Requests similar to 'Expenses collected.'

MP's actiities
Response by Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to Matthew Lloyd on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Lloyd,   Thank you for your email, reference CAS-34585.   The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) was created by Parl...
Dear B Rogers,   Thank you for your email of 12 January 2016. Your request for information has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2...
MPs & Austerity

Information not held

Dear Ms Cullingford,   Thank you for your email.   The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) was established in May 2010 to ind...
MP's expenses costs 2010-15
Response by Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to Damien Quigg on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Quigg,   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request dated 27 September 2015.   Kind regards,   Chris V...
Dear Trudy,   Thank you for your email.   IPSA is responsible for regulating and administering the system of business costs and expenses provi...
Dear Trudy,   Thank you for your email.   IPSA is responsible for paying the salaries of MPs and their staff, and for administering and regula...
MP's Unlawful Conduct
Response by Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to Will Deary on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Deary,   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request dated 28 January 2016.   Kind regards,   Chris Vec...
Dear Mr Giblin,   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request dated 11 April 2016.   Kind regards,   Chris Veck...
Dear Mr Humble,   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request dated 19 March 2016.   Kind regards,   Chris Veck...
Safeguarding Constituents
Response by Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to Dunclan on .

Information not held

Dear Dunclan,   Thank you for your email of 24 December 2017.   The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) was established in Ma...
MPs and MEPs expenses in England
Response by Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to Coral Maddock on .

Information not held

Dear Ms Maddock,   Thank you for your email.   IPSA was established in May 2010 and is responsible for administering and regulating the system...
Dear Ms Hopson,   Thank you for your email of 30 August 2018, reference CAS-122606.   IPSA was established in May 2010 and is responsible for r...
MPs requesting EU dual nationality
Response by Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to Lee Davies on .

Information not held

Dear Lee,   Thank you for your email, reference CAS-95099.   IPSA was established in May 2010 and is responsible for administering and regulat...
Whatsapp group

Information not held

Dear Jonathan, Thank you for your email of 7 September 2017. IPSA was established in May 2010 and is responsible for administering and regulating...
Dear Lin,   Thank you for your email, reference CAS-71366.   All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal cross-party groups that have...
Dear Mr Humble,   Thank you for your email.   Just to confirm, we have also received your [1]other request relating to the same information an...
Dear Mr Bourne,   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request dated 7 October 2013.   Kind regards,   Chris Vec...
Dear D Smulders,   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request dated 18 August 2015.   Kind regards,   Chris Ve...
Johnny Mercer MP

Information not held

Dear Paul,   Thank you for your email, reference CAS-81352.   IPSA, the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, was established in May...
Dear Jon,   Thank you for your email, reference CAS-85181.   IPSA is responsible for making a pension scheme for MPs (called the Parliamentary...
Dear Freedom,   Thank you for your email.   IPSA was established in May 2010 and is responsible for the administration and regulation of MPs’...
Dear Dr McFarlane,   Thank you for your email.   I understand that the inquiry to which you refer is being conducted by the Parliamentary Comm...
Dear Mark,   Thank you for your email.   You can download details of all claims made by MPs on our website at the following address: [1]http:...
Dear [name removed],   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request dated 20 December 2014.   Kind regards,   Ch...
Dear Ms James,   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request dated 22 May 2015.   Kind regards,   Chris Veck...