
of flights. Two of the requests were answered through the
'Whatdotheyknow.com' facility and the third was sent to Mr Traill's
personal email address in error thus not completing the
'Whatdotheyknow.com' process. This response will hopefully rectify
this error.