Expenses collected.
Dear Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority,
I would like to know in the past 6 months (August 2015-January 2016) in how many sessions of the House of Lords. Did Lord Alan Sugar and Baroness Karen Bradey collect any expenses they are entitled to as Lords.
And if so, how much they have collected in these sessions.
Yours faithfully,
Duncan Cushenan
Dear Mr Cushenan,
Thank you for your email.
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) was created by
Parliament under the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009 to independently
oversee and regulate MPs’ expenses. IPSA has two main roles: regulating
the business costs and expenses system for MPs and administering and
paying MPs’ expenses, pay and pensions. As such, we do not hold any
information relating to the House of Lords.
For Freedom of Information requests relating to the House of Lords, you
will need to contact the House of Lords Administration. You can contact
their FOI team at the following email address: [1][email address],
or by writing to House of Lords Information Office, London SW1A 0PW.
Further information on House of Lords expenses is also published on the
Lords' website at the following address:
Kind regards,
Chris Veck
Freedom of Information Officer
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA)
4th Floor
30 Millbank
London, SW1P 4DU
Tel: 020 7811 6400
Email: [3][email address]
Follow us on Twitter: [5]@ipsauk
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